Duplication of Hours between Multiple Majors & Minors
The same hours can be used to meet the requirements of more than one major or minor
or combination thereof within the following conditions:
1. At least 12 hours of unduplicated coursework must be completed in each major.
2. At least three hours of unduplicated coursework must be completed in each minor.
A Major is defined as all courses beyond general education and college requirements
which are required to achieve that major.
Colleges and/or departments may impose further restrictions on the use of duplicated
hours for their programs, majors and/or minors.
Double majors across colleges (DMAC), defined as a primary major in one of the professional
schools (Business, Education, Health Professions, Fine Arts, Engineering) and secondary
major in Liberal Arts and Sciences may continue to use duplicate coursework without
Submitted by the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee to the Faculty Senate for November 11, 2013 meeting.