Fall 2024 Barton School of Business Dean's Honor Roll
The Dean's Honor Roll lists students enrolled in 12 or more credit hours who achieve a 3.500 GPA or higher for the semester. We congratulate these undergraduate students for their outstanding academic work!
Last Name | First Name | Major |
Abbott | Izabella | Marketing |
Abdulqader | Ahmed | Management Information Systems |
Adams | Abby | Marketing |
Adams | Courtney | Business Administration |
Aguado | Madison | Entrepreneurship |
Aguilera-Garcia | Yasmin | Business Administration |
Albert | Cole | Finance |
Aldaba | Kimberly | Marketing |
Alday | Juan | Accounting |
Aleman-Parga | Ernesto | Economics |
Alfaro | MacKenzie | Business Administration |
Allen | Alicia | Marketing |
Allen | Christopher | Accounting |
Allen | Lily | Accounting |
Alling | Chloe | Business Administration |
Altgilbers | Matthew | Economics |
Alvarez | Dylan | Business Administration |
Anaya | Maliyah | Accounting |
Anderson | Michelle | Accounting |
Anderson | Reagan | Business Administration |
Arnold | Ella | Accounting |
Artea | Matthew | Accounting |
Ashley | Reed | Accounting |
Atkins | Elijah | Business Administration |
Atkinson | Kayla | Entrepreneurship |
Avila-Garcia | Mariela | Accounting |
Ayres | Cohen | Entrepreneurship |
Bailey | Addison | Business Administration |
Bailey | Kyle | Marketing |
Bailey | Mark | Business Administration |
Bainum-Bonham | Michelle | Accounting |
Baker | Hunter | Marketing |
Balatka | Adam | Management Information Systems |
Bandasack | Tha Tha | Management Information Systems |
Banks | Allison | Management Information Systems |
Barajas | Rowan | Finance |
Barber | Chloe | Business Administration |
Barcenas | Brittany | Accounting |
Barnes | Haley | Business Administration |
Barratti | Corbin | Finance |
Barrett | Bryan | Economics |
Barrett | Justice | Management |
Basford | Brian | Accounting |
Bateman | Harrison | Business Administration |
Battuul | Tengis | Finance |
Bauer | Daniel | Marketing |
Baxter | Madelyn | Management |
Bayona | Natalie | Business Administration |
Bean | Fate | Economics |
Beavers | Carson | Entrepreneurship |
Beck | Gabrielle | Human Resource Management |
Beheim | Kristoffer | Management Information Systems |
Bell | Hunter | Marketing |
Bell | Madelynn | Business Administration |
Bell | Mason | Finance |
Benn | Brooklyn | Marketing |
Berggren | Kimberly | Business Administration |
Berridge | Benjamin | Business Administration |
Blaine | Spencer | Economics |
Blick | Maddox | Accounting |
Blocker | Donavan | Business Administration |
Blubaugh | Ambrose | Marketing |
Blue | Phoenix | Marketing |
Boatright | Hayley | Hospitality |
Boley | Christopher | Business Administration |
Bolfrey | Michelle | Marketing |
Bolton | Jaime | Accounting |
Boman | Samuel | Business Administration |
Bosnjak | Matej | International Business |
Botterweck | Lindsey | Accounting |
Bowie | Tajzmarae | Marketing |
Bowles | Lydia | Business Administration |
Boyster | Christopher | Management Information Systems |
Bracks | Luke | Finance |
Brake | Miriam | Finance |
Brake | Nathaniel | Accounting |
Bravo | Maria | Business Administration |
Brewer | Blythe | Accounting |
Brittain | Halle | Accounting |
Broadrick | Cynthia | Accounting |
Brooks | Nevaeh | Marketing |
Brown | Chadd | Business Administration |
Brown | Dashiell | Hospitality |
Brown | Hudson | Accounting |
Brownlee | Rebecca | Accounting |
Brozek | Mollie | Accounting |
Bruner | Andre | Accounting |
Bruno | John | Business Administration |
Brunt | Elliott | Business Administration |
Buchanan | Elisabeth | Business Administration |
