Faculty Senate Minutes
Monday, March 28, 2016
Clinton Hall 126, 3:30PM-5:00PM
Senators Present: Barut, Birzer, Brooks, Bryant, Castro, Celestin, Chand, Close, Cramer, Decker, Dehner, Ewing, Huckstadt, Hull, Johnson, Lu, Moore-Jnsen, Muthiacaren, Myose, Rokosz, Ross, Walker, Woods, Yildirim
Senators Absent: Adler, Ahmed, Babnich, Beergman, Chang, Chopra, Deibelk, Hendry, Huaghes, hunsicker, Jin, Palmer, Ramanan, Rillema, Shukaev, Soloimey, Yao
Senators Excused: Mosack, Shaw
Summary of Action:
A. Accepted the following committee appointments:
UAEC John Perry, (Business)
Faculty Affairs Ariel Loftus (Humanities)
Rules Danny Bergman (Education)
General Education Steve Oare (Fine Arts)
Scholarship Justine Sasanfar (Fine Arts).
I. Call to Order Meeting called to order at 3:32 PM by President Moore-Jansen
II. Informal Statements and Proposals Senator Brooks asked for senate feedback on a policy being proposed in his department which would restrict the department chair from serving on a search committee if there were enough faculty available to serve. After discussion and feedback the general consensus was that it was appropriate for the department to develop a policy.
III. Approval of Minutes
a. Minutes of the March 7, 2016 meeting were accepted as presented
IV. New Business
a. David Moses (University Counsel), Chair of Weapons Possession Policy Committee - The university has established a weapons policy committee made up of the members
of the crisis management committee and others (President Moore-Jansen represents the
faculty on the committee) to ensure that every part of the university has a representative
on the committee. KBOR has developed a policy but has mandated that each institution
develop its own policy. The committee is attempting to come up with a fair policy
that meets the requirements of the law and provides a balance for all the groups involved.
The committee hopes to have the policy developed by mid-fall. Faculty are encouraged
to look at the KBOR policy: http://www.kansasregents.org/about/policies-by-laws-missions/board_policy_manual_2/chapter_ii_governance_state_universities_2/chapter_ii_full_text#weapons
Question and Response session focused on the following:
How to broach the subject with students
Placing the policy on the syllabus
Need and opportunity for trainings (concealed carry, active shooter) and workshops-
and if any should be mandated
Forums for continued discussion
Adequate Security Measures buildings versus parts of building, key card,
Uniformity across campuses
President Moore-Jansen reminded senators to discuss the issue and raise questions
with their colleagues in their departments.
b. Sarah Morris (蹤獲扦 Police Chief), Active Shooter Training Postponed to 4/11/16
c. Foundation Update - Elizabeth King, President Postponed to 4/11/16
V. Updates
a. Dr. Jay Price reported that on March 10th Helen Hundley (Assistant Professor in
History) was struck by a car while crossing Perimeter Road. She suffered several fractures
and currently is in rehabilitation. Anyone interested in sending a card or chocolates
should contact Dr. Price for an address. Do not send flowers as she is allergic.
Following this update there was a brief discussion related to safety on campus: the
need for speed bumps, having emergency contact information on file in HR and the need
for more handicapped spaces for individuals.
VI. President's Report Postponed to 4/11/16
VII. Committee Reports
a. Rules Committee, Bayram Yildirim, Chair presented the following committee nominations:
UAEC John Perry, (Business); Faculty Affairs Ariel Loftus (Humanities), Rules
Danny Bergman (Education); General Education Steve Oare (Fine Arts) and Scholarship
Justine Sasanfar (Fine Arts). Senators were accepted.
VIII. Old Business None
IX. Update
a. President Moore-Jansen asked Provost Vizzini to address the budget. Dr. Vizzini
stated the top priority is to avoid furloughs and layoffs. As a first action, SRO
accounts will be swept by 50%. State revenues are likely to fall short in April and
May and the state budget is set in stone in some areas but not in all. The administration
is working on the rescission of 2.2 million as well as planning for fiscal 2017 with
3% less.
Question and Response session followed:
i. Question Would it be possible for a faculty member to do an unpaid leave for
example a visiting professor position elsewhere? Response: This would be a Dean resource
ii. Question Has the legislature suggested places where cuts might occur? Response:
iii. Question Can student fees and/or tuition be raised? Response: There is a current
2.1% cap on tuition, do not know if fees will be capped.
iv. Question Is it possible for alumni association to give money? Response: Currently
association breaking even and not sure it would help.
v. Question What about the 27th pay period question? Response: We are obligated
for 27 pay periods in 2017, the question of how it will be covered is still being
vi. Question Is it feasible to float a city wide bond to support 蹤獲扦?
Response: We benefit from the mill levy tax and there could be an increase in millage.
We do benefit from the city and county.
Dr. Vizzini pointed out that we are good stewards of the monies we receive; however
we will either need to increase revenue streams or reduce costs.
X. As May Arise None
XI. Adjournment at 4:51PM