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2018 Shocker MINDSTORMS Challenge


Wonder WuMan


Professional Mission created by Gary Brooking

Based on original design in 2005 by Society of Women Engineers

(Intermediate and Expert Teams)


During the reign of the Greek gods, there was a powerful, all-female tribe, the Amazons. Each woman was a strong warrior, but one stood out to be extraordinary, the lovely Princess Diana of Themyscira. After proving herself to the Greek gods as a noble and fierce warrior of the truth, the gods determined that she was worthy of super human powers. They sent her on a quest, without her knowing of her newly acquired powers, to test her. The various challenges required her to discover her super strength, super speed, and invisibility. Along the way, the gods placed an "item of wonder" for her to collect. After completing the mission, she was bestowed the new duty of protecting the citizens of the world, and to them she will forever be known as Wonder WuMan!

Bill of Materials:

Material Quantity Availability Estimated
Unit Cost
Total Cost
翻 " x 4 'x 8' Underlayment 1 Menards $14.99 $14.99
1 x 2 x 8' Furr Strip 6 Menards $5.22 $5.22
#8 x 1.0 screws 75 pcs 1 Menards $3.29 $3.29
Rustoleum Sunrise red gloss spray paint 2 Menards $3.68 $7.36
Rustoleum White gloss spray paint 2 Menards $3.68 $7.36
Rustoleum Black gloss spray paint 1 Menards $3.68 $3.68
Aluminum soda can 1 on hand    
2" x 4" x 92 5/8" select wood 1 Menards $2.32 $2.32
Table tennis ball (ping pong ball) 1 on hand    
1/2" fender washers (NW-110) 1 on hand    
5 Gallon plastic pail 1 Menards $2.97 $2.97

Scoring Matrix:

Task Detail Points
Robot moves boulder Robot moves pop can from its original position 50
Robot reaches Checkpoint 1 Any part of robot passes over Checkpoint 1 50
Place boulder in circle Any part of pop can touches the 5" circle 50
Place boulder in circle Entire pop can is placed inside the 5" circle 100
Robot climbs ramp All wheels of robot are on ramp 50
Robot clears ramp Entire robot clears ramp and all wheels are back on flat surface of course 50
Robot passes Checkpoint 2 Any part of robot passes over Checkpoint 2 100
Robot enters tunnel All parts of robot are completely inside tunnel 50
Robot exits tunnel Robot moves completely through tunnel and all parts of robot are outside tunnel 50
Robot passes Checkpoint 3 Any part of robot passes over Checkpoint 3 100
Move item of wonder Robot moves ping pong ball from its original location 50
Move item of wonder to corral Any part of ping pong ball touches inside corral or a wall of corral 50
Move item of wonder inside corral All parts of ping pong ball are inside the corral at the end of the run 100
Robot reaches Checkpoint 4 Any part of robot passes over Checkpoint 4 100
  secret line 50
  Points Possible 1000

*The "secret line" will be revealed to teams when they arrive on Challenge Day for the competition.

Drawings (pdf)

Build instructions (pdf)

Photo with labels (jpg)

Course Photos (jpg):
Ramp Close Up
Ball on Line