Buchanan | Lauren | Finance |
Bui | Daniel | Management Information Systems |
Bui | Jayden | Accounting |
Bui | Logan | Marketing |
Bulluck Posey | Taylor | Finance |
Bumm | Luke | Finance |
Burkert | Zarek | Marketing |
Burkhardt | Kayla | Economics |
Burrows | Cameron | Marketing |
Bushnell | Tyler | Management Information Systems |
Butler | Olivia | Marketing |
Cage | Timothy | Human Resource Management |
Caldwell | MiKiahla | Marketing |
Calvo | Jennifer | Business Administration |
Campos Vega | Gonzalo | Economics |
Cannon | Matthew | Management |
Cao | Tony | Management Information Systems |
Caporale | Adam | Accounting |
Carbajal Hernandez | Arnaldo | Management Information Systems |
Carletta Tarazona | Jose | Marketing |
Carlson | Ava | Accounting |
Carlson | Hunter | Finance |
Carmichael | Wyatt | Business Administration |
Cashman | Mayce | Finance |
Casper | Annaliese | Business Administration |
Castillo-Lara | Santiago | Human Resource Management |
Castro | Asta | Business Administration |
Chandler | Grayson | Finance |
Chang | Samantha | Accounting |
Chau | Vivian | Business Administration |
Chavez | Laura | International Business |
Chavez-Juarez | Agustin | Accounting |
Chen | Xin | Finance |
Chitanavong | Kameron | Management Information Systems |
Christensen | Joshua | Accounting |
Christofferson | Ainsley | Marketing |
Claus | Abigail | Marketing |
Clum | Hallie | Business Administration |
Coffey | Jacob | Finance |
Colby | Jade | Marketing |
Colchado-Urista | Diana | International Business |
Condry | Cabrina | Accounting |
Cook | Andrew | Marketing |
Cooper | Randi | Management |
Cope | Damian | Management |
Coppins | Adison | Accounting |
Cordoba | Carli | Marketing |
Cornell | Mackensie | Human Resource Management |
Cortez Vidal | Arantxa | Marketing |
Cotham | Brady | Business Administration |
Cousens | Aiden | Finance |
Cox | Joshua | Marketing |
Crawford | Taylor | Business Administration |
Creighton | Michaela | Accounting |
Cromly | Jared | Accounting |
Crum | Nicole | Accounting |
Cummings | AJ | Marketing |
Cummings | Caleb | Accounting |
Dahlinghaus | Evan | Management |
Daily | Mika | Business Administration |
DaMetz | Emma | Business Administration |
Dancer | Katie | Accounting |
Dang | Bao Nhi | Human Resource Management |
Dang | Karen | Accounting |
Dang | Kelly | Marketing |
Dang | Tina | Finance |
Darling | Alexandria | Management |
Darmofal | Christine | Business Administration |
Daugherty | Zoey | Finance |
Davis | Alexander | Finance |
Davis | Korbin | Marketing |
Davis | Rachel | Management Information Systems |
Davison | Angela | Accounting |
Davison | Carter | Marketing |
De Loera | Octavio | Entrepreneurship |
Deaver | Simon | Finance |
Decker | Makayla | Business Administration |
Deegan | Jacob | Marketing |
Deines | Trent | Business Administration |
Delelegn | Rediet | Management Information Systems |
Delgado | Natalee | Marketing |
Delgado Estrada | Aldo | Finance |
Dermody | James | Business Administration |
Dewey | Malorie | Business Administration |
Dewitt | Nadia | Finance |
Dickinson | Aniayah | Entrepreneurship |
Do | Tammy | Marketing |
Do | Travis | Management Information Systems |
Dodson | Alyssa | Human Resource Management |
Douglas | Justin | Accounting |
Douglas | Noah | Marketing |
Douglas | Sienna | Accounting |
Drake | Angela | Accounting |
Duff | Carter | Business Administration |
Dugan | Collin | Management |
Duncan | Dylan | Management |
Duncan | Isabella | Business Administration |
Duque Jimenez | Sara | Business Administration |
Durnin | Kamden | Business Administration |
Dyer | Jeffrey | Business Administration |
