- Leadership
- Organizational Theory
- Education Policy and Politics
- Qualitative Inquiry
- Diversity and Equity in Education
Patterson, J. A. (with Protheroe, N.). (2001). Essentials for principals: The school leaders guide to special education. Alexandria, VA: Educational Research Service.
Edited Book
Patterson, J. A., & Adkins, A. (eds.) (2012). Taming reform: Reinventing government yields to business as usual for young children. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Book Chapters (Invited)
Patterson, J. A., & Adkins, A. (2012). Introduction: Taming reform. In J. A. Patterson, & A. Adkins (eds.), Taming reform: Reinventing government yields to business as usual for young children (pp. 1-7). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Patterson, J. A. (2012). Taming public-private partnership. In J. A. Patterson, & A. Adkins (eds.), Taming reform: Reinventing government yields to business as usual for young children (pp. 79-95). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Patterson, J. A., & Rayle, J. M. (2004). De-centering whiteness: Personal narratives of race. In G. W. Noblit, S. Y. Flores and E. G. Murillo, Jr. (Eds.). Postcritical ethnography: Resinscribing critique (pp. 247-261). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Noblit, G. W., & Patterson, J. A. (2001) The School Development Program and education reform. In G.W. Noblit, C.E. Malloy, & W.W. Malloy (Eds.), The kids got smarter: Case studies of successful Comer schools (pp. 131-148). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Noblit, G. W., Groves, P. R., Jennings, M. E., Patterson, J. A. (2001). Studying successful Comer schools. In G.W. Noblit, C.E. Malloy, & W.W. Malloy (Eds.), The kids got smarter: Case studies of successful Comer schools (pp. 1-16). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Malloy, C. E., & Patterson, J. A. (2001). West High School. In G.W. Noblit, C. E. Malloy, & W. W. Malloy (Eds.), The kids got smarter: Case studies of successful Comer schools (pp. 83-108). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Awsumb, C., & Patterson, J. A. (1999). Building communities: UPLIFT, Inc. In A. Adkins, C. Awsumb, G. Noblit, & P. Richards (Eds.) Working together? Grounded perspectives in interagency collaboration (pp. 203-208). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Desimone, L., Jerman-Garrison, D., Patterson, J. A., Philipsen, M., Randell, S., & Hendricks, W. (1999). Interagency collaboration: Alternative forms and their problems. In A. Adkins, C. Awsumb, G. Noblit, & P. Richards (Eds.) Working together? Grounded perspectives in interagency collaboration (pp. 79-101). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Book Reviews
Patterson, J. A. (2013, June 14) [Review of the book, You cant do it alone: A communications and engagement manual for school leaders committed to reform]. Teachers College Record. Available:
Patterson, J. A. (2007, March 5). [Review of the book, New foundations for knowledge in educational administration, policy, and politics: Science and sensationalism]. Teachers College Record. Available:
Patterson, J. A. (2004). [Review of the book, An insiders guide to making school systems work]. Teachers College Record, 105, 876-879.
Patterson, J. A. (2003). [Review of the book, Learning from research: Getting more from your data]. Journal of Educational Administration, 42 (5).
Patterson, J. A. (2003). [Review of the book, Jossey-Bass reader on gender in education.] Teachers College Record, 105 (7), 1228-1247.
Patterson, J. A. (2000). [Review of the book, Human services and the full-service school: The need for collaboration.] Journal of Negro Education, 69 (3), 244-256.
Articles (Refereed journals)
Carlson, C., & Patterson, J.A. (in press). Making sense of organizational change in entrenched schools: A case study of leading instructional innovations in a highperforming high school. Journal of School Leadership.
Gordon, J., & Patterson, J.A. (2013). Response to Tracys Under the Big Tent: Establishing universal criteria for evaluating qualitative research. Qualitative Inquiry, 19, 689-695.
Patterson, J. A., Campbell, J. K., Johnson, D., Marx, G., & Whitener, M. (2013). Using policy attributes theory to examine comprehensive school reform implementation in two Title I middle schools. Planning and Changing, 44 (1/2), 36-55.
