Shocker MINDSTORMS Challenge
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Please check this site frequently. Any notifications and/or clarifications for the Missions will be posted here as soon as they become available.
If you have a question about a mission or the Challenge in general, please fill out the Questions form. This will help us answer questions more efficiently and archive questions and comments for use in future planning. Please do not send questions through e-mail. Thank you!
When asking questions, please keep in mind that the FAQ page is meant to address questions about basic design or fundamental rules and goals of the Missions. The Missions are designed to encourage teams to think about alternative ways to design and program their robots to complete specified tasks. Exact reproduction of the courses is not necessary for programming and development. On Trial Day, each team will have the opportunity to ask detailed questions about the Missions. Teams will also have time to test their robots on each course and make modifications to their designs and programs as needed. MINDSTORMS robots are meant to be autonomous - they should react to their environment. For example, if the tape is not in the exact position as noted, the robot should not be affected. Also, note that there is a 1/8" tolerance on the building of all competition courses.
Topic | Question | Answer |
General | Our team has a community/business sponsor. Can we acknowledge them on our team t-shirts? | Yes, we are very happy if teams can get support from the community and you are welcome to acknowledge that support on your team's t-shirts. |
General | What happens if one of the team members is sick the day of the competition and that makes our team below the number required? | You need at least five (5) registered team members (Beginner and Beginner II) or eight (8) registered team members (Intermediate and Expert) present on Challenge Day to be eligible for the awards. If something happens and fewer than the minimum number of team members shows up, then the remaining team members are MORE than welcome to run the courses, but they willl not be eligible for awards and/or trophies. |
General | Is there any kind of penalty if a piece falls off the robot (intentionally or unintentionally) while completing the scenario? | Unless explicitly stated by the course mission itself, there is no penalty. |
General | The members on our teams have changed. How can we change the registration information? | Once a team has been registered, the team members' names cannot be changed online. If you have a change, please email that information to Perlekar Tamtam. It will be the coach's responsibility on Trial Day to check the list of team members' names to ensure accuracy. |
General | What software is required to run the robots? | There are no restrictions on the software used to run the robots at the MINDSTORMS Challenge. |
General | Can robot parts be labeled? | Robot parts can be labeled as long as the label does not provide a competitive advantage, does not add functionality, or does not in any way interfere with the performance of the robot. |
General | Can teams bring their laptops to the mission areas? |
No. Programming devices of any kind (including laptops, notebooks, or iPADs) are not allowed in the mission areas. Programming and Bluetooth devices must remain at the team's table in their work area. |
General | Can I attend both Awards ceremonies? | Yes, anyone can attend either or both ceremonies. |
General | On Challenge Day, can parent mentors help at the team table and as needed to provide asssistance to the team coach? | Absolutely! Parent mentors are welcome and encouraged to work with the team. Parent involvement should be limited to "mentoring". Only team members should be building and programming the robots, and only team members should carry the robots to the courses and complete the runs. |
General | Are teams allowed to use the tiny white rubber bands that come in the MINDSTORMS kits to secure pieces of the robots? | Any official LEGO part can be used on a robot. Any rubber band, tie, cardboard, etc., that is used to pack a kit cannot be used. |
General | If I have multiple sensors attached to my robot, do I need to remove the unused ones when I move to the next course? | Any sensor can be attached to your robot, however, certain courses limit the sensors that can be used to run the course; for instance, the Table Runner requires that the touch sensor (only) is used. See the individual course rules for details concerning use of sensors. |
General | Is the old RCX allowed? | Yes. Teams may use the RCX, NXT, or EV3. |
General | For the Beginner and Beginner II levels, is it ok to complete all the courses. | Yes, both Beginner and Beginner II teams may run all five courses. For Beginner teams, the best three scores will count towards their total score. For Beginner II teams the best four scores will count towards their total score. |
General | Can you use a Lego Technic pneumatic part that is engaged by an EV3 motor? | Yes, according to the rules, robots can be built using any "OFFICIAL LEGO PARTS". |
General | Is Shocker Hall open for lunch on Trial Day and what is the cost of the meal? | Yes, Shocker Hall is open on Saturdays from 10:00am - 1:30pm. Cost for lunch is $8.00. |
Team Display | Can your display face multiple directions? | No, your display should face one direction. It is possible that your table will be placed against a wall or something else blocking one side of the table from view. |
Team Display | Can coaches stand next to you and tell you where to put things on your table? | No. The creation and set-up of the Team Display should be done entirely by the student team members. |
Team Display | Do team members need to stand beside the Team Display? | No. The Team Display does not need to be manned. |
Team Display | How many team members may be used to setup the display. | There is no required number of student participants involved in setting up the display. (No adults allowed!) |
