Graduate Council

The Council determines and recommends general policies for the Graduate School. The Council also advises with the dean on matters submitted by the dean and serves as a committee on exceptions.

The Graduate Council shall be composed of the Dean of the Graduate School, the Associate Graduate Dean as an ex officio member, elected representatives from the following academic areas, and selected representatives (at-large representative and student representative):

W. Frank Barton School of Business
All Programs -1

College of Applied Studies
All Programs -1

College of Engineering
All Programs - 1

College of Fine Arts
All Programs - 1

College of Health Professions
All programs - 1

Fairmount College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Humanities - 1
Natural Sciences and Math - 1
Social and Behavioral Sciences - 1

Graduate Council Members

Current representatives and the areas of their representation are below:

Area of Representation


Terms Ends

W. Frank Barton School of Business

Steven Farmer

 June 2025

College of Applied Studies

Mark Vermillion

 June 2026

College of Engineering

Rajiv Bagai

June 2025

College of Fine Arts

David MacDonald

 June 2026

College of Health Professions

Jennifer Thornberry

June 2026

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences



Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Social and Behavioral Sciences



Rebeccah Bechtold

Mary Jameson

Sam Yeager



June 2025

June 2025

June 2026

At Large



Student Representative



Specific Functions and Election Process

Specific Functions

Specific functions of the Graduate Council include:

1. To review, evaluate, and recommend to the Graduate Faculty new graduate program proposals, major revisions in existing programs, and the deletion of existing degrees.

2. To review, evaluate, and recommend to the Graduate Faculty major regulations governing graduate students, graduate programs, and broad University policies and principles regarding graduate work.

3. To conduct review of graduate programs by evaluating the program self-studies generated by the departments, as part of the Board of Regents Program Review, and providing recommendations to the Graduate Dean concerning the quality of the programs.

4. To maintain effective liaison with departments participating in graduate programs, encourage the growth of interdisciplinary programs, and exercise central planning functions designed to promote programs of the highest quality.

5. To assist in designing and administering graduate programs.

6. To encourage student research/creative endeavor as part of their graduate education.

7. To provide input to the Graduate Dean on issues submitted to the Council by the Dean.

8. To receive and act upon such matters brought to it by its standing or ad hoc committees.

9. To develop the Graduate School categories for Graduate Faculty membership (with subsequent approval by the Graduate Faculty) and to provide necessary implementation interpretation of the eligibility qualifications and duties/ responsibilities in each category.

10. To investigate and render judgment concerning any complaint about a Graduate Faculty that may lead to revocation of Graduate Faculty status or revocation of privileges. In these cases, the judgment of the Council is final, and a two-thirds vote of those present is needed to approve such judgment.

11. To serve as a committee on appeals if a graduate student is dissatisfied with direct administrative action taken by the Graduate Dean. In such cases, the judgment of the Council is final, and a two-thirds vote of those present is needed to approve such judgment.

12. To serve as a committee on exceptions for student requests for exceptions to catalogue regulations when students are dissatisfied with the decision made by the Graduate Dean. In such cases, the judgment of the Council is final, and two-thirds vote of those present is needed to approve such judgment.

13. To serve as a committee on appeals for faculty members who are denied graduate faculty membership. In these cases, the judgment of the Council is final, and a two-thirds vote of those present is needed to approve such judgment.

14. To serve as a committee on appeals for program areas when appealing the Graduate Deans decisions on matters of course changes and degree requirements. In these cases, the judgment of the Council is final, and a two-thirds vote of those present is needed to approve such judgment.

Election Process - Academic Areas

Each academic area representative on the Graduate Council shall be elected to a two-year term by the Graduate Faculty members of the area to be represented. Terms of elected members shall be staggered so as to provide continuity of experience on the Council. If a vacancy occurs during a members two-year term, the Graduate Dean will consult with the graduate faculty of that area to select a replacement member to serve out the remainder of the term.

Academic area representatives are to be chosen each spring by mail or electronic ballot. Election ballots will be distributed with instructions for voting after the nomination ballots are returned. Should a tie occur, it shall be resolved at the discretion of the Graduate Dean.

In the event of new academic divisions within the University receive approval to offer graduate work but are not represented on the Graduate Council, a petition to be represented on the Council may be submitted to the Graduate Dean, subject to review by the Graduate Faculty.

Election Process - At-large Member

In consultation with the programs, the Graduate Dean selects the at-large member of the Council specifically to represent the doctoral programs. Selection rotates among the colleges/schools offering doctoral programs (for example, one year the representative is from Engineering, next year from Education, and the next year from Liberal Arts and Sciences, and so forth). The at-large member serves a one-year term.

Election Process - Student Representative

The student representative to the Council is selected by the Graduate Dean to serve a one-year term. Nominations will be submitted to the Dean by the Graduate Student Council (GSC) by May 1. If no nominee is submitted, or none are found eligible for selection, the Dean may request additional nominees. 

If the Graduate Student Council is unable to provide nominees for the position, for any reason, nominations will be solicited from the graduate faculty within a specific college (based on a rotation among colleges/schools). The deadline for these nominations will be determined by the Graduate Dean.

The representative is selected from the nominees based on willingness to serve, ability to attend Council meetings, and academic credentials.