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How to Apply for Study Abroad

Are you interested in studying abroad? View study abroad at a glance to get an idea of questions to ask yourself before studying abroad, benefits to studying abroad, and some general things to think about. You can also check out past study abroad students experiences on our and spotlights page to see where other students have gone and the experiences theyve had. Then, complete the steps below.

Step 1: Attend an Information Session and Submit an Interest Form

Your first step to pursuing a study abroad experience is attending a Study Abroad Information Session. We will follow up with you after the information session to set up an advising appointment.

Information Sessions
For those who watch the Information Session video, please submit a Study Abroad Interest Form. Then, we will reach out within 2-3 business days for you to set up an advising appointment with us.

Step 2: Review Important Information and Program Options
  1. Please review each of these in detail to make sure you are fully prepared for a study abroad program.
  2. Start to look through our Program Options to get an idea of what program might be of interest to you and aligns with your study abroad goals.
Step 3: Attend a Study Abroad Advising Appointment
  • Once you attend an in-person information session (or watch our online and submit the Study Abroad Interest Form), we will reach out within 2-3 business days for you to set up an advising appointment with us. Check your email for communication from study abroad staff to set up an advising appointment.
  • Prior to the appointment, please review the important information in step 2 and briefly look through program options.
  • In a study abroad advising appointment we can:
    • Help you narrow down your program options based on your specific interests and goals sometimes its necessary for you to then do most of the research on your own after an initial advising appointment
    • Point you in the direction of the best scholarships resources for your specific situation and program
    • Discuss published program costs
    • Go over the general study abroad application process
Step 4: Complete 蹤獲扦 Study Abroad Application and Application Fee Payment

After you have narrowed down your program options and chosen the program you are interested in, please complete our Outgoing Study Abroad Application Form and submit it to studyabroad@wichita.edu or drop it off at the 蹤獲扦 Office of International Education


蹤獲扦 Outgoing Study Abroad Application Form 

Application Fees and Deadlines

Step 5: Complete Other Documents, Applications, or Requirements  

After completing the 蹤獲扦 Outgoing Study Abroad Application Form, study abroad staff will be in contact with you regarding further steps such as:

  • Applying for a passport 
  • Applying for Study Abroad Scholarships 
  • Meeting with your academic advisor
  • Completing the application for your specific study abroad program
  • Completing any pre-departure requirements and attending mandatory pre-departure meetings