Team Display | Can a display hang over or extend beyond the table? | No. The display cannot be larger than the table top. Exception: a cloth or table cover can be used. It can hang below the table top, but should not take up any additional space and will not be part of the information judged. |
Team Display | What are the dimensions of the table for the Team Displays? | The tables are 6' x 2.5'. |
Team Display | When judging the display will the judges look in the notebook or will they only judge what is displayed on the table in plain sight? | The Team Display and the Team Notebook are two different competitions. They are judged independently of each other using the scoring sheets for the Team Display and Team Notebook |
Team Display | How will the standard "The display is aligned with the theme of the competition" be judged when there is no overall theme this year? | In the absence of a theme, each team will choose their own theme and build their display around that. Judges will score teams based on how well "the display demonstrates the team's individual theme." |
Apprentice Courses | Is there a time limit for the Apprentice courses? | Maximum time limit for official runs on Apprentice Courses is 3 minutes. The run will end at 3 minutes and teams will receive the scores earned up to that time. |
Line Follower | Is the robot only allowed to use one light sensor? | No, multiple light sensors are allowed. |
Line Follower | Does robot have to stop at end of run? | No. |
Line Follower | What is the start position? | The rules state: Your robot must begin its run while the back of your unit is lined up with "A" . |
Line Follower | Can you use a color sensor? | Yes, you can use either a light sensor or a color sensor. |
Line Follower | What constitutes the back' of the robot? | The last physical piece of the robot including wheels, wires, and sensors. |
Line Follower | What constitutes 1-inch' off the track? | The entire robot has to be more than 1 off the black track. As long as the robot is touching or at least within 1 of the track, they are okay. |
Line Follower | Does the robot need to be programmed to report the time it took to run the course? | No. The judges will use a stop watch to determine the time in which the robot finishes the course. |
Table Runner | Do you have to use touch sensors for this challenge? There is another way. | From the web, "The purpose of this Apprentice Mission is to utilize the touch sensor capability of the NXT/EV3 unit. You must therefore show satisfactory evidence to the course Judge that the unit is utilizing a touch sensor to direct its motion and change of direction when reaching the edge of the table." |
Table Runner | Are ultrasonic sensors allowed? | No. |
Table Runner | Is there a specific starting orientation required? | No. |
Table Runner | Does the robot have to stop when completed? | No. |
Table Runner | Does the 30 studs x 30 studs include all wires? | Yes, the wires must stay inside the 30x30 during measurement and at the start of the run. If the robot extends AFTER the start button is pressed, that is okay. |
Table Runner | Does the robot have to touch the X on each pass? | No. |
Table Runner | Does it count if the robot rolls off the edge on the eighth touch? | No. The course rules state Touching the edge will be determined if the activation of the touch sensor at the edge of the table causes the direction of motion to be changed without the unit falling off the table. |
Table Runner | Can the table be cleaned? | No. We will try to provide the best table available. All participants will be competing on the same table throughout the day. |
Table Runner | Can another sensor be used to assist with alignment as long as it is not the trigger for the change of direction activation counting as a side touch? | Yes. The Mission Judge will need to be provided satisfactory evidence that the unit is utilizing a touch sensor to direct its motion and change of direction when reaching the edge of the table. |
Maze Runner | Do robots need to use a specific sensor on Maze Runner? | No. Any sensor can be used. |
Maze Runner | Can multiple sensors be used on the same robot? | There is no limit on the type or number of sensors used for the Maze Runner. |
Maze Runner | Are we encouraged to design a program optimized for the particular maze, e.g., by instructing the robot to go forward by 2 feet, then turn left, then go forward by 1 foot, etc.; or design a sensor-based universal program that would work for other mazes, sacrificing the efficiency for the specific one? |
There are no limits to how you use sensors or program your robot for the Maze Runner. The goal of the course is for students to build and program a robot that autonomously responds to its environment. |
Maze Runner | Can the robot's height break the plane of the top of the Maze Runner walls? | There are no restrictions on robot size or construction. |
Maze Runner | If there is a tie for 1st and 2nd place, will a winner be determined by how quickly they finished the course, or will it remain a tie? | The scores earned for each course are only a small part of determining an overall winner at each level (Beginner and Beginner II). Time is not a tie-breaker consideration. |
Maze Runner | Do the Checkpoints need to be passed in sequential order to earn points? | Checkpoints can be passed in any order or sequence. They may be skipped if teams choose to do so. In order to achieve points for any checkpoint, all wheels, tracks, or parts of the robot in contact with the base must completely pass the checkpoint.The run is declared to be over if the robot becomes stuck and unable to move for 5 seconds. |
Maze Runner | Does the back of the robot have to be touching at the start or can a cord be touching? | Anything attached to the robot (must be LEGO component) is considered a part of the robot. |
