A Public-Private Partnership is a contractual agreement between a local government and a private sector partner to build a facility or an element of infrastructure.
There is no one-size-fits-all public-private partnership. Local partnerships can achieve quick, low-cost project implementation.
There are also a growing number of project banks whose aim is to connect local projects with businesses who want to support healthy watershed or water sustainability projects because it makes good business sense to ensure water quality and quantity in the future.
A on green infrastructure in the Great Lakes Basin found that private delivery or financing of large-scale green infrastructure (at least $50 million) can be the least costly approach. The case studies of large-scale projects referenced in that report showed cost reductions of 40 percent to 96 percent gained through economies of scale.
Missouri law, , provides general authorization for political subdivisions and municipalities to contract and cooperate with private persons, firms, associations or corporations as long as the contract/partnership is within the scope of the subject matter, purposes and power of the political subdivision or municipality. Public-private partnership projects may include planning, development, construction, acquisition or operation of any public improvement or facility, of for a common service.
Project Examples
is a website that connects river groups with businesses who want to support water restoration projects.
The is a resource for public-private partnerships (P3) to promote green infrastructure.
Consult your communitys attorney and financial advisors prior to moving forward with any of these funding options. Any reference in this website to any person, or organization, or activities, products, or services related to such person or organization, or any linkages from this website to the website of another party, do not constitute or imply the endorsement, recommendation, or favoring of companies or organizations.