Your Guide to the Financial Aid Process in Shocker Nation

Step 1 FAFSA

Apply for Financial Aid

Create your FSA ID and complete your FAFSA at . To share your results with 蹤獲扦, add our school code, 001950.

We typically receive your FAFSA within 3-5 business days after you submit it online.

Step 2 Review SAR

Review your FAFSA Submission Summary

The FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) is an electronic document from the U.S. Department of Education and provides basic information about your eligibility for federal aid and lists your answers to the questions on the FAFSA. It is important to review your answers for possible errors.

If your FSS requires corrections, make corrections online at and resubmit.

Step 3 Check Status
Financial Aid Dashboard

Check your status weekly

Regularly check to make sure you have no unsatisfied requirements that could delay your financial aid. If additional information is needed, we will email your Wichita State email account.

To review any required items, log into using your my蹤獲扦 ID and password. Select the myFinances tab and then select "Financial Aid Dashboard."

Look for any missing items under "Unsatisfied Requirements" and submit them as soon as possible.

Step 4 Review Offer
Understanding Your Aid Offer

Review your financial aid offer

When your aid offer is ready, we will email your 蹤獲扦 email account.

To review the offer, log into  using your my蹤獲扦 ID and password. Select the myFinances tab and then select "Financial Aid Dashboard."

Step 5 Decide on Offer
Financial Aid Policies

Decide on your financial aid offer

To decide which types of financial aid are the best choices for you, read the Financial Aid Terms and Conditions at

Grants: If you are offered grant aid, we will automatically accept it for you. If you want to decline the grant aid, complete a financial aid revision request.

Loans: If you accept a Direct Loan for the first time, complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note at . 

Work Study: If you accept work study, you can apply for available positions through Handshake at

Step 6 Review the Bill

Review your university bill

Bills: For enrolled students, fall university bills are typically available through the Student Account Suite in mid-July; spring university bills are typically available in mid-December.

When financial aid pays: Financial aid can pay toward your student account as early as 10 days prior to the start of your standard-term courses if you have met the eligibility requirements.

Refunds: If you have excess finanical aid after the payment of your tuition, fees, and housing, sign up for direct deposit on your Student Account Suite. If you do not sign up for direct deposit, you will be mailed a paper check.

Payments: If you have a balance due on your account after your financial aid pays, you can pay the remaining balance in full or set up a tuition payment plan on your Student Account Suite.