College of Education welcoming community to open house

A 蹤獲扦 College of Education faculty member is working with Olympic hopefuls at the Human Performance Lab.
Another faculty member is working with a therapy dog for schools. All faculty, staff and students of the colleges many programs are enjoying the renovated Corbin Education Center, with its new interpretive exhibit about Corbin architect Frank Lloyd Wright and his connections to Wichita.

Thats why the College of Education at 蹤獲扦 is throwing a community open house. The theme: Innovation in learning and living. 

The event is 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday, April 19, at Corbin Education Center and Heskett Center.

The public is invited as education dean Sharon Iorio, faculty and staff highlight innovation in the colleges education programs, as well as the recent renovation of the innovative Frank Lloyd Wright-designed building, which serves as home to the College of Education.

Robert Jones, the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundations vice president of campus planning, restoration and development, will be the featured speaker. Jones leads the restoration and preservation of the foundations two national historic landmarks, Taliesin, in Spring Green, Wis., and Taliesin West, in Scottsdale, Ariz.

Architectural interpreters from Wichitas WDM Architects will give tours of the Corbin Education Center, offering insight into design features and elements of Frank Lloyd Wrights Prairie Style. Craig Rhodes, an architect with WDM, will make a presentation detailing Wrights Kansas connection.

Demonstrations, activities and exhibits will be presented by a variety of departments within the College of Education, showcasing innovation in education theory and methods.

Visitors will see a therapy dog in action, walk through a living museum and tour the human performance lab at Heskett Center. A 蹤獲扦 jazz trio will provide musical entertainment.