Making mining more safe and efficient
The objective of this year's game is to use teamwork and innovative thinking in order to design and build a prototype robot to: a) repair an underground mine, and b) retrieve valuable commodities from the mine. Much like the real mining industry, success in the design competition will be determined by net profit, and teams will be in direct competition with one another. Also, the scoring point values of commodities will change with the Market Shift.
Kick Off - Saturday, September 19, 2015 蹤獲扦 Metroplex Wichita
Practice Day - October 24, 2015 蹤獲扦 Heskett Center Wichita
Game Day - October 31, 2015 Hartman Arena Park City, KS
Ambassadors for Christ
Andale High School
Andover Central High School
Atchison High School
Augusta High School
Bishop Carroll High School *
Bueker Middle School *
Campus High School
Circle High School
Council Grove High School
Derby High School
El Dorado High School
Fort Scott High School *
Garden City High School
Herington High School *
Kansas City Christian School
Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School
Panther Creek Academy
Pike Valley High School
Riverbend International School
Rose Hill High School
Salina South High School
Valley Center High School
Washburn Rural High School
West Franklin High School
Wichita Collegiate High School
Wichita East High School
Wichita Homeschool
Wichita Southeast High School
BEST Award
1st Place BEST - Wichita Home School, 2nd Place BEST - Circle High School, 3rd Place BEST - Campus High School
Game Award
1st Place Game - Wichita Home School, 2nd Place Game - Ambassadors for Christ Academy, 3rd Place Game - Andale High School, 4th Place Game - Campus High School
Special Awards
Founders Award (most creative design by Textron Aviation)
1st Place - Circle High School, 2nd Place - Wichita Homeschool, 3rd Place (Tie) - Andover Central High School and Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School
Most Robust Design Award (Spirit AeroSystems)
1st Place - Wichita Homeschool, 2nd Place - Ambassadors for Christ Academy, 3rd Place - Panther Creek Academy
Software Design and Simulation Awards
1st Place - Rose Hill High School, 2nd Place - Campus High School, 3rd Place - Valley Center High School
Spirit and Sportsmanship Award
1st Place - Wichita Homeschool, 2nd Place - Circle High School, 3rd Place - Rose Hill High School
Sportsmanship Award (Chosen by Teams)
1st Place - Rose Hill High School, 2nd Place - Wichita Homeschool, 3rd Place - Kapaun Mt. Carmel
Notebook Award
1st Place - Rose Hill High School, 2nd Place - Campus High School, 3rd Place - Wichita Homeschool
Presentation Award
1st Place - Wichita Homeschool, 2nd Place - Panther Creek Academy, 3rd Place - Rose Hill High School
Team Exhibit Award
1st Place - Circle High School, 2nd Place - Wichita Homeschool, 3rd Place - Campus High School
Most Points Scored by a New Team in the Robot Competition
Bueker Middle School
Best Notebook for a New Team
Bueker Middle School
Top Gun Award - Most Points Scored in a single match in the seeding rounds
Ambassadors for Christ Academy
Most Photogenic Robot Award
1st Place - Bishop Carroll High School, 2nd Place - Valley Center High School, 3rd Place -Washburn Rural High School
Best BEST T-Shirt Award
1st Place - Campus High School, 2nd Place - Panther Creek Academy, 3rd Place - Augusta High School
Tweeteriffic Award (Best tweet during Game Day Competition)
1st Place - Panther Creek Academy, 2nd Place - Garden City High School, 3rd Place - Council Grove High School
These schools represented Kansas BEST at the BEST Regional Competition in Ft. Smith Arkansas on December 4 and 5, 2015:
Wichita Homeschool, Circle High School, Campus High School, Ambassadors for Christ Academy, Andale High School, Panther Creek Academy