Dr. Hill has two forthcoming articles, "Why People Who Believe in God Fear Death" and "Strawsonian Hard Determinism". Click for more details
On March 28 at 1pm in Lindquist 326, Dr. Castro will discuss philosophy of medicine and AI as part of the panel "History and Philosophy of Health".
Dr. Bondy's new chapter "Informal Logic" forthcoming in Routledge Handbook of Argumentation Theory offers a concise overview of the informal logic movement.
Dr. Hill's recent paper "Against Adoption-Based Objections to Procreation" concerns the moral permissibility of procreation in light of our duty to aid, the availability of adoption, poverty differentials, and climate change.
Dr. Bondy's recent paper "Can Rational Persuasion Be Epistemically Paternalistic?" addresses the nature of epistemic paternalism (roughly, this is interference in other people's inquiry and deliberations, for the sake of their own epistemic good), and considers whether or not rational persuasion can be epistemically paternalistic.
After a long career in the 蹤獲扦 Department of Philosophy, Dr. Jeffrey Hershfield is retiring at the end of the Fall 2024 semester. Recipient of the John R. Barrier Distinguished Teaching Award in Humanities and Social Sciences, he has most recently served as the Director of the Legal Education Accelerated Degree (LEAD) program, the Director of the MA in Liberal Arts (MALS) program, and as the Pre-Law Advisor for Philosophy. Please join us in wishing Dr. Hershfield all the best in his retirement.
Come celebrate the end of the semester with us by decorating cookies (and eating them) in the Philosophy Library Annex, Fiske 009 from 11:00am - 1:00pm on Friday, December 6, 2024 from 11:00am to 1:00pm.
Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 3:30pm in McKinley 218, Dr. Jason Matteson gave a talk on the importance of "common values friendship" in professional fields like engineering.
Jay (Almer) Mandt, philosophy Professor Emeritus, passed away on June 20, 2024. Services are being provided by Downing and Lahey.
Please join us on Thursday, September 7th, when Emeritus Professors David Soles and Deborah Soles will deliver a talk entitled "Considerations on Loyalty." The talk will begin at 3:30pm in RSC 301 (Gridley Room).
Alumni News
Zohreh Dalirian has been admitted to the Doctoral program in Education at Southeastern
University (2021).
returned to his roots in the 蹤獲扦 Philosophy department to give talks on the philosophical significance and implications of the blockchain technology used
in cryptocurrencies for Internet 3.0, and a philosophical analysis of state intelligence
in democratic and authoritarian systems (2021).
is a civic engagement manager at the Kansas Leadership Center (2021).
is now enrolled in the PhD program in Philosophy at UCLA with 7 years of funding.
She's studying Philosophy of Law, Ethics, Political Philosophy, and Logic (2021).
finished his masters at York University and is now getting his PhD in Philosophy
at the University of British Columbia. He's studying Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Social Science and Philosophy of Medicine (2020).
is finishing his dissertation for a PhD in Communications at the Annenberg School
of Communications, USC (2020).
Curt Gridley and Tracy Hoover founded , a creative concept to market maker space in Wichita's Old Town Opportunity Zone
Alumni Spotlight
Class of 2014
蹤獲扦 University, Political Science and Philosophy double major (2014)
UC Berkley Law School (2016)
Previous Employment:
U.S. Army Reserve
Associate Attorney, DLA Piper LLP.
Current Job Title:
Deputy City Attorney, Los Angeles CA