蹤獲扦 Sport Management
Alumni Highlight
What is your current position and give a brief overview? I am currently the Assistant Director of Club Sports and Esports at Northeastern University.
I am responsible for the administration and management of 64 club sports and the varsity
Esports program. Read More
The SMART Lab from the Department of Sport Management provides research, analytics,
and data collection for Sport Management, Recreation, and Tourism organizations. Headed
by Dr. Wonyoung Kim, the SMART Lab is committed to providing research value to practitioners
and applied learning for students. Dr. Kim provides a learning "lab" where students
learn to engage with the sport-based research, such as business, performance, and/or
web analytics, benefitting members of our sport management, recreation, and tourism
To learn more visit SMARTLab
Winner of 2021 SMGT Professional Development Fellowship
Congratulations to Robert Florence for being awarded this years Sport Management
Professional Development Fellowship! This award is designed to help a student attend
conferences to present the results of their research or attend a professional development
training, seminar or conference directly related to their career aspirations. Robert
is planning to attend the 2022 Applied Sport Management Association Conference in
Indianapolis, IN to participate in the Undergraduate Case Study Competition.
SMGT and Mental Health Week

Mental health is receiving more and more attention both within and outside the world
of sport. We want to continue those conversations in our annual SMGT and Mental Health
Week where every year we devote a weeks worth of presentations, panels, and multimedia
engagement to the important and timely topic of mental health within our industry.
To learn more visit SMGT and Mental Health Week.
Apply Now for College of Applied Studies Scholarships!

The College of Applied Studies annually awards more than $450,000 in both merit-based
and need-based scholarships to students in the College of Applied Studies. Only one
application is necessary to apply for nearly all scholarships available to students
in the College of Applied Studies. This application is open from September 1 through
February 1 each academic year, and applications received during this period are used
to select recipients for the following academic year.
2022-2023 Undergraduate Scholarship Application: Coming November 1st. To apply visit

The is looking for interns for the Spring 2022 semester! To apply, send resume and cover
letter to Vanessa Buehne, Director of Programs at vanessa@derbyrec.com.
蹤獲扦 Baseball has an opening for a Baseball Analytics Intern! To apply, please email your resume
to the Director of Baseball Operations, Loren Hibbs at lhibbs@goshockers.com by November 1st.
For more details and additional applied learning opportunities, follow us on , or !
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蹤獲扦does not discriminate in its employment practices, educational
programs or activities on the basis of age, ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender
expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin,
political affiliation, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or status
as a veteran. Retaliation against an individual filing or cooperating in a complaint
process is also prohibited. Sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking
are forms of sex discrimination and are prohibited under Title IX of the Education
Amendments Act of 1972. Complaints or concerns related to alleged discrimination may
be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity or the Title IX Coordinator, Wichita
State University, 1845 Fairmount, Wichita KS 67260-0138; telephone (316) 978-3187.