MINUTES OF THE MEETING: Monday, November 23, 2010
MEMBERS PRESENT: Anderson, Baker, Barut, Bolin, Brooks, Carruthers, Decker, Dreisen, D'Souza, Gibson, Hemans, Henry, Hershfield, Horn, Jeffres, Kreinath, Matveyeva, Miller, Mosack,Rillema, Rokosz, Ross, D. Russell, Skinner, Smith-Campbell, Soles, Srattman, Taher, Yeager, Yildirim
MEMBERS ABSENT: Adler, Bryant, deSilva, DiLollo, Klunder, Moore-Jansen, L. Russell, Thompson
MEMBERS EXCUSED: Bennett, Celestin, Close, Lewis-Moss, Smith
ExOffico: Miller
I. Call of the Meeting to Order: President Hemans called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm
II. Informal Statements and Proposals: President Hemans reminded the Senate of the Holiday reception in the Rhatigan Student Center which will follow the senate meeting of December 13, 2010.
III. Approval of the Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of Monday, November 8, 2010 were accepted as presented.
IV. President's Report:
A. President Hemans said that the Kansas Board of Regents had recently met with the Council of Faculty Senate Presidents. The meeting focused
on Foresight 2020 and the Regents' intent to incorporate the document's goals within
future performance agreements. It also became clear during the meeting that retention
is a matter of high concern throughout the Regents institutions. A task force on transfer
and articulation has been formed by the Regents, and President Hemans and Associate
Provost Pickus have been appointed to serve on the task force.
B. President Hemans gave committee activities update -- the Academic Affairs Committee
is continuing its review of the proposed B.S. in Engineering Technology; the Committee's
recommendation is expected to come before the Senate in spring 2011. The standing
General Education Committee continues to make progress in defining its role within
the general education process.
C. President Hemans reported on several retention initiatives currently in progress throughout the university: expanded, mandatory orientation
for incoming students; a success course; the integration of the success course with
orientation; and efforts to identify academically prepared students who are not engaged
in the life of the university. Other possible initiatives are also under consideration:
a success course that would be required as a basic skills course; declaration of major
following the success course; and setting a firmer deadline for registration.
D. President Hemans presented data indicating the number of students per faculty
member per college, for the purpose of understanding the loads that would be involved
in a faculty mentorship program. He suggested that the Senate consider a trial of
a voluntary mentorship program, commencing in fall 2011.
V. Committee Reports: Senator Skinner, chair of the Rules Committee, brought forth the committee's nomination of David Soles as faculty representative on the University Tenure and Promotion committee. The nomination was approved.
The Senate agreed to revise the agenda in order to consider New Business next.
VII. New Business: Robert Feleppa, chair of the Library Committee, brought forth the committee's proposal to revise its charge. Senator Soles moved to dispense with a second reading of the proposal and to vote on it; the motion passed. Smith-Campbell moved (Hershfield, 2nd) to accept the committee proposal. A vote was taken and the proposal was accepted.
VI. Old Business:
A. Proposal to endorse a policy to assign a faculty mentor to each student at the time of admission, third reading. President Hemans noted that
previous discussions had revealed little support for this proposal. Hershfield moved
(Rillema, 2nd) to reject the proposal. A vote was taken and the proposal was rejected.
B. Proposal to endorse a policy to require the declaration of a major at the time of admission, third reading. President Hemans noted that previous discussions
had revealed little support for this proposal. Hershfield moved (Barut, 2nd) to reject
the proposal. A vote was taken and the proposal was rejected.
C. President Hemans solicited discussion of a voluntary faculty mentoring program, including training for mentors, especially with respect to advising students with
emotional or financial concerns, which are leading causes of student stop-outs. Provost
Miller noted that it has been found in studies that if a student has a relationship
with faculty early in their college career they are more likely to complete their
education. After some discussion, Senator Rillema requested that the Executive Committee
formulate a proposal for a voluntary faculty mentoring program.
IX. As May Arise: none.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:26 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dan Russell, Secretary