Please click the links below for more information regarding the applied learning courses within the Organizational Leadership and Learning degree program. Students must consult with their assigned faculty advisor and must submit all required paperwork prior to beginning an applied learning course (e.g. practicum, internship or apprenticeship). Students who do not adhere to stated policies and procedures stated within all course requirements will not receive passing grades.

LEAD 400: Applied Studies Practicum

LEAD 400 requires weekly work/volunteer/participation logs from the student totaling at least 160 hours within a 16-week semester. Additionally, the students on-site supervisor will need to complete a final evaluation. Students earn 3-credit hours for completing LEAD 400 requirements. 

 LEAD 400 can be taken for academic credit applying to:

  1.  Major in Organizational Leadership and Learning degree program
  2. Minor in Organizational Leadership and Learning

NOTE: LEAD 400 is "repeatable for credit," which means with proper approval a student minoring in Workforce Leadership can enroll and complete up to three practicum experiences for academic credit.

More information

For more information contact Jeff Noble, Coordinator of Applied Learning, at

For a remediated PDF or hard copy of any applied learning forms, please contact     

LEAD 450: Applied Studies Internship

LEAD 450 requires weekly work/volunteer/participation logs from the student totaling at least 400 hours within a 16-week semester. Additionally, the students on-site supervisor will need to complete both a midpoint evaluation and a final evaluation of the students progress. Students earn 6-credit hours for completing LEAD 450 requirements.

More information

For more information contact Jeff Noble, Coordinator of Applied Learning, at

For a remediated PDF or hard copy of any applied learning forms, please contact 

LEAD 550: Applied Studies Apprenticeship I

LEAD 550 requires weekly work/volunteer/participation logs from the student totaling at least 480 hours within a 16-week semester. Additionally, the students on-site supervisor will need to complete both a midpoint evaluation and a final evaluation of the students progress. Students complete a reflection portfolio at the end of the experience connecting their work with their learning objectives. Students earn 6-credit hours for completing LEAD 550 requirements.

More information

For more information contact Jeff Noble, Coordinator of Applied Learning, at

For a remediated PDF or hard copy of any applied learning forms, please contact

LEAD 600: Applied Studies Apprenticeship II

LEAD 600 requires weekly work/volunteer/participation logs from the student totaling at least 640 hours within a 16-week semester. Additionally, the students on-site supervisor will need to complete both a midpoint evaluation and a final evaluation of the students progress. Students complete a reflection paper at the end of the experience connecting their work with their learning objectives. Students earn 6-credit hours for completing LEAD 600 requirements.

More information

For more information contact Jeff Noble, Coordinator of Applied Learning, at

For a remediated PDF or hard copy of any applied learning forms, please contact

All students will complete the appropriate advanced paperwork before (e.g., Affiliation Agreement and Approval Form) documenting hours. Students will work together with their on-site supervisor and the Coordinator of Applied Learning to complete appropriate student learning objectives.