"Cantico 1" - Leonor 123r-124r


Si con tanto cuidado cada dia cantessemos loores al se簽or como el tiene de darnos alegr穩a y en todos nuestros cossas su fabor

no fueran nuestros males tan continuos,

No durara tan grande adverssidad;

de sus bienes todos nos hiria dignos

y de poblar su Sancta ciudad

en la qual fueron largos nuestros a簽os exemptos de peligros y de da簽os

If I am careful each day
to sing high praises to the Lord,
as He is giving us joy
and all our things in His favor,
our ills would not be so continuous,
adversity would not last so long;
their good made us all

and for to populate their Holy city
that we were in long our years
exempt from dangers and damage.

Confieso que por ser inobedientes

fuimos de nuestra patria a dessechados

vibimos entre incircuncissas gentes

con hombres y con guerras afrentados

todos con crueldades diferentes

fuimos de nuestra patria des hechados

Volbamos al senor que el es piadosso

que el hara nuestro spirutu gozosso

Confess that by being disobedient
we were discarded from our homeland.
We live among uncircumcised people
affronted with famines and shameful wars,
all with different cruelties.
We were discarded from our homeland;
return to the Lord, that He be merciful,
that He will make our spirit joyful.

Cantemos su loor en este dia

del senor escogido y regalado

ensalcemos su recta y sancta via

pues solo a nos lo ha encomendado

de quantas generaciones criado avia

como la de Ysrrael por mayor grado

multiplicando su generacions

mas que las estrellas que en el cielo son

We sing his praise on this day
of the Lord, chosen and given;
let us exalt his holy and straight path
just because he has entrusted it to us.
How many generations were bred?
He took Israel from a low level,
multiplying his generation
more than there are stars in the sky;

No a de ser en vano la esperanca

que no puede faltar lo prometido

muy presto gazaremos de vonanca

si inclinamos a bien nuestro sentido

porque aquel que en Dios espera todo alcanca

Si del bien esperar no es movido

el senor haga que siempre en el esperemos

y que toda su Sancta ley guardemos

prometido ha el senor si nos tornamos

a la ley de su Sancta voluntad

Be it not in vain hope,
that we will not miss what was promised,
very soon we shall enjoy a bonanza
if we are inclined to our good sense,

because God is the one hope to achieve everything;

if the good hope is not moved;

the Lord causes that we only hope in him,
and we keep all his holy law;

The Lord has promised that if we turn ourselves
to the Law of His holy will, and if our heart and soul we fix to execute, to affirm your will.

Y si de Coracon y alma assentamos

aver de executar su voluntad

si con justicia por fabor clamamos

estando en la mayor adverssidad

nos volvera a juntar en esse instante

de norte, sur, poniente y de levante

que mas sen al o muestra a pretendemos

para reconoscer la obligascion

que de sanctificar tal dia tenemos

con todo alma y todo coracon

pues le Senor nos vedo que busquemos

en el mantenimiento y provision

gastemos lo cantando los loores

del Senor que nos de tantos favores

If we cry out with justice for favor
while in the greatest adversity,
we will again gather in that moment,
north, south, west and east,
What else shows signs or that we intend
to recognize the obligation
that we sanctify this day
with all our soul and all our heart;
for the Lord banned us from seeking his sustenance and provision;
I am worn down from singing praises
to the Lord that grants us so many favors.