2020 OutbreakAutonomous bots that identify and isolate infected cells

Game Description

Infection within the human body begins to spread at the cellular level. Infected cells spread disease to neighboring cells rapidly, which then spread the disease to their neighboring cells, and so on as the infection grows to take over the body. BEST Robotics is experimenting with the use of micro-robotics to isolate infected cells from others and apply localized vaccines to slow or stop the spread. Robots that can operate at this level quickly and efficiently will prove invaluable to the medical world. Micro-robots directed by medical professionals should be capable of sampling, identifying, and separating individual cells to isolate the infected areas, as well as applying the vaccines where needed to immunize groups of cells. Self-directed robots that can operate on their own without direction from a medical professional to collect cell samples for testing are also highly desired.

Event Dates

Kick Off - Sept 12 - Virtual

Practice Day - November 6 & 7  Virtual

Game Day - November 19-21 Virtual

Participating Teams (* new teams)

Wichita Collegiate HS

Salina South High School

Council Grove High School

Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School

Minneapolis Jr/Sr High School

Smoky Valley High School

Rose Hill High School

Kansas City Christian School

Garden City High School

Circle High School

Southeast of Saline

Washburn Rural High School

Game Day Results

Minecraft Challenge

1st Place Garden City High School, 2nd Place - Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School, 3rd Place - Kansas City Christian School


BestMania Challenge

1st Place Garden City High School, 2nd Place Kansas City Christian School, 3rd Place Wichita Collegiate High School

Robot Modeling Challenge

Kansas City Christian School

Textron Aviation Founders Award

Kansas City Christian School

Team Exhibit and Interview

1st Place Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School, 2nd Place Council Grove High School,3rd Place Rose Hill High School

Marketing Presentations

1st Place Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School, 2nd Place - Circle High School, 3rd Place Wichita Collegiate High School

Engineering Notebook

1st Place Garden City High School, 2nd Place Kansas City Christian School, 3rd Place Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School

BEST Award

1st Place Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School, 2nd Place Council Grove High School, 3rd Place Circle High School

Autonomous Time Trials

1st Place Southeast of Saline, 2nd Place Garden City High School, 3rd Place Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School

Virtual Time Trials

1st Place Garden City High School, 2nd Place Salina South High School, 3rd Place Kansas City Christian School