Ebenkamp | Allison | Accounting |
Eby | David | Finance |
Echeverria | Benicio | Management Information Systems |
Eck | Gabrielle | Accounting |
Eck | Jaxson | Human Resource Management |
Edwards | Andrea | Accounting |
Ehrlich | Maxwell | Business Administration |
Eichelberger | Kate | Accounting |
Elder | Samuel | Accounting |
Ellsworth | Bailey | Accounting |
Elmer | Brayden | Finance |
Endrizzi | Daniel | Economics |
Engel | Isaac | Marketing |
England | Kathy | Accounting |
Espinal-Maldonado | Jermy | Accounting |
Estes | Cole | Management Information Systems |
Eubanks | Ganya | Entrepreneurship |
Evans | Isabella | Finance |
Farhoud | Omar | Business Administration |
Fawcett | Alicia | Business Administration |
Ferguson | Joanna | Human Resource Management |
Fernando | Sashini | Finance |
Ferrin | Austyn | Accounting |
Finke | Landon | Business Administration |
Finnemore | Raiden | Business Administration |
Finnerty | Jack | Accounting |
Flores | Salma | Accounting |
Ford | Emily | Marketing |
Fox | Alexis | Accounting |
Fox | Lennox | Management Information Systems |
Fraise | Kara | Business Administration |
Francis | Parker | Business Administration |
Frank | Bridget | Business Administration |
Franken | Karis | Business Administration |
Franz | Marissa | Business Administration |
Fretes Pereira | Angel | International Business |
Fry | Tessa | Accounting |
Fulkerson | Isabel | Economics |
Fulton | Joanne | Human Resource Management |
Gagandeep Singh | Fnu | Management Information Systems |
Gaines | Keyden | Accounting |
Galicia | Alondra | Business Administration |
Galloway | Liseth | Business Administration |
Gann | Kayla | Accounting |
Garrett | Melanie | Business Administration |
Garrison | Heidi | Accounting |
Gaul | Joseph | Finance |
Geiger | Kylee | Business Administration |
Geist | Robert | Finance |
George | Emily | Accounting |
Gies | Tyler | Business Administration |
Giles | Linda | Accounting |
Gill | Andrew | Business Administration |
Ginest | Lindsay | Business Administration |
Gladfelter | Allison | Accounting |
Glickman | Paiton | Human Resource Management |
Godinez Vinduska | Emil | Accounting |
Goebel | Timothy | Management Information Systems |
Goldberg | Michael | Finance |
Gonzales | Grecia | Marketing |
Gonzalez | Angel | Management Information Systems |
Gonzalez | Dayana | Business Administration |
Gonzalez | Mark | Business Administration |
Good | Isaiah | Business Administration |
Goodlet | Reese | Finance |
Gordon | Gracie | Marketing |
Gordon | Lauryn | Business Administration |
Gordon | Ricardo | Business Administration |
Gottschalk | Addison | Accounting |
Graber | Katie | Marketing |
Graber | Mallory | International Business |
Graham | Payton | Business Administration |
Graveman | Elizabeth | Management |
Green | Shawniqua | Accounting |
Greene | James | Accounting |
Green-Phillips | Maymee | Business Administration |
Grewell | Ross | Management |
Grieve | Alexandra | Accounting |
Griffin | Kayla | Management |
Grimes | Riley | Marketing |
Grizzell | Hudson | Finance |
Gurrola | Juan | Marketing |
Guthrie | Eikner | Business Administration |
Gutierrez | Aleksandro | Management |
Gutzmer | Deidra | Human Resource Management |
Hall | Gannon | Finance |
Hamilton | Hailee | Marketing |
Hamilton | Lauren | Marketing |
Hamilton | Samuel | Accounting |
Hamlin | Kimberlyn | Accounting |
Hammons | Joshua | Business Administration |
Hansen | Maley | Marketing |
Hanson | Ian | Business Administration |
Hare | Brandon | Accounting |
Harmon | Ethan | Accounting |
Harmon | Nicholas | Finance |
Hartle | Maddox | Finance |
Hartung | Hayden | Marketing |
