Community Conservation Cost Share

The Community Conservation Cost Share Program promotes sustainable development practices and the establishment of natural resource conservation practices in urban and developing areas.


Community Conservation Cost Share program promotes sustainable development practices and the establishment of natural resource conservation practices in urban and developing areas.

Government entities (municipal and county parks departments, schools) and nonprofit corporations are eligible to apply.

Eligible property includes lands in public ownership or open to the public. Private property is only eligible when another partner(s) is providing at least a 1:1 cash match or on private property that extends or connects projects on public land by providing stormwater conveyance, habitat connectivity, or other public benefits.

Cost-share is authorized for activities such as urban green space planning, engineered drawings, etc. In addition, practices eligible for cost-share include native prairie restorations, forest and woodland management, tree plantings, pollinator plantings and invasive species control.

Cost-share for entities is authorized at 50-75% of the actual project cost. Total landowner or community payment shall not exceed $15,000/project/year. Municipalities over 100,000 in population are eligible for $15,000 per 50,000 in population with no single project to exceed $15,000.

Consult your communitys attorney and financial advisors prior to moving forward with any of these funding options. Any reference in this website to any person, or organization, or activities, products, or services related to such person or organization, or any linkages from this website to the website of another party, do not constitute or imply the endorsement, recommendation, or favoring of companies or organizations.