MOMS | Does the robot have to physically touch the yellow areas or can a component of the robot simply pass over it? | The robot must physically touch the yellow areas. |
MOMS | Are points deducted for touching the back side of the walls? | No. |
Towers of Doom | Is there a scoring penalty for touching or knocking over the towers? | There is no scoring penalty for touching the towers, and the construction of the course makes it unlikely that the towers would be knocked over by a robot. |
Towers of Doom | Would attaching the towers to the course with Velcro have a negative effect? | One negative effect of velcro is that the towers will move when bumped by the robot. The towers on the official course will not move. If your robot never touches the towers, there should be no negative effect. With that said, you are free to attach the towers however you prefer. |
Towers of Doom | Does the entire robot need to be inside the red starting square? | Only the elements touching the surface must be inside the red area. |
Towers of Doom | Does this course require use of a specific sensor? | No. |
Towers of Doom | When are points earned? | Points are earned the first time (only) that any part of robot passes over a corner. |
All Things Considered
Do we have to travel with each block independently? | There are no restrictions on how the blocks are moved. |
All Things Considered | Where are the checkpoints--Line A and Line B? There is no photo with these labeled. |
please see the dimensions and building instructions page-6. |
All Things Considered | In the instructions, it is stated that "One block is placed in each of the starting squares..." however the picture shows two blocks in each square. Please clarify. |
There are two starting blocks on each color they are shown in page-5, and dimensioned on page-8 in building and instructions document. |
All Things Considered | If a block is "in contact with a upper end zone", does that mean it just touches the side? Or must it be placed on top? |
Points are awarded based on the horizontal surface the block is in contact with at the end of the run. |
Shocker Racetrack | Are we allowed to touch the blue blocks? It says not to touch black ones so what we do with the blue ones? |
There are no restrictions on what is to be done with the blue blocks. |
Shocker Racetrack |
The dimensions for the ramp result in a much larger ramp than the one in the photo. Could you verify the actual ramp dimensions for the Shocker Racetrack.
All ramp dimensions are correct except the following: the 10x24 dimension for the ramp top is actually 10 x 12 3/8. We also updated that on the building instructions document. |
Shocker Racetrack |
Can the robot run in either direction? |
Each lap should follow the checkpoints sequentially. |
Shocker Racetrack | Does the robot need to have at least one wheel on the track when crossing a line? |
There is no requirement for any wheel to be in contact with the track. |
Shocker Racetrack | What constitutes crossing a checkpoint? |
The entire robot must pass a checkpoint in order to achieve points. |
Hockey Challenge | When can we shoot the puck? Does it have to be shot at end or can it be shot at any point during the course? | There are no restrictions on when the puck may be shot. |
Hockey Challenge |
Which box is the starting point box? Where are the checkpoints? |
Please see the image of check points in the Hockey Challenge page. |
Hockey Challenge |
Do the wheels need to be entirely contained within the starting square with no part of the wheels touching outside the starting square? Or do all the wheels need to be at least touching the checkpoint, but not totally "contained" within the starting square? |
All of the wheels must be touching, but not necessarily fully contained within, the starting point box at the beginning of the run. |
Hockey Challenge |
Do the wheels need to be entirely contained within the checkpoint square with no part of the wheels touching outside the checkpoints? Or do all the wheels need to be at least touching the checkpoint, but not totally "contained" within the square? |
Wheels must be fully contained in Checkpoint 1 and 2 in order to receive points for those respective Checkpoints. |
Hockey Challenge |
Can a robot score a goal first and then go back and do other tasks? |
There is no required sequence of tasks to be completed for scoring. |
Hockey Challenge |
Can you go through 4B and later go back through 4A or 4C to get the higher points? |
No. Only the first 4 score will be counted. |
Hockey Challenge |
If the red can is pushed into a defender, is that a deduction? |
No. It is a penalty only if the robot makes contact with the defender. |
Hockey Challenge |
Can a robot go partway through 4B, shoot a goal, back up and go through either 4A or 4C for maximum points? |
Yes. Points are only awarded if a robot completely passes any of the check point 4 options. |
Hockey Challenge |
After the puck is shot, and we are going through check point 4c, can part of the robot cross the red line and still get maximum points? |
Yes. |
Hockey Challenge |
Is a robot assessed a penalty for touching the same defender, multiple times? |
No. There is only a deduction assessed for the first time the robot touches a defender. |
Hockey Challenge |
Does a bearing, track, or non-motorized wheel count as a wheel? |
Yes. |
Hockey Challenge |
Are guide wheels that are not touching the ground needs to touch the starting point box? |
Guide wheels that are not supporting the robot do not need to be touching the starting box. |
Hockey Challenge |
Is it legal for the robot to pass the penalty line while going through 4C, then return
back across the line and shoot the puck and still get the full 200 points for the
center goal? |
Yes. |
Olympic Rescue |
Can you clarify the route of the olympic rescue? What do the students do with the circle on the side of the course? Do they have to pick something up or just drive over it? |
Neither the scoring matrix nor the checkpoint map include any reference or action with respect to the course route or the circle. |