Master of Health Administration

CAHME Candidacy

The Master of Health Administration Program (MHA) offers a fully online educational experience, featuring a diverse curriculum guided by industry experts and taught by dedicated faculty. The MHA Program is in CAHME-candidacy, indicating the program is committed to participate in a plan of self-improvement and is actively progressing toward the status of accreditation during the self-study in Academic Year 2024-2025.

The MHA program is a 24-month program, consisting of 37 credit hours (crhr) of core curriculum, a 3crhr elective, and a 3chr practicum completed within a health services organization between the first and second year of study. 


To cultivate innovative healthcare leaders by providing dynamic educational programming and applied industry experiences.


To be one of the nation's premier graduate health administration programs leading change at the regional, state, and national levels.


Professionalism Integrity Collaboration Diversity Innovative Leadership Empathy

Program Goals
  1. Facilitate quality applied learning industry experiences.
  2. Equip responsive, innovative healthcare leaders.
  3. Prepare students for success.
  4. Promote faculty excellence.
Program Domains & Learning Outcomes

Domain 1: Communication & Relationship Management
PLO#1: Exhibit oral and written communication skills for diverse populations and environments.

Domain 2: Leadership
PLO#2: Demonstrate competency in health leadership, management, and policy using systems thinking.

Domain 3: Professionalism
PLO#3: Demonstrate professionalism and knowledge of health care ethics, legal issues, stewardship, social justice, and lifelong learning.

Domain 4: Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment
PLO#4: Demonstrate an understanding of social, behavioral, cultural, economic, and environmental factors that impact the operations of health care organizations.

Domain 5: Business Skills and Knowledge
PLO#5: Develop skills and knowledge of the operation and value of strategic planning in health care settings.

Program Outcomes

Data AY 2021-2022 AY 2022-2023 AY 2023-2024
Applicants 27 34 33
New Enrolled 18 23 22
Entering GPA (median) 3.08 3.33 3.30
Total Enrolled 38 45 47

Retention, Graduation, and Employment Data

Data AY 2021-2022 AY 2022-2023 AY 2023-2024
Retention Rate 89% 83% 91%
Months to Completion (median) 24 26 24
Total Graduates 13 16 14
Placement Rate 100% 85% 89%