ࡱ> ac`#` bjbj\.\. 7>D>Dn\".*0*0*0*7g*+C[$^h`J\\(\fff .*f.*ffn$) P$$(p.*>\0n\(Ba:"Ba@)Ba)@f\\\ n\D  WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY College of Engineering ATTENTION: Graduate Students Starting with the Fall 2005 Semester, following policies will be in effect regarding (Optional Practical Training (OPT)( and (Co-op Enrollment( requests for students on (Non-immigrant Visa.( Departments may have stricter rules; check with Chair for your departments policies. Co-op Enrollment: No co-op enrollment will be approved during the students first semester in the program. No co-op enrollment will be approved after a student has completed four semesters in of the MS or six semesters in the PhD program (only fall and spring semesters will be counted). No co-op enrollment will be approved after a student has completed all courses in the approved plan-of-study. No 40-hour/week co-op enrollment in fall/spring semesters will be approved. In rare situations, exception request will be supported by the Department Chair only if the employment is absolutely necessary to use a special hardware/software not available at or to collect data that cannot otherwise be collected. Such requests must be supported by the student advisor (support letter needed). Optional Practical Training (OPT): Applications for optional practical training (OPT) after graduation will be approved only if a student satisfies all three of the following conditions- Based on the approved plan-of-study, the student is expected to graduate at the end of the current semester (verification from student advisor is needed); The student has filed a (degree card( with the Graduate School (verification from Graduate School is needed); and Depending on the degree option on the student(s approved plan-of-study, he/she has satisfied the exit requirement described below (verification from Graduate Coordinator is needed) - Thesis and Directed Project Options: Graduate School has been notified that the student has either successfully passed the oral defense exam or the oral exam date has been scheduled (certified by student advisor) All Course Option: Graduate School has been notified that the student has successfully passed the exit exam. If you have any question about these policies, contact Department Chair or Graduate Coordinator. %123>FHOckl̻uj\uQC\C j=hDN5CJ\aJhg5CJ\aJ j>hDN5CJ\aJhF]5CJ\aJhy)_5CJ\aJ hy)_5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ( hDN5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ(hDN5CJ\aJh@shDN5CJ(\aJ( h@shDN56CJ(\]aJ( h@shy)_56CJ(\]aJ(hDN5CJ.\aJ.hDN5CJ2\aJ2hDNjhDNU23PQg h { $ & F `a$gdg$ & F `a$gdg$a$$a$1&@$d%d&d'd+D.Z/ZNOPQ  , A F e f h n x z   ) 0 O X 1 2 k 繯 j>hDNhF] hL 5>*hL h@shMPhghy)_hDNhghDN5>*hghy)_5>*hg5CJ\aJhy)_5CJ\aJ j=hDN5CJ\aJhDN5CJ\aJ j>hDN5CJ\aJ1 C D Q KL$ & F `@& a$gdg$ & F `a$gdL $a$$ & F `h^ha$gdg ~el%Eh(K hy)_hDNhy)_ hDN>*hghDN j=hDN50P:pDN/ =!"