Agenda for the meeting of the Faculty Senate
Monday, April 25, 2016
CH 126 3:30 - 5:00 pm
I. Call to Order
II. Informal Statements and Proposals
III Approval of the Minutes for April 11, 2016
IV. President's Report
a. Regents - Transfer/Articulation CLEP/AP
V. Updates
b. Weapons
c. Senate Bill 388
d. Strategic Planning - Cindy Claycomb, Assistant tot he President for Strategic
VI. Committee Reports
a. Rules -- revisions to the Constitution and Rules of the Senate (2nd. reading)
b. Standing Committee Annual Reports: Faculty Affairs, Scholarship & Student Aid
VI, Old Business
a. Resolution pertaining to faculty senate adoption of revised T&P model (Academic Affairs)
VIII. New Business
a. SGA Resolution on Mandatory Diversity training
b. SGA Resolution on Student Privacy Act
IX. As May Arise
X. Adjournment