Haselhorst | Julia | Business Administration |
Hashman | Maleena | Management |
Hasiuk | Jett | Business Administration |
Haslett | Taylor | Human Resource Management |
Haworth | Lane | Business Administration |
Haylor | Sonya | Marketing |
Haynes-Robertson | Elijah | Business Administration |
Heitsman | Jack | Management Information Systems |
Helmut | Allison | Accounting |
Hemphill | Victoria | Business Administration |
Henry | Zebediah | Business Administration |
Hernandez Romero | Ariana | Entrepreneurship |
Herron | Noah | Accounting |
Hevel | Corey | Accounting |
Hicks | Bryan | Accounting |
Hicks | Derek | Business Administration |
Hill | Ethan | Marketing |
Hilt | Hadleigh | Marketing |
Hipp | Allison | Accounting |
Hirani Worthington | Ilias | Business Administration |
Hoang | Sam | Management Information Systems |
Hodzic | Vanja | Management |
Hoeffner | MKeegan | Accounting |
Holden | Ravyn | Economics |
Holguin | Nataleigh | Marketing |
Hollingsworth | Lukas | Business Administration |
Holthusen | Luke | Business Administration |
Hopkins | Parker | Accounting |
Hoshaw | Caleigh | Business Administration |
Hough-Tucker | Ella | Management |
Howard | Nathan | Management |
Hoyt | Jocee | Entrepreneurship |
Huanqui | Eric | Marketing |
Hulen | Shawn | International Business |
Hulse | James | Accounting |
Hulsey | Joshua | Finance |
Hutzenbiler | Sheri | Accounting |
Ingalls | Brady | Finance |
Ireton | Matthew | Business Administration |
Irsik | Tessa | Accounting |
Isch | Garrett | Business Administration |
Iseman | Elias | Management Information Systems |
Jackson | Jordan | Marketing |
Janssen | Katelyn | Finance |
Jaswal | Preet | Management Information Systems |
Jauregui-Perez | Maritza | Accounting |
Jayaraman | Sundeep | Business Administration |
Jerkovic | Lea | Management |
Johnson | Allison | Accounting |
Johnson | Hailey | Business Administration |
Johnston | Brynn | Hospitality |
Jones | Aaron | Business Administration |
Jones | Macy | Marketing |
Ju | Ziwen | Finance |
Judge | Colleen | Management Information Systems |
Junaid | Mohammad | Management Information Systems |
Kalese | Vivica | Accounting |
Kamerick | Creag | Finance |
Kasselman | Jacob | Entrepreneurship |
Kaufman | Brittany | Business Administration |
Kaumeyer | Gracie | Finance |
Keeter | Taryn | Accounting |
Keith | Macy | Marketing |
Kelly | Carly | International Business |
Kerr | Zachary | Finance |
Kerschen | Kyri | Accounting |
Key | Coen | Finance |
Khatri | Susmita | Economics |
Khurana | Vishal | Business Administration |
Kilman | Isabella | Marketing |
Kiphart | Melissa | Accounting |
Kirk | Kolten | Business Administration |
Kiser | Timothy | Marketing |
Kitchen | Alexis | Accounting |
Kitchens | Brianna | Business Administration |
Kittelson | Krisa | Human Resource Management |
Klos | Owen | International Business |
Knight | Amanda | Accounting |
Knuttel | Anne | Economics |
Ko | Leyton | Marketing |
Koenke | Brian | Management |
Koperski | Spencer | Accounting |
Kouri | Sammy | Business Administration |
Kovacs | Paul | Entrepreneurship |
Kowalski | William | Business Administration |
Kudryavtseva | Kristina | International Business |
Kuhlman | Kathryn | Business Administration |
Kukowski | Hudson | Finance |
Kunwar | Jenish | Finance |
Lam | Jordan | Accounting |
Lam | Lawson | Accounting |
Lam | Susan | Accounting |
Lampson | Andrew | Finance |
Laosen | Jenny | Management Information Systems |
Laselva | Kael | Marketing |
Lathem | Andrew | Finance |
Lathrop | Alexander | Management Information Systems |
Lathrop | Benjamin | Management Information Systems |
Lathrop | Ryan | Finance |
