Shocker New Venture Competition


The 3 Minute Video is an overview of your new venture through the use of the lean startup model. The video cannot exceed the 3-minute limit. Below you will find the information that should be covered in your video that addresses your business model. Click on the heading to view a short video on the topic. Failure to include your business model information will result in being eliminated from the competition. 

 Video Content

You have the option of either using Youtube or Vimeo. It is important that you make your video unlisted so that you do not make your idea public. Please verify that you have submitted a shareable link.


Identify the problem you are solving. If your product or service doesn't solve a problem that potential customers have, you don't have a viable business. Consider using a real customer story that addresses the problem you are solving in the marketplace.

Once you have a clearly defined problem that you are solving, you need to explain the solution. Describe how customers use the product or service and how it addresses the problem. Be careful of falling into the trap of being focused on your product and not your customer.  What feedback have you received from potential customers to support your solution.

Expand on who your ideal customer is and how many of them there are. What is the total market size and how do you position your company within the market?Define who your customers are. Who will buy your product or service? Research everything about them. You want to know demographic information, income statistics, and family makeup. Create a complete profile of your target market.

This statement should explain what benefit you provide for who and how you do it uniquely well. Describe your target buyer, the problem you solve, and why you are distinctly better than the alternatives. This statement is extremely important.

There is always competition. Even if no one has come up with the exact solution you have, your potential customers are already solving their problem with some alternative. Research your competition. You can only set yourself apart if you know what has already been done. Describe your key differentiators from your competition.

How does the company make money? 

What is your cost of operating your business? 

Why are you and your team the right people to build and grow this company? Highlight the team members and the key expertise that they bring to the table.


Other Resources: