蹤獲扦's Charles Koch Arena selected as a 2020 early voting site

The 蹤獲扦Shockers Vote! Coalition is proud to announce that on Oct. 22, 2020, 蹤獲扦and Charles Koch Arena will become an early voting site for the 2020 general election.

The 蹤獲扦Shockers Vote! Coalition has partnered with the Sedgwick County Elections Office and the Intercollegiate Athletic Association to offer this opportunity for students, faculty, staff and community members who are eligible to vote in Sedgwick County to cast their vote during the General Election.

Charles Koch Arena will be open for early voting from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 22. 

蹤獲扦Shockers Vote! Coalition began the conversation with the Sedgwick County Elections Office back in May to begin planning for this partnership. Following confirmation, the Coalition began having conversations with the Intercollegiate Athletic Association to utilize Charles Koch Arena to have a large enough space to encourage social distance and follow protocols from the Sedgwick County Health Department.

As part of the Wichita community, it is important for us to use our resources to support our fellow Wichitans, said Reginald McIntyre, director of marketing and fan engagement. Partnering with the Sedgwick County Elections Office gives our local and campus community a safe space to exercise their right and civic duty to vote.

The Shockers Vote! Campus Coalition is the Universitys action plan to increase civic learning, political engagement and voting rates at 蹤獲扦 University! The Coalition's goal is to ensure that every student who is eligible to vote has the chance to register to vote and go out to vote as educated and prepared as possible.

Through our efforts with Voter Registration, Election Engagement and creating the Joy of Voting, we want to show that Shockers Vote at 蹤獲扦 University. said Gabriel Fonseca, assistant director of student involvement. This is a great opportunity for our work in the coalition, and we are looking forward to working with athletics and the county to make this a permanent partnership and opportunity for our Shockers.

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