Barbara A. McGraw Bio
Dr. Barbara A. McGraw is Professor of Social Ethics, Law, and Public Life in the School of Economics and Business Administration and founding director of the Center for Engaged Religious Pluralism in the School of Liberal Arts at Saint Marys College of California. A thought-leader in the newly emerging intercultural-interfaith leadership field, Dr. McGraw is a champion of values-based leadership that takes account of the deep religious value roots of constituents diverse cultures in galvanizing them for organizational cohesion and effectiveness. Dr. McGraw has taught interfaith-intercultural leadership in the Global Executive MBA program for more than a decade and since 2015 has served as founding director of the Interfaith Leadership and Intercultural-Interfaith programs of the School of Economics and Business Administration at Saint Marys College. She speaks and gives workshops on, and is an advocate for, interreligious understanding and cooperation in business, education, government institutions, and other professional contexts as important for effective leadership. In addition, she has been training governmental officials on such leadership for more than two decades. She is author, coauthor, or editor of many books, articles, and chapters, among which are Toward a Framework for Interfaith Leadership (2017); Cross-Cultural Leadership as Interfaith Leadership (2020); Many Peoples, Many Faiths: Women and Men in the World Religions (with Robert S. Ellwood, 11th edition forthcoming 2022); and The Wiley-Blackwell Companion for Religion and Politics in the U.S. (2016).