The Work in Water Internship

As part of the Work in Water program, utilities have the option to interview and hire paid summer interns who have completed the Work in Water Experience at their school. So far, eight high school graduates have completed the internship program. The interns are asked to complete a Capstone Project that demonstrates what they learned and experienced during their 9-week internship. The intern is able to choose what they want this project to be, but the capstone should also display rigorous effort and scholarly work. In addition, the interns are encouraged to be creative and show their personality in the project.

 Capstone Projects

Miguel Tovar
Miguel's internship provided lots of hands-on tasks in the field! "My favorite experience was working in Biosolids because of how often I got to go out in the field and drive tractors."
Amanda Currie
Amanda found the science and chemistry behind water fascinating, and even covers some "water math" in her presentation! I think this internship leaves a really good base work for the future and a better way of understanding how science helps municipalities and people in their everyday life.
Connor Smith


Connor shows you just how many steps go into the delivery of clean water, and the hard-working crews that work around the clock to ensure the community has water when they need it. "During this internship, every week holds something new."

Contact: Tonya Bronleewe, Program Manager,, (316) 978-6638