The following is a list of Lecture Series lectures scheduled for the Spring 2009 semester.
February 13, 2009
Dr. Stefan Llewellyn Smith
University of California, San Diego
"Vortex Ring With Swirl"
February 20, 2009
Dr. Holger Meyer
蹤獲扦 University
"Neutrinos: Some of the physics and a little math"
February 27, 2009
Dr. Yuri A. Antipov
Louisiana State University
"Hilbert problem for a multiply connected circular domain and applications."
March 6, 2009 - CANCELLED
Dr. Ivan Blank
Kansas State University
"A Blow Up Procedure for Functions with Bounded Laplacian"
March 27, 2009
Dr. Ching-Shui Cheng
University of California, Berkeley
"Multistratum Fractional Factorial Designs"
April 10, 2009
Dr. Andrea Young
University of Arizona
"The cross curvature flow on a solid torus"
April 17, 2009
Dr. Ivan Blank
Kansas State University
"Sharp Results for the Regularity and Stability of the Free Boundary in the Obstacle
April 23, 2009
Prof. Juan Gil
Penn State Altoona
"Spectra and resolvents of elliptic cone operators"
April 24, 2009
Prof. Hanfeng Chen
Bowling Green State University
"Empirical Likelihood Methods for Change Point Detection"
May 1, 2009
Prof. Robert Finn
Stanford University
"Floating Bodies"
May 22, 2009
Dr. Viji Thomas
Binghamton University
"The non-abelian tensor product of finite groups is finite: a homology free proof."