1. Nanomechanical Characterization of Adhesive Bondlines - JAMS.UW.Bonding, Brian Flinn, University of Washington
  2. Notch Sensitivity of Composite Sandwich Structures, Dan Adams, University of Utah
  3. Durability of Bonded Aerospace Structure, Lloyd Smith, Washington State University
  4. Test Method Development for Environmental Durability of Bonded Composite Joints, Dan Adams, University of Utah
  5. Effects of Moisture Diffusion in Sandwich Composites, Mark Tuttle, University of Washington
  6. Delamination/Disbond Arrest Features in Aircraft Composite Structure, Kuen Lin, University of Washington
  7. Probabilistic Fracture Analysis of Disbond in Bonded-Bolted Composite Structures University of Washington, Kuen Lin, University of Washington
  8. Durability of Adhesively Bonded Joints for Aircraft Structures, Dan Adams, University of Utah
  9. Contamination and Moisture / Effect of Surface Contamination on Composite Bond Integrity, Dwayne McDaniel, Florida International University
  10. The Effect of Surface Treatment on the Degradation of Composite Adhesives, Lloyd Smith, Washington State University
  11. Adhesive Hot/Wet Creep Response, Lloyd Smith. Washington State University
  12. Improving Adhesive Bonding of Composites through Surface Characterization, Brian Flinn, University of Washington


  1. Evaluation of Parameters used in Progressive Damage Models, John Parmigiani, Oregon State University
  2. Development of an Active Flutter Suppression Research Plan, Eli Livne, University of Washington
  3. Composite Thermal Damage Measurement with Handheld FT-IR, Brian Flinn, University of Washington
  4. Identification and Validation of Analytical Chemistry Methods for Detecting Composite Surface Development and Evaluation of Fracture Mechanics Test Methods for Sandwich Composites / Damage Tolerance Test Method Development for Sandwich Composites, Dan Adams, University of Utah
  5. Composites Crashworthiness and Energy Absorption / Standardization of Numerical & Experimental Methods for Crashworthiness of Composite Materials, Paolo Feraboli, University of Washington
  6. Development of Analysis/Test Certification Protocol for Crashworthiness of Composite-intensive Commercial Transport Fuselage, Paolo Feraboli, University of Washington
  7. Failure of Notched Laminates under Out-of-Plane Bending, Tim Kennedy/John Parmigiani, Oregon State University
  8. Combined Global/Local Variability and Uncertainty in Integrated Aeroservoelasticity of Composite Aircraft, Eli Livne, University of Washington
  9. Reliabilitybased Damage Tolerance Design / Development of ReliabilityBased Damage Tolerant Structural Design Methodology, Kuen Lin, University of Washington


  1. Inverse/Optimal Thermal Repair of Composites, Ashley Emery, University of Washington


  1. Characterizing Mechanical Property Variability in Ti6Al4V produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) Additive Manufacturing, Dwayne Ariola and Mamidala Ramulu, University of Washington
  2. Safety and Precise Control of Cure Processes During Repair for Aircraft Structures, Marco Salviato, University of Washington
  3. Certification of Discontinuous Composite Material Forms for Aircraft Structures, Mark Tuttle, Marco Salviato, JK Yang, University of Washington
  4. Compliance Methodology with FAA Requirements for Crashworthiness of Composite-Intensive Aircraft Structures, Paolo Feraboli, University of Washington
  5. Standardization of Analytical and Experimental Methods for Crashworthiness Energy Absorption of Composite Materials, Paolo Feraboli, University of Washington


  1. Course Development: Maintenance of Composite Aircraft Structures, Charles Seaton, Edmonds Community College
  2. Composite Structural Engineering Safety Awareness Course Development, Charles Seaton, Edmonds Community College
  3. Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Training Innovation Center (AMMTIC), Jerrilee Mosier, Edmonds Community College