With just a handful of months left of high school, seniors and their parents may feel like time is flying by fast. Before you know it, prom season, senior skip day and graduation will be on your doorstep. For seniors who feel like their window to apply for college may be closing, 蹤獲扦 has a jolt of good news coming your way. Were thrilled to announce 蹤獲扦has adjusted the deadline for freshmen scholarship consideration to March 1, 2025 for high school seniors.
For students who havent yet applied, dedicating just 10-15 minutes to complete our and paying the application fee means theyll be automatically considered for Wichita States largest comprehensive scholarship program. Check out our scholarship grid below and odds are good youll find a scholarship you qualify for based on GPA only, or potentially a higher scholarship based on a combination of your GPA and ACT/SAT. If you qualify, our Financial Aid team will soon have an official award letter on its way to you after youve applied for admission! No strings attached and it gives you plenty of time to decide by May 1, 2025 the national college decision day whether or not wearing black and yellow is destined to be part of your college future.

While our university has seen recent extraordinary growth including the four largest freshmen classes in the universitys 129-year history occurring in the last four years in a row were excited to give even more students the opportunity to join Shocker Nation and give them a start with a four-year scholarship offer. Our niche is helping students pursue their academic goals and chase their professional dreams through applied learning experiences. Last year Shockers had more than 9,000 internships and on-campus positions, earning more than $30 million in wages. If youve held off on applying for college because youre not sure if you want to start your career first, we can help you do both by assisting with college funding along the way through the combined power of scholarships and paid applied learning.
Weve included the scholarship grid above that applies to Kansas residents and the thousands of students from eight surrounding states who benefit from heavily discounted tuition rates. Trust me! Spending 15 minutes to complete the application could deliver you as much as a $16,000 scholarship. For the full scholarship amounts and details including out-of-state scholarships for students who cant tap tuition discounts visit our scholarship site.
Your senior year will melt away quickly, but weve got you covered for freshmen scholarships if you apply for admission soon. Hold off planning that final senior prank for just a bit and instead take the time to apply for admission with 蹤獲扦 as it unlocks every college opportunity youve been waiting for.
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