Nathan Light, a senior studying video production, became a die-hard fan of the 1976 slapstick comedy, King Kung Fu, when he was 11 years old.
While its a corny movie, I love it, Nathan said. Im a sucker for low-budget films. I remember renting it from Blockbuster all the time.
When King Kung Fu, which is set in Wichita, finally released in 1987, the film premiered at the Crest Theater in downtown Wichita for two weeks. There was a VHS release in Japan, Poland and Taiwan as well. In archives, there are set photos, news releases, articles and documentation of Wichita in the 1970s. As time moves on, the original film becomes nostalgia for Wichita.
After deciding to major in digital arts, Nathan took the opportunity to learn more about the film through crafting a documentary titled the "." What started as a summer project turned into the work needed to complete his practicum. With over 90 hours of field work, the documentary stands as a way to remember Wichita in the 70s.
To create his documentary, Nathan brought together as many of the crew members possible to understand their perspective. His documentarys focus was to retell the historical events and how Wichita had changed through the years.
I was nervous about interviewing them because the movie wasnt a huge success, Nathan said. I was worried they would consider the film a burden. But they were happy to participate, 40 years later.
During the filming process, Nathan learned the ins and outs of how to craft his project successfully. He was able to connect with the most well-known video producers in Wichita. Throughout the process, he enjoyed editing and watching his vision come to life.
I learned that filmmaking isnt a one-man job, Nathan said. I cant put the whole pile of work on myself.
When deciding on a college, he couldnt imagine a better place to learn than Shocker Studios, a state-of-the-art production facility that houses 蹤獲扦's Bachelor of Applied Arts majors. Hes learned quickly through the hands-on experiences and opportunities in class, which have helped him make connections and network in Wichita. His advice to underclassmen is to start reaching out early
When it comes to learning the writing, editing and filming, its hard to sit in a classroom, Nathan said. You dont fully learn how to do it until youre on your own.
While Nathan graduates in May 2020, he hasnt figured out his path and will go wherever the wind blows. Eventually, he wants to be a director of photography for big-budget commercials and films. In the next 10 years, he hopes to break the record for the youngest Academy Award winner for best in cinematography. The goal drives him to succeed and make connections in Wichita.
If I dont break the record, its OK. As long as Im doing something I love, Ill be happy, Nathan said.
His King Kung Fu documentary premiered at the Tallgrass Film Festival in the fall. The original movie is also planned to re-release on Blu-ray within the next year. Nathans documentary might end up as a bonus feature on the DVD and digital download coming to Prime and iTunes.
Im glad I could contribute to those who made the film. It makes me happy to be part of the King Kung Fu family.