Minutes of the Faculty Senate Meeting
Monday October 27, 2014
Members present: Baker, Bergman, Broks, Bryant, Celestin, Chang, Close, Decker, Dehner, Horn, Houseman,
Huckstadt, Hull, Johnson, Klunder, Mason, Moore-Jansen, Mosack, Perry, Rillema, Rokosz,
Shaw, Taher, Trechek, Walker, Yeager, Yildirim, Yu
Members absent: Adler, Ahmed, Hanawalt, Hunsicker, Lu, Ramanan, Ross, Thiessen, Woods, Yao
Members excused: Barut, Castro
Summary of Action:
Accepted Jean Brickell, to represent Health Professions on the UAEC and Dan Bequillard. to represent Health Professions on the Academic Affairs Committee
I. Call to order:
Because President Barut was out of the country, Vice President Bayram Yildram called
the meeting to order at 3:30 pm
II. Informal Statements and Proposals - none
III. Approval of the Minutes
The minutes of the meeting on September 22, 2014 - accepted as presented (with editorial
correction noted)
IV. Updates
1. Discussion on Phased Retirement with Provost and Senior Vice President Tony Vizzini post-poned..
2. Panel on Campus Safety presented information regarding procedures in their areas of responsibility.
* Wade Robinson - VP for Student Engagement
He is chair of the University Behavioral Intervention Team ( UBIT) an interdiscilinary
team that handles behavior issues across campus. He noted the distinction of how UBIT
handles a threatrening situation (to themselves or to others) and a non-threatening
situation handled by Student Conduct. The first step taken when an incident arises
is to follow up with the reporter of the incident for more detail and clarification.
The team then makes a threat assessment of mild, moderate, or servere. They look at
next course of action, which includes a full range of options up to removal from the
campus. During stressful times of the year, cases range from 3-5/week or more. So
at any given time they may have 20 or so ongoing cases they are handling..
*Mandy Hambleton - Director Student Conduct and Community Standards - the new director
dealing with issues of student conduct (non-threatening issue). She has noted an increase
in marajuana usage in dorms (perhaps because RA's are better trained to notice). Her
work is done with regard to Policy 8.05 Student Code of Conduct. She also has a range
of actions that can be taken ranging from apologies or restitution, to expulsion.
Academic misconduct is handled by faculty and Deans.
* Sara Morris - Chief of University Police
Chief Morris noted that the UPD is a fully commissioned law enforcement branch, present
on campus 24/7, and works closely with the UBIT team and Mandy Hambleton. With regard
to questions about how rape is handled by the UPD. She noted that the victim can choose
to involve the WPD or UPD or neither. Student conduct may conduct a parallel investigation.
When a rape is reported, the force determines whether the suspect is known and present
on campus, or has not yet been identified or located. This determines whether an ongoing
threat exists requiring a public warning to be issued. None of these reported incidents
are secret. They are all noted in the daily crime log, --https://wichita.edu/dt/police/dailycrimelog.asp -- but not all incidents require public notice to the community. There is no requirement
regarding public notification of the outcome of investigations. RAs are often the
first point of contact and are trained in responding appropriately. Contact is made
with the Counseling center immediately along with Wade Robinson. Victims are encouraged
to seek medical attention and subsequent counseling. "Preponderance of evidence" is
a different standard than "beyond a doubt" in terms of determining guilt.
Chief Morris encouraged faculty to attend the Active shooter training sessions (available
on UBITS webpage, -- https://wichita.edu/?u=ubit&p=/index
** The Senate requested that Chief Morris report on the final disposition of the
May 2013 case that the Sunflower reported was ongoing.
* Glendon Miller -Director Environmental Health and Safety
He reported that Emergency building coordinators (over 200 of them) have received
instructions for emergency responses. Compliance by all staff and faculty is important
when they give evacuation instructions for buildings. The EOC Emergency Operations
Center activated during big events (ex Koch).
* George Dehner, a member of the Health Risk assessment team - noted that students
are in the system and are screened when they arrive on campus (additional info on
College of Health webpage -- /thisis/academics/chp/
V Committee Reports:
A. Rules Committee Peer Moore-Jansen, chair
Motion to fill the vacant seat from Health Professions on the Academic Affairs Committee:
Dan Bequillard. Approved.
Motion to fill the vacant seat from Health Professions on the University Admissions
and Exceptions Committee: Jean Brickell. Approved.
There are a number of unfilled seats. Please send Peer your nominations:
College of Health Professions on the Undergraduate Research Committee
College of LAS/Humanities on the Undergraduate Research Committee
College of LAS/Humanities on the Scholarship & Student Aid Committee
College of LAS/Humanities on the Academic Affairs Committee
College of Education on the Library committee
College of Business on the General Education Committee
College of LAS/Soc.Sci. on the General Education Committee
College of Fine Arts on the Library committee
College of Fine Arts on the Faculty Affairs Committee
Vice President Yuildirim noted that the next meeting scheduled for November 17th
(Special Date on 3rd Monday of the month).
Agenda items include:
a. Update by President Bardo
b. Alternative Credentials Panel discussion
Motion to adjourn at 4:20. Approved.