Patterson, J. A., Mickelson, K. A., Hester, Michael L., & Wyrick, J. J. (2011). Remembering teachers in a segregated school: Narratives of Womanist pedagogy. Urban Education, 46 (3), 267-291. DOI: 10.1177/0042085910377511
Patterson, J.A., Eubank, H., Rathbun, S., & Noble, S. (2010). Making sense of an urban districts adolescent literacy reform. NASSP Bulletin, 94 (3), 227-246. DOI: 10.1177/0192636510387826
Patterson, J. A. (2009). Organizational learning and leadership: On metaphor, meaning making, liminality, and intercultural communication. International Journal of Learning and Change, 3 (4), 382-393.
Patterson, J. A., & Cozart, S. C. (2008). Disrupting assumptions about race, colorblindness, and caring in educational reform and qualitative research: Introduction to a special issue. Journal of Educational Foundations, 22 (3/4), 3-12.
Patterson, J. A., Gordon, J., & Price, P. G. (2008). The color of caring: Race and the implementation of educational reform. Journal of Educational Foundations, 22(3/4), 97-116.
Patterson, J. A., Mickelson, K., Petersen, J., & Gross, D. (2008). Educating for success: The legacy of an all-Black school in southeast Kansas. Journal of Negro Education, 77 (4), 306-322.
Calabrese, R., Patterson, J., Liu, F., Goodvin, S., Hummel, C., & Nance, E. (2008). An appreciative inquiry into the Circle of Friends Program: The benefits of social inclusion of students with disabilities. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 4 (2). Available from x.html
Patterson, J. A., Niles, R., Carlson, C., & Kelley, W. L. (2008). The consequences of school desegregation in a Kansas town 50 years after Brown. The Urban Review, 40(1), 76-95.
Gordon, J., & Patterson, J. A. (2008). "It's what we've always been doing:" Exploring tensions between school culture and change. Journal of Educational Change, 9(1), 17-35. DOI: 10.1007/s10833-007-9032-z
Patterson, J. A., Hale, D. G., & Stessman, M. (2007/08). Cultural contradictions and school leaving: A case study of an urban high school. High School Journal, 91(2), 1-15.
Patterson, J. A., Gibson, I., Koenigs, A., Maurer, M., Ritterhouse, G., Stockton, C., & Taylor, M. J. (2007). Resisting bureaucracy: A case study of home schooling. Journal of Thought, 42 (3/4), 71-86.
Gordon, J., & Patterson, J. A. (2006). School leadership in context: Narratives of practice and possibility. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 9(3), 205-228.
Patterson, J. A., Koenigs, A., Mohn, G., & Rasmussen, C. (2006). Working against ourselves: Decision making in a small, rural district. Journal of Educational Administration, 44 (2), 142-158.
Patterson, J. A. (2006). Learning communities in 6-8 middle schools: Natural complements or another bandwagon in the parade? Middle School Journal, 37(5), 21-30.
Patterson, J. A. (2004). Whats the bottom line? Corporate involvement in an early childhood initiative. The Urban Review, 36 (2), 147-168.
*Cozart, S., Gordon, J., Gunzenhauser, M., McKinney, M., & Patterson, J. A. (2003). Disrupting dialogue: Envisioning performance ethnography for research and evaluation. Educational Foundations, 17 (2), 53-69.
Calabrese, R. L., Patterson, J., Johnson, R., Koenigs, A., Neill, S., Rasmussen, C., & Taylor, M.J. (2003). Fighting for survival: A rural midwestern community and its schools. Planning and Changing, 34, (1&2), 1-12.
Patterson, J. A. (2002). Exploring reform as symbolism and expression of belief. Educational Foundations, 16(2), 55-75.
Marshall, C., & Patterson, J. A. (2002). Confounded policies: Implementing site-based management and special education policy reforms. Educational Policy, 16 (3), 351-386.
Patterson, J. A., & Marshall, C. (2001). Making sense of policy paradoxes: A case study of teacher leadership. Journal of School Leadership, 11, 372-398.
Marshall, C., Patterson, J. A., Rogers, D., & Steele, J. R. (1996). Caring as career: An alternative perspective for educational administration. Educational Administration Quarterly, 32(2), 271-294.
*Authors names are listed in alphabetical order to indicate equal contribution to the work
Articles (non-refereed)
Patterson, J. A., Breeding, K., Puetz, M., Thimmesch, M., Torres, B., Vogel, R., Welty, M., & Woodward, K. (2002, October). Faculty meetings: From dull to dynamic. Principal Leadership, 3 (2), 36-40.
Patterson, J. A., Marshall, C., & Bowling, D. (2000). Are principals prepared to manage special education dilemmas? NASSP Bulletin, 84(613), 9-20.