Lautt | Spencer | Business Administration |
Le | Amy | Business Administration |
Le | Anthony | Finance |
Le | Dennis | Accounting |
Le | Ethan | Management |
Le | Huong | Accounting |
Le | Lillian | Accounting |
Le | Matthew | Business Administration |
Le | Quan | Management |
Le | Trinh | Accounting |
Le Calvez | Angelina | International Business |
Leal | Elliot | Accounting |
Lee | Beckham | Finance |
Lee | Brandon | Management |
Lee | Zi Kai | Finance |
Leiker | Joseph | Management |
Lessman | Evan | Business Administration |
Lewis | Kimberly | Business Administration |
Lim | Nicholas | Finance |
Lindbloom | Dalton | Accounting |
Lindeman | Annika | Entrepreneurship |
Linn | Erika | Accounting |
Liu | Souriya | Business Administration |
Lowe | Kylie | Human Resource Management |
Lowry | Vanessa | Accounting |
Lozano | Maria | Business Administration |
Luangrath | Phokeo | Business Administration |
Luellen | Michelle | Business Administration |
Luethi Ortiz | Arenui Vaea | Finance |
Luna | Ashlyn | Management |
Luna | Crystal | Human Resource Management |
Luna | Emily | Accounting |
Ly | Brittany | Accounting |
Lyon | Daniel | Business Administration |
Madanambedu | Manasasrihari | Finance |
Madanambedu | Sreerudra | Economics |
Magar | Sarita | Accounting |
Maknojia | Zain | Accounting |
Maombi | Rebeka | International Business |
Marrero Piccard | Isabel | Marketing |
Marshall | Thomas | Business Administration |
Martin | Blake | Business Administration |
Martin | Christopher | Management Information Systems |
Martinez | David | Accounting |
Martinez | Jayden | Business Administration |
Martinez | Jessica | Business Administration |
Martinez | Karina | Management |
Martinez Gonzalez | Maria | Marketing |
Marwaha | Dhruvditya | Management |
Mauzy | Davis | Business Administration |
Maxwell | Clifton | Accounting |
May | Ellis | Business Administration |
May | Felilah | Marketing |
May | Monica | Business Administration |
Mayhew | Christopher | Finance |
McAsey | Hunter | Business Administration |
McAuliffe | Cole | Management |
McCaskey | Gabriel | Accounting |
McCulloch | Jenna | Accounting |
McGaughey | Emily | Marketing |
McIntyre | Mitchell | Marketing |
McKee | Nicole | Business Administration |
McMullen | Kiara | Management Information Systems |
McNall | Chloe | Business Administration |
McNary | Isaac | Management |
McPherson | Haley | Marketing |
Megrail | Kaitlyn | Marketing |
Meier | Elizabeth | Business Administration |
Meier | Sydney | Marketing |
Meyers | Jacob | Management |
Meza-Arreguin | Mairany | Human Resource Management |
Mies | Delaney | Accounting |
Miguel-Mendoza | Merry | International Business |
Milford | Jackson | Marketing |
Miller | Dontre | Business Administration |
Miller | Ethan | Accounting |
Miller | Joshua | Finance |
Miller | Lillian | Accounting |
Minarik | Kristof | Economics |
Minor | Alicia | Finance |
Mitchell | Kathy | Human Resource Management |
Mohr | Kylee | Business Administration |
Molina | Jacqueline | Finance |
Moll | Jack | Finance |
Montes-Liera | Karen | Accounting |
Moore | Lena | Management Information Systems |
Morabito | Gina | Human Resource Management |
Morales | Evan | Finance |
Morgan | Judson | Finance |
Morgan | Michael | Human Resource Management |
Morgan | Raif | Business Administration |
Mosate | Rosie | Business Administration |
Moss | Teresa | Business Administration |
Mount | Samantha | Business Administration |
Moushey | Steven | Finance |
Muhammad | Alvertis | Marketing |
Mulamekic | Arnad | Finance |
Munoz | Molly | Human Resource Management |
Mwajuma | Berthe | International Business |
Mwanga | Eniko | Management |
