Admission Degree Requirements  M.A. Exams

Courses for Graduate Credit

Please find a complete list of course offerings in the .

Courses numbered 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate. (Individual courses may be limited to undergraduate students only.) Courses numbered 800 to 999 = graduate.

Upper-division courses are given on a rotating basis.

SPAN 505.  Spanish Phonetics   (3).

Cross-listed as . Includes articulatory phonetics, phonemics, sound/symbol correspondences, dialectal and stylistic variations. Required for future Spanish teachers. Prerequisite(s): any 200-level SPAN course or departmental consent.

SPAN 520.  Hispanic Film: Cinema in the Spanish Speaking World   (3).
This course will focus on various general topics affecting the Spanish speaking societies. The film productions from Spain and Latin America in the original Spanish language studied in class will serve as cultural instruments to analyze some endemic social problems affecting the Hispanic societies including immigration, repressive governments, globalization, gender inequality among others. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 300 or departmental consent.

SPAN 526.  Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition   (3).
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 220 or 221 or departmental consent.

SPAN 546.  Spanish Language Learning   (3).
Cross-listed as LING 546. Introduces language learning from an applied linguistics perspective: the processes of first and second language acquisition, elements of Spanish grammar that are often difficult for English speakers, and social aspects of language learning. Appropriate for advanced undergraduate students and graduate students. Taught in Spanish. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 526 or departmental consent.

SPAN 547.  Spanish in the U.S.   (3).
Cross-listed as LING 547. Explores the structural and social aspects of Spanish in the United States. Examines the history and social context of the use of Spanish in the U.S. as well as dialectical and contact phenomena in U.S. Spanish. Also covers Spanish in education, in the media and in other aspects of public life in the U.S. Appropriate for advanced undergraduate students and graduate students. Taught in Spanish. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 526 or departmental consent.

SPAN 623G.  Spanish National Cinema   (3).
Seeks to introduce students to the analysis and interpretation of Spanish cinema. Special attention is given to cultural topics such as the role of cinema in nation formation, cinema and censorship, changing gender roles, Spains transition from dictatorship to democracy, and current trends in Spanish film. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 300.

SPAN 623Q.  Hispanic Comics and Graphic Novels (3).
Study of graphic narratives from Spanish-speaking countries. Students analyze how comics and graphic novels can reflect the society and the historical moment in which they are created, and also evaluate the human condition. Special attention is paid to the textual and visual devices that are used in the comics medium. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 220 and SPAN 325.

SPAN 632.  Hispanic Cooking Communities   (3).
Analyzes food and food representation as potential national symbols and examines their cultural meanings. Examples of the importance of Hispanic and Latino foods and culinary traditions through the years with particular attention to the diasporic communities and the impact of immigrant food are studied. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 220/SPAN 221 and SPAN 325 or departmental consent.

SPAN 633.  Latin@ Studies   (3).
Introduces students to the range of issues that form the foundation of Latin@ studies. Students analyze the histories of the diverse Latin@ subgroups and acquire a multidisciplinary and panoramic perspective on the Latin@ collective and individual experience in the U.S. Special consideration is paid to the experiences of Latin@s in the Midwest and the representation of Latin@s in media. Course is taught in Spanish and includes readings in both Spanish and English. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 220, 221 and 325 or departmental consent.

SPAN 641.  Seminar in Hispanic Applied Linguistics   (3).
Topics include: (1) learning and teaching Spanish, (2) Spanish in the professions, (3) discourse and intercultural communication, (4) social and political contexts. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): MCLL 351 or instructor's consent.


Courses for Graduate Students Only

SPAN 805.  Directed Readings Spanish   (1-4).
Readings vary according to the student's preparation. Includes preparation of reports, literary critiques and special projects in linguistics.

SPAN 827.  Latin American Civilization and Culture   (3).
Introduction to historical and cultural development in Latin America, exploring the legacy of the Spanish encounter/conquest. Emphasizes Spanish colonization. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing.

SPAN 831.  Seminar in Spanish Literature   (3).
(a) Middle Ages, (b) Renaissance, (c) Golden Age theater, (d) Cervantes, (e) modern novel, (f) Generation of '98, (i) Romanticism, (j) 20th century poetry, (k) criticism, (l) literature, (m) 20th century theatre, (n) contemporary Spanish novel, (o) picaresque novel, and (p) Spanish short story.

SPAN 832B.  Seminar in Latin-American Literature  (3).
(B) Contemporary novel, (c) short story, (e) Modernism, (k) Latin-American literature

SPAN 833.  Survey of Spanish Literature I (to 1700)   (3).
Survey of medieval and early modern Spanish literature. Topics include major authors, works and literary movements of the periods. Consists of analysis of short stories, poems, plays and other genres.

SPAN 834.  Survey of Spanish Literature II   (3).
Overview of modern Spanish literary history. Topics covered include major authors, works and literary movements of modern Spanish literature (1700 to the present). The course consists of critical analysis of short stories, poems, plays, essays and excerpts from novels. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing.

SPAN 835.  Survey of Latin-American Literature (15th-19th Centuries)   (3).
Survey of Latin-American literature from its indigenous origins, through the colonial period, to the end of the independence campaigns. Consists of the close analysis of chronicles, short stories, poetry and other texts. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between ideology, nation building and literature. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing.

SPAN 836.  Survey of Latin-American Literature (20th and 21st Centuries)   (3).
In-depth overview of the cultural and commercial processes which gave way to the internationalization of Latin-American literature in the 20th century. Emphasis on how Latin-American literature became an object of interest in the U.S. and Europe in the 1960s and 1970s. It also examines the space some Spanish-American authors occupy currently in the world literary market. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing.

SPAN 851.  Advanced Topics in Spanish Culture and Civilization   (3).
Covers major events and sociopolitical movements in Spain from prehistoric times to present-day Spain. Through history, students examine the different cultures within Spain (Castilian, Catalan, Basque and Galician), focusing on language, nationality and political implications. Students explore major artists in all media including visual arts, music and literature, while also considering folkloric customs and traditions of the various regions (i.e. Culture and culture).


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