Professor and Chair:
Department of Intervention Services and Leadership in Education, College of Education,
蹤獲扦 University.
- Department Chair 2009-
- Full Professor 2012
- Associate Professor 2004-2012
- Assistant Professor 1999-2004
Educational Program Supervisor (1981-1992): OBerry Center, Goldsboro, NC
Mental Health Administrator (1979-1981): New Castle State Hospital, New Castle, IN
Special Education Teacher (1977-1979): New Castle Public Schools, New Castle, IN
- Recipient of Office of Multicultural Affairs Faculty Phenomenal Woman of the Year Award (2013): 蹤獲扦 University, Wichita, KS.
- Nominee for African American Faculty and Staff Associations Shining Star Award for Outstanding Faculty (2012): 蹤獲扦 University, Wichita, KS.
- Nominee for Center for Research and Teaching Effectiveness Teaching Award (2004, 2009): 蹤獲扦 University, Wichita, KS.
- College of Education Teaching Award (2000): EdD in Educational Administration Team, 蹤獲扦 University, Wichita, KS.
Reclaiming the Past: An Oral History of Frederick Douglass School, Parsons, Kansas, 1908- 1958. The Kansas Historical Society awarded $3320 in April 2006 to complete the oral history of the all-Black Douglass School that was closed in 1958 and razed in 1962. The grant was a partnership between the Department of Educational Leadership, Parsons Historical Society, and Parsons USD 503.
University Service
- College of Education Leadership Team (2009-present)
- Graduate Coordinator of EdD in Educational Leadership (2004-present)
- Doctoral Sub-council (2004-2006, 2009-present): Member
- Educational Leadership Program Committee (2004- present): Member
- Special Education Program Advisory Council (2004-): Member
- niversity Faculty Grievance Committee (2004-present): Member
- College of Education Curriculum Committee (2002-2005): Member
- College of Education Advanced Programs Committee (2004-2006): Member
- College of Education Faculty Personnel Committee (2005-present): Member, Chair 2009- 2011.
- University Tenure and Promotion Committee: Member (2007, 2009-2011)
- NCATE Accreditation Review (2001-2002): EAS Program Coordinator
- NCATE Steering Committee (2008-present): Member
Professional Service
- Editorial Board:
- Educational Foundations (2005-2012)
- The Urban Review (2008-2011)
- Manuscript Reviewer for Refereed Journals:
- Journal of School Leadership (2011-present)
- International Journal of Leadership in Education (2010-present)
- Teaching and Teacher Education (2009-present)
- Urban Education (2003, 2006-07, 2010-present)
- Educational Foundations (2005-present) The Urban Review (1997-2002, 2004-present)
- Teachers College Record (2003; 2007)
- Journal of Latinos in Education (2006)
- Equity and Excellence in Education (2006)
- Critical Inquiry into Curriculum and Instruction (1999-2000; 2003 no longer published)
- The High School Journal (1995-2000)
- Program Committee (1999; 2005, 2011) American Educational Studies Association
- Proposal Reviewer (1995, 2001-03, 2005-2009, 2011) American Educational Research Association
- Reviewer (2000) American Educational Studies Association Conference Proceedings
- Reviewer of book prospectus, Journey to a Place Called Community: Strategies for Solving Cultural Conflict for Eye on Education Publishing, Larchmont, NY
- Fulbright Specialist Program: Peer reviewer for June 2011-May 2012 review cycle.
Professional Memberships
American Educational Research Association since 1994
American Educational Studies Association since 1997
Community Service
- Wichita USD 259-蹤獲扦 Collaboration to develop urban principal preparation program (May, 2007)
- Black History of Parsons, KS: The Legacy of Douglass School, 1908-1958, presentation at the Parsons Senior Center, February 28, 2006 for Black History Month
- Wichita USD 259 Diversity Redesign Team (2006): Member Wichita
- USD 259 Year Round Schools Committee (2003-04): Member
- Visiting Team Member for QPA/NCA Teams
- Metro-Midtown Alternative High School, Wichita, KS (2000, 2004)
- Carter-Greiffenstein Special Day School Wichita, KS (2000-01)
- Prairie View Special Purpose School, Newton, KS (2002)
- Member of Institutional Review Board (1990-1992): Wayne Memorial Hospital, Goldsboro, NC
- Member of Board of Directors (1989-1991): Sunrise Kiwanis, Goldsboro, NC