Najera-Garcia | Joselyn | Business Administration |
Navarrete | Clarissa | Accounting |
Neises | Peyton | Finance |
Nelson | Cameron | Entrepreneurship |
Neufeldt | Caitlyn | Finance |
Neupane | Care | Economics |
Newby | Cole | Accounting |
Newell | Piper | Business Administration |
Newen | Cory | Human Resource Management |
Ngomba | Lys | Management Information Systems |
Nguyen | Amy | Business Administration |
Nguyen | Callie | Business Administration |
Nguyen | Cindy | Management |
Nguyen | David | Finance |
Nguyen | Hope | International Business |
Nguyen | Jacqueline | Entrepreneurship |
Nguyen | Jennie | Marketing |
Nguyen | Justin | Management Information Systems |
Nguyen | Kem | Marketing |
Nguyen | Long | Accounting |
Nguyen | Lynn | Accounting |
Nguyen | Nguyen | Accounting |
Nguyen | Reagan | Management Information Systems |
Nguyen | Tammy | Marketing |
Nguyen | Tien Huy | Management Information Systems |
Nguyen | Tina | Management Information Systems |
Nguyen | Tommy | Management Information Systems |
Nguyen | Tyson | Management Information Systems |
Nguyen | Uyen | Human Resource Management |
Nguyen | Van | Accounting |
Nguyen | Vinh | Finance |
Nichols | Ryan | Hospitality |
Nickel | Christopher | Finance |
Noonan | Lance | Marketing |
Norton | Christopher | Finance |
Nunez | Nayeli | Accounting |
Olinek | Adelaide | International Business |
Olmsted | Cassandra | Marketing |
Olson | Sunny | Accounting |
O'Neil | Landen | Marketing |
Ordonez | Brianna | Accounting |
Oropesa | Pauline | Marketing |
Ortiz | Danny | Management Information Systems |
Ortiz | Mieyla | Accounting |
Ortiz | Miranda | Business Administration |
Osborne | Moses | Human Resource Management |
Osornio Vazquez | Magali | Marketing |
Ozbun | Darian | Accounting |
Painter | Angela | Accounting |
Papamie | Matthew | Accounting |
Park | Austin | Finance |
Parker | Aiyana | Management |
Parker | Ariana | Business Administration |
Parker | Emalee | Accounting |
Parret | Ryan | Marketing |
Paulsen | Allie | Marketing |
Pavey | Brennan | Marketing |
Pearson | Andrea | Management |
Pelton | Conner | Finance |
Penner | Katie | Finance |
Perez | Adamarys | Finance |
Perez Meza | Ashley | Marketing |
Perrault | Ryan | Business Administration |
Petersen | Micah | Business Administration |
Peterson | James | Finance |
Pfannenstiel | Chayton | Management Information Systems |
Pfannenstiel | Chelsea | Business Administration |
Pfeifer | Elyce | International Business |
Pham | Andy | Management Information Systems |
Pham | Kasey | Finance |
Pham | Vivian | Accounting |
Phan | Michael | Finance |
Phouthasavong | Natalin | International Business |
Pierce | Nakyia | Marketing |
Pierce | Ryan | Accounting |
Pierson | Adam | Accounting |
Pinon Rivero | Jereny | Business Administration |
Pizzini | Cynthia | Marketing |
Plush | Kade | Management |
Pogge | Peyton | Marketing |
Polk | Nicholas | Finance |
Pollnow | Alexandra | Entrepreneurship |
Popp | Travis | Accounting |
Powell | Emily | Business Administration |
Powner | Catherine | Accounting |
Qadeer | Ahmed | Finance |
Qaki | Alaa | Management Information Systems |
Qaki | Zacharia | Business Administration |
Quijada | Veronica | Business Administration |
Racy | Tyler | Marketing |
Ragsdale | James | Accounting |
Rahman | Reeham | Accounting |
Ramachandran | Arjun | Business Administration |
Ramsey | Sophia | Marketing |
Randolph | Colton | Marketing |
Ratzlaff | Carson | Finance |
Ray | Shelby | Accounting |
Recheck | Scott | Finance |
Reed | Savannah | Accounting |
Rexford | Abigail | Entrepreneurship |
Rey | Jordan | Finance |
Reyes | Alicia | Entrepreneurship |
