Five-Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant

 The Five-Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grants focus on stewardship and restoration of wetland and riparian ecosystems.


Five-Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grants fund projects that address water quality (erosion and stormwater) in priority watersheds.

The goal of this program is to meet conservation needs and provide measurable and meaningful conservation and educational outcomes.

Establishing or enhancing diverse partnerships and an education and outreach component to help meet conservation goals is preferred for funding.

Funding priorities for this program include:

  • On-the-ground wetland, riparian, in-stream and/or coastal habitat restoration
  • Meaningful education and training activities, either through community outreach, participation and/or integration with K-12 environmental curriculum
  • Measurable ecological, educational and community benefits

Partnerships: Five Star projects should engage a diverse group of community partners to achieve ecological and educational outcomes.

 Project Examples

El Paso, TX

El Paso Community Foundation conducted an urban tree canopy assessment and permeable paver demonstration project as the gateway to sustainably revitalizing downtown El Paso and moving from gray to green infrastructure. This project improved drainage through permeable pavers, reduced flooding damage, increased tree canopy and shade, and recharged groundwater supply.

More Info/Resources

Consult your communitys attorney and financial advisors prior to moving forward with any of these funding options. Any reference in this website to any person, or organization, or activities, products, or services related to such person or organization, or any linkages from this website to the website of another party, do not constitute or imply the endorsement, recommendation, or favoring of companies or organizations.