The EPA provides funding to community organizations to build partnerships and to work on projects to address environmental and/or public health issues in their community using the Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Model.
The EPA provides funding to community-based organizations through Environmental Justice Small Grants to support and empower communities working on solutions to local environmental and public health issues.
The Everything (Land Conservation) But the Kitchen Sink Program is an open-ended call for projects that advance land conservation and outdoor recreation.
In-Lieu Fees allow developers to opt-out of stormwater management by paying the city/county a fee. Those fees become dedicated funds for stormwater projects.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides funding through Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grants to help reduce or eliminate risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings and other structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program.
Forest ReLeaf of Missouri plants trees to enrich communities. With the help of thousands of volunteers, Forest ReLeaf has planted over 200,000 trees throughout Missouri and Illinois, improving thousands of communities.
General Obligation Bonds provide local governments the ability to borrow money to fund infrastructure projects, typically for a low-cost, tax-exempt rate of interest.
Green Bonds provide local governments the ability to borrow money to fund environmental, sustainable infrastructure projects, typically for a low-cost, tax-exempt rate of interest.