Procedures for scheduling and hosting Watkins Visiting Professors
Click here for a pdf of this checklist.
Department host
______Selects dates within suggested window frames:
- Biological Sciences September 15-October 15
- Chemistry October 16-November 16
- Geology January 25-February 20
- Physics February 21-March 31
- Interdisciplinary April 1-April 30
Chairs may negotiate trades with other chairs for window frames.
______Makes informal contact with speaker to determine availability of speaker and
tentative dates of visit within window frames.
______Confirms dates and sets itinerary with speaker.
______Informs dean, in writing, of final arrangements.
______Notifies dean to send formal letter of invitation to speaker.
______Responsible for reserving lecture rooms and audio/visual needs.
______Sends speakers biography, photo, home address, lecture titles and times, and room locations no later than six weeks in advance to Cheryl Miller.
______Approves prepared publicity pieces.
______Plans and coordinates formal events (e.g., seminar, lecture, workshops).
______Organizes and expedites activities and include other departments where appropriate.
______Acts as host during visit.
______Recommends to Deans Office four faculty members and the names of their companions
(e.g., spouse, grad student, postdoc, undergrad student) for dinner invitation list.
______Responsible for handling any other detail overlooked or omitted from this list.
Deans Office
______Sends Watkins Visiting Professor an official letter of invitation, W-9 and professional
services agreement.
______Handles the finances (e.g., travel, hotel, dinner). Please give all receipts to Candice Weathers.
______Obtains honorarium check and gives it to the speaker towards the end of the visit.
______Prepares publicity information (e.g., poster, postcards, notices)
and distributes it in a timely manner. Biographical information about speaker will
be prepared by the department host as described above and supplied to Cheryl Miller
no later than six weeks in advance of the event.
______Sets location and menu for formal dinner involving Watkins board members, faculty and speaker.
______Maintains the Watkins mailing list.
Watkins Program Committee
Membership includes the four natural science department chairs and the dean. The chair of biological sciences is the chair of WPC.
______Plans schedule, coordinates events, and reviews overall operation of Watkins
Program on a regular basis.
______WPC members advise/inform WPC chair of all arrangements made with
Watkins Visiting Professors as to dates of visit, travel itinerary, and title and
schedule of
______WPC chair coordinates the calendar of events and shares information about committed dates to department chairs and the deans office.
______WPC chair sends suggestions for additional invitees (e.g., special interest groups) to the deans office for each program. These suggestions are additional to individuals on the mailing list.
______WPC regularly revises the mailing list.
Membership includes the four natural science department chairs and the dean. The
chair of biological sciences is the chair of the committee.