Reyes | Aria | Accounting |
Reyna | Aidan | Entrepreneurship |
Reynolds | Owen | Business Administration |
Rhoads | Mason | Management Information Systems |
Rhoads | Stephanie | Business Administration |
Richard | Ronell | Finance |
Richards | Ashley | Business Administration |
Riedel | Roman | Business Administration |
Riffel-Kuhlmann | Colby | Accounting |
Ritter | Megan | Marketing |
Rivera | Unyty | Entrepreneurship |
Rizo | Jocelyn | International Business |
Robarge | Spencer | Management |
Robinson | Jasmine | Business Administration |
Robles | Luis | Finance |
Rodriguez | Nico | Business Administration |
Rodriguez | Vanessa | Accounting |
Roeder | Michelle | Accounting |
Roell | Patrick | Management Information Systems |
Rojo Pujol | Judit | Economics |
Rosario | Nicole | Management |
Roskam | Jonathan | Accounting |
Ross | Miranda | Business Administration |
Russell | Rhonda | Human Resource Management |
Russell | Tucker | Business Administration |
Saberi Mehrforouzani | Sara | Marketing |
Salcido | Ruben | Business Administration |
San | Chelsea | Management Information Systems |
San | Kendra | Accounting |
Sanchez | Leslie | Business Administration |
Sanders | Abigail | Marketing |
Sanders | Lexi | Entrepreneurship |
Sanderson | Owen | Business Administration |
Sandoval | Fabian | Accounting |
Sauerwein | Leah | Marketing |
Sayler | MacKenzie | Human Resource Management |
Schaffer | Rylee | Business Administration |
Schepp | Nicole | Business Administration |
Schierbaum | Justin | Accounting |
Schlaht | Morgan | Business Administration |
Schneweis | Olivia | Business Administration |
Schoenhoefer | Sofia | Economics |
Schott | Caden | Accounting |
Schreck | Logan | Human Resource Management |
Schulz | Lainie | Marketing |
Schwerman | Sage | Human Resource Management |
Schwien | Tristan | Finance |
Scoggin | Annie | Marketing |
Scoggin | Riley | Management Information Systems |
Sedlacek | Taylor | Finance |
Seiwert | Marshall | Management Information Systems |
Sexton | Na'Jalay | Human Resource Management |
Sheridan | Trent | Accounting |
Shideler | Jordan | Accounting |
Shobe | Colt | Management |
Short | Riley | Marketing |
Shouse | Zane | Entrepreneurship |
Sigg | Jayden | Finance |
Simon | Grace | Entrepreneurship |
Singha | Sumit | Management Information Systems |
Sites | Trevor | Marketing |
Sixkiller | Elizabeth | International Business |
Skelton | Grace | Marketing |
Skinner | Joseph | Management |
Slate | Isaiah | Accounting |
Slater | Mia | Marketing |
Smith | Blake | Management Information Systems |
Smith | Lynnea | Business Administration |
Smith | Miranda | Business Administration |
Smith | Tristin | International Business |
Snap | Vivien | Finance |
Snook | Jack | Finance |
Snyder | Elizabeth | Marketing |
Snyder | Gannon | Finance |
Soderstrom | Trinity | International Business |
Solis | Anthony | Finance |
Soto | Carsyn | Business Administration |
Soto Roldan | Luna | Business Administration |
Sowden | Coen | Business Administration |
Stark | Julia | Economics |
Starke | Skylar | Business Administration |
Stecks | Caeleb | Accounting |
Stevens | Isaiah | Management Information Systems |
Stevens | Savannah | Management Information Systems |
Stone | Ariana | Business Administration |
Stover | Wyatt | Accounting |
Strand | Isabel | Marketing |
Stringer | Ellie | Marketing |
Stroup | Austin | Business Administration |
Stucky | Brianna | Marketing |
Stucky | Gavin | Accounting |
Stueven | Samantha | Human Resource Management |
Stuever | Thomas | Business Administration |
Sublett | Jada | Marketing |
Sunar | Anish | International Business |
