The Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR) Grant are competitive grants (at the state or national level) intended to fund collaborative,
science-based forest restoration projects that will provide benefits to the American
public, including timber and fuel wood, wildlife habitat, watershed protection and
well-paying rural jobs.
State forestry agencies submit projects for funding. Projects can be submitted to
the State Forester prior to application deadline. State Foresters can sponsor up to
five submissions from their state. Contact your State Forester early to begin aligning
state forestry goals with your project goals to increase your projects potential
for funding.
Projects are expected to be collaborative and driven by partnerships with diverse
stakeholder. Begin talking to your state forester today about potential projects for
future funding! (Be sure to engage The Nature Conservancy they are always looking
to partner on restoration projects.)
LSR funds can only be spent on non-federal lands. Projects can include healthy watershed
projects that improve water quality, wildlife habitat, education, tree planting, strategic
outreach to landowners and land managers and more.
More Info/Resources
Project Examples
Missouri Department of Conservation - Facilitating Donated Forestry Conservation Easement
in Priority Landscaes
This project enhanced the USFS Forest Legacy Program. Current tax laws have created
a significant incentive for private landowners to donate forestry conservation easements
with minimal involvement of MDC or the USFS. The primary obstacle to obtaining these
donations is the stewardship fees needed by land trusts to create and hold conservation
easements in perpetuity. This facilitated the protection of 3,500+ acres of high priority
privately owned forestland by providing funding to land trusts for stewardship fees
and closing costs on tracts competitively approved by MDC.
Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources - Bringing Forests Back
This project increased tree canopy in Southwester Illinois cities through a comprehensive
approach of information gathering, outreach and education, and tree planting in order
to increase environmental benefits and combat commercial development and urbanization
lacking tree investments.
Consult your communitys attorney and financial advisors prior to moving forward with
any of these funding options. Any reference in this website to any person, or organization,
or activities, products, or services related to such person or organization, or any
linkages from this website to the website of another party, do not constitute or imply
the endorsement, recommendation, or favoring of companies or organizations.