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Students signature indicates he/she understands that if the dual/accelerated program is not completed, joint courses (normally recorded on both graduate and undergraduate transcripts) will only be recorded as undergraduate credit (on the undergraduate transcript). Student name: __________________________ Student signature: _______________________ Student ID number: Semester: LevelDepartmentCourse NumberTitleSection NumberJoint Course (yes/no)Credit hours Undergraduate Courses Graduate Courses The above named student has been formally admitted to the dual/accelerated BS to MS program and has permission to enroll in the above listed courses. The students advisory committee is: _________________________________ (chair) _________________________________ (member) _________________________________ (member) _________________________________ (member) _________________________________ (member) Graduate Coordinator: Date: To be completed by the Graduate School: Admit semester: ____________________________ GPA (GR courses) _________________ Action: ____ Approved _____ Denied Date: ____________________________ Graduate School Dean Signature: ______________________________________________ 800 level override granted: ______________________________________________________ (signature of admissions officer and date)     2/1/07  !",2Vkpqv ' + * ? 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