#*$%* Dd  |bdH  c $Ab5~@78"c Dn ~@78"c PNG  IHDRMp%sRGB@}0PLTE{ pHYs#gaIDATx[* AsU ˴% :!.H[ӂOf*N Lmn۽zZ2,,fP4z~Oz,ИHyxI Eq9a).ANܿC 7K%pYOp:fjùɂ<dM"sJ=b:3MfJHQQ'gqG= 9Nh[o8a  %)xOʼn,ͤd`n8)8Hp:8‰PKv٠neE:u 'g7]9ZɽRFB@6@ Ot5,Ⱥf(}L&c%xw g{QSa) /euŪZOCOtpԫU zeU\)3 'eZJ9; ywa;ԍ-ƊĆIV_\@YL< #TVj6"&|Zq u`bU; h~LmFq')LS9eƤr "4^lVa-XSAz AkLK4V8a)& O_~rNgp'J=/?l?qNT H8Ԭmgnhd{XuV[Ynɓz='8UN}C~=N*n 5ZηP3ps2Ρ6v;$%gP85BZ9ԸԢ4[8^ OmL:~@F_ P9 N]/GWq?E˜pIc8ws$\mb z߳MV^6E0# %;pPC8mG/Z*GE^&x#r_*\7*׸[~'wra@$ `=ϩ.N^䋡 }e=896׈g9eP:N 0*,W8ScTwNdĭ%?IO8١)%ېf0ܽ ?fsv@~H82jb%ѻl\zn@vPTP!N^dep7qD7'ۯó~6Q26B(]8ckgڡ06Յ99NdPpm|x\+4i' @nAy9ZNrRfZODc7)s2ۺ9 ˜t ד%]UId}?' fgpŒCYJ.u-C>,՘j<L;AӖWqᩙ*}U9%}қ.ApczEp$szw=8qk1qWpr"]?fNN2.s⳧*'krr=/2'898nwSqNN(81;˩_>0><'OWq9)q'k.'5-07.qʜb 89"k9AN4Չj ']'r ^NHsp)6s9NIOq~Xx焏$6;r57?EN8:'4d{Ma.N/7 뜪, SceN1wQqǴBs9I<'tNR^N38?ɬќ 7oC][J0 w8㴙[{3d8t7'<8.61wiKr dH0rQW Ci9M91=c)=S5<$XXK<&#_Ť t_Ꜷlo@B)uAaq+ZS`NX 'rLgr<ÿNjxz"Cɶ,5pSL'9'IE3e'Hi@99U !2lƩ9S v ؜ U?'b+L;'(6J NV:>}H~8\N NX 67ɏpR/'z Ne%MNz|6ENχᄽ8 6 Aa^*w8bOp!|(Il7?8T NNhwR2<)Nqc\mN1)t~S)IsbhN(q'p2')x8eVt'8}ǘ f8a'Na >& M4'r 8ϗ9vŜ N&Z '%*9e0BV9>X=Z 8̚# \,v'Mx'BI>brVω)9~jN.g}'`rXB8Y_VIt \^QD[vEY ㄝ9ITNg*L\W $lu'(0+Ft3i*'ˡ|Zi]s7y Yb$a4Sl7|}/ ?nW"_LC9%=li,[0ޮI~z,N:d3fdj҃?^N28toLC9fTo$U )UXS1fqBfN{jCvۤ!v{N8A8!ww)| rzh/,М Qw.N}mB%Gq, B sKf` NҼ',p3Si'ŖƲǧN-u;eNs°p9E=ool0MD:l;k@IΟvp wuHǃ]rǐN39!#?a{S7LNT{8LeD`?x+OQlLS9m-EPUN~˩ LW#708 (=I1[< &wAc[oߤ<@ k0Çaz'i07U;T[ONRn6gcz 'Mn}Y|8dq'O',N>Y|8dq'O',N>Y|8dqp崽>M|{36( ۯW@4ȳj&У`EN SpuNXT8Sbx;[oN-Oݒ7yqoQ}eX3iτ%KċW0(YoM]ljJ&N7v, N3AvqZjRQ\(-IN¢,'4pQ?>ωZyS>0syjN8AI/N]} ?0S=}8WpbIˉL2XNㄆ8 09*[pSr/z >NG׏dWdZɐO.p68G7Nz38E)V9eZ rU;9p+0ΌVNx #D"ip v p< Ga./@9ei9iNE;48+qqZPN8,B1.9Q? &rM# Nb>XeqlM)N8R5\ʼn=9SXG89aSrO q6n85r]T4)$Ty0|6@r.rBzqe8aN򂨦Ɖer3bS)88noIWst9N:B*s('>k^N`|$0S}~Jqs+BCJgp%NH=*,Op4-7)o M\KFط )1S&{Ѿ[8S^T$Qmd`oRiu낺eBzpCC{ TMrªU73&8N?*O',N>Y|8dq'O',N>Y|8dqɋ9MUгJLrxZEkYdk`)U1*Z 8trJT9 ,߿=tb!T2nϩ㲇S ~K| bhEe@$J\ '05IKl+,bJoM#Q$y&N1N2jj n˜]6N90 &U.'!ƉI11G ׹ C8юDQ$8!*SrIN$#9}r\NXDNmsbV.Nqb{N qsBk|'PI'TS[95c +HSa#9%9Nsu<9I31ccxeNl9>9;@ '|?'$pup %lj<8NLs yS6<>$6@s=Я ԙܙgpcI׋S48Y?(9aS <99N! xpJΐ!"׎̢C mHc@XwT֟N(Q$o7s@۟ j9m'ʞ))Sk khTMm^( gJjϥtӿ$O',N>ۜ|8d'',>ۜ|8d'',>ۜ|8d'',>ۜ|8d'',>ۜ|8d'',>ۜ|8d''Яax7^ߟǿJV|*GRz6ؓ@ SC`QmV _) CmN[>H8% >ڰ'<>ڱa$+5·hnԗ`68J4sòi(:#7ϱ*B',"䴲>!LNsЖ<8nU1DpڛxlzG4/'LDx`3;H[*`/ yo3! ӓJÀ~;/Hx7ag H zċ,f>+7V*{l$6C b<=UZZ aӋ4WW].M\pNG1`,N>JICvTztSKj........()()()()()()()()$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$h hh^h`hH.h 88^8`hH.h L^`LhH.h   ^ `hH.h   ^ `hH.h xLx^x`LhH.h HH^H`hH.h ^`hH.h L^`LhH.h hh^h`hH.h 88^8`hH.h L^`LhH.h   ^ `hH.h   ^ `hH.h xLx^x`LhH.h HH^H`hH.h ^`hH.h L^`LhH.h hh^h`hH.h 88^8`hH.h L^`LhH.h   ^ `hH.h   ^ `hH.h xLx^x`LhH.h HH^H`hH.h ^`hH.h L^`LhH.h hh^h`hH.h 88^8`hH.h L^`LhH.h   ^ `hH.h   ^ `hH.h xLx^x`LhH.h HH^H`hH.h ^`hH.h L^`LhH.hhh^h`OJQJo(hHh 88^8`o(hH.h^`OJQJo(hHh  ^ `OJQJo(hHh  ^ `OJQJ^Jo(hHohxx^x`OJQJo(hHhHH^H`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHh hh^h`o(hH.h 88^8`o(hH.h^`OJQJo(hHh  ^ `OJQJo(hHh  ^ `OJQJ^Jo(hHohxx^x`OJQJo(hHhHH^H`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHh hh^h`o(hH.h 88^8`o(hH.h^`OJQJo(hHh  ^ `OJQJo(hHh  ^ `OJQJ^Jo(hHohxx^x`OJQJo(hHhHH^H`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHh hh^h`hH.h 88^8`hH.h L^`LhH.h   ^ `hH.h   ^ `hH.h xLx^x`LhH.h HH^H`hH.h ^`hH.h L^`LhH.hhh^h`OJQJo(hHh 88^8`hH.h L^`LhH.h   ^ `hH.h   ^ `hH.h xLx^x`LhH.h HH^H`hH.h ^`hH.h L^`LhH. 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