Sutherland | Kirsten | Economics |
Swart | Faith | Business Administration |
Swingle | Logan | Finance |
Syed | Asma | Management Information Systems |
Ta | Khanhvy | Marketing |
Tang | Jocelyn | Marketing |
Tanner | Gabriela | Marketing |
Taylor | Jonathan | Management Information Systems |
Taylor | Olivia | Marketing |
Teel | Justin | Management Information Systems |
Tello | Caleb | Finance |
Teufel | Brittany | Business Administration |
Thanasith | Vanhzana | Management |
Thanasouk | V-Thoon | Accounting |
Thengvall | Henry | Finance |
Thrasher | James | Business Administration |
Tillemans | Zachary | Entrepreneurship |
Timberlake | Lynsey | Business Administration |
Tinga | Kallie | Marketing |
Tolbert | Boaz | Human Resource Management |
Toole | Zachary | Accounting |
Torres | Alba | Human Resource Management |
Townsend | Madison | Management |
Tran | Britney | Accounting |
Tran | Christine | Economics |
Tran | Donny | Finance |
Tran | Hai | Human Resource Management |
Tran | Huy | Finance |
Tran | John | Finance |
Tran | Michelle | Accounting |
Tran | Michelle | Business Administration |
Treto | Daizy | International Business |
Tribue | Diane | Finance |
Tucker | David | Accounting |
Tyler | Arieole | Accounting |
Umbarger | James | Finance |
Unger | Tolli | International Business |
Valdez | Brooks | Business Administration |
Valdez | Miriam | Accounting |
Valdivia | Ricardo | Entrepreneurship |
Van | Justin | Management Information Systems |
Van | Vi | Business Administration |
Van Lanen | Derek | Management |
Van Scyoc | Graham | Accounting |
Veatch | Alaina | Economics |
Vercoe | Colton | Business Administration |
Vo | Joanne | Management |
Voth | Reese | Accounting |
Vu | Minh Khue | Accounting |
Vu | Teresa | Marketing |
Waddell | Sara | Accounting |
Walker | Andrew | Accounting |
Walker | Kaylor | Business Administration |
Waller | Kaleb | Marketing |
Wang | Xin Yi | Finance |
Ware | Christyaun | Entrepreneurship |
Wasilewski | Nadia | Business Administration |
Weeks | Teralyn | Business Administration |
Wells | Malik | Economics |
Weninger | Ava | Accounting |
Wentling | Sean | Economics |
Wenzel | Jane | Marketing |
Werner | Derek | Accounting |
Wert | Brenden | Marketing |
Werth | Elaina | Management Information Systems |
Wessley | Olivia | Economics |
Wetta | Nathaniel | Business Administration |
Whalen | Ryan | Business Administration |
Whatton | Abby | Business Administration |
Whitcomb | Mia | Marketing |
White | Ethan | Business Administration |
White | Riley | Business Administration |
Whitworth | Madison | Business Administration |
Wiens | Hailey | Accounting |
Wilgers | Ryan | Management Information Systems |
Williams | Alexia | Entrepreneurship |
Williams | Tanner | Accounting |
Williamson | Kylie | Business Administration |
Wilson | Brent | Business Administration |
Wilson | Garrett | Management |
Wilson | Katelyn | Management |
Wilson | Mackenzie | Economics |
Winegarner | Alexis | Human Resource Management |
Winfrey | Joseph | Finance |
Winn | Peyton | Finance |
Winslow | Georgia | Business Administration |
Winslow | Michael | Finance |
Winter | Zachary | Marketing |
Woodall | Stephanie | Accounting |
Woodson | Jackson | Accounting |
Wright | Grayson | Marketing |
Wright | Keeslyn | Marketing |
Wullschleger | Cliff | Finance |
Wurm | Victoria | Accounting |
Youngers | Lucas | Business Administration |
Yuhasz | Gabriel | Management |
Zarick | Hanah | Accounting |
Zenon | Sydney | Business Administration |
Zheng | David | Accounting |
Zimmer | Cooper | Finance |
Zorn | Kendyl | Accounting |
Zuniga | Abrielle | Finance |
Zweerink | Caleb | Finance |