Jill Wood is a Coordinator for Teacher Apprentice Program in School of Education at 蹤獲扦 University.
Master of Science, Emporia State University, 2007
Major: Instructional Design and Technology
Bachelor of Science, Emporia State University, 1996
Major: Elementary Education
Emphasis: Bicultural Studies
National Presentation Proposals Submitted in 2020
Wood, A.J., Goodvin, S., Thiele, J., and Roberts, E. (February 2021). Flexibility
and Grace: How We Can Help Students Meet Internship Requirements Without a Classroom.
Association of Teacher Educators Conference. Virtual Conference.
National Conference Presentations
Wood, A.J. and Allen, D.S. (April 2019). Lessons Learned: The Impact of Using Video
in Pre-Service Teacher Supervision at Kansas State University. National Field Experience
Conference. Greeley, CO.
Wood, A.J. and Allen, D.S. (March 2019). Beyond YouTube: Using a Cloud-Based Video System to Generate Better Conversations. Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education: Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Wood, A.J. and Allen, D.S. (March 2019). Beyond YouTube: Using a Cloud-Based Video System to Generate Better Conversations. Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education: Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Wood, A.J. and Allen, D.S. (March 2019). Swivl 101: The Power of Video to Improve Teacher Efficacy. Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education: Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Wood, A.J. and Allen, D.S. (February 2019). Demonstration of Swivl video technology as a tool for virtual supervision. Invited Featured Presentation to Educational Leadership SIG by SIG co-chair. Association of Teacher Educators Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Wood, A.J. and Allen, D.S. (October 2018). Video Feedback Systems: The Foundation for Pre-Service Teacher Mentoring. Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education E-Learn Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Wood, A.J. and Allen, D.S. (September 2018). Connecting Feedback and Practice Through Time-Shifted Dialogue. Invited Presentation by Kansas State University Global Campus. Have a Byte Presentation. Manhattan, KS.
Wood, A.J. and Allen, D.S. (August 2018). Technology as a Tool for Mediating Supervision Processes in Teacher Education. Invited Featured Session by ATE President. Association of Teacher Educators Summer Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
Wood, A.J. and Allen, D.S. (April 2018). Effective Use of Video for Digitally-Mediated Supervision. KSU College of Education Big Picture Day. Manhattan, KS.
Wood, A.J. and Allen, D.S. (April 2018). Video-Based Feedback Systems: Breaching the Digital Divide to Support Preservice Educators. National Field Experience Conference. Greeley, CO.
Allen, D.S., Wood, A.J. and Ruffley, J. (March 2018). Changing Roles of Partners as
a Result
of Political, Social, and Financial Factors. National Association of Professional
Development Schools. Jacksonville, FL.
Allen, D.S., and Wood, A.J. (March 2018). Video-Based Feedback Systems. National Association of Professional Development Schools. Jacksonville, FL.
Wood, A.J. and Allen, D.S. (March 2018). Evaluating Feedback in a Distance Supervision Model: Assessing the Model. National Association of Professional Development Schools. Jacksonville, FL.
Sponberg, E., Wood, A.J., Ruffley, J., Allen, D.S. (March 2018). Next Generation Students: Expectations for Professionalism in Digital Spaces. National Association of Professional Development Schools. Jacksonville, FL.
Wood, A.J., and Allen, D.S. (February 2018). Feedback and Reflection: Utilizing Digitally-Mediated Distance Supervision to Support the Student Intern. Association of Teacher Educators. Las Vegas, NV.
Allen, D.S., and Wood, A.J. (February 2018). Evaluating the Feedback Loop: A Comparison of Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor Feedback as a Factor in Pre-Service Teacher Growth. Association of Teacher Educators. Las Vegas, NV.
Wood, A.J. and Allen, D.S. (November 2017). Elements of Feedback: Visibly Better: Working Group on Video Use in Teacher Development. Invited Presentation for the Visibly Better Working Group at the Harvard Center for Educational Policy Research. Boston, MA.
Wood, A.J., Allen, D. S., and Sponberg, E. (April 2017). Using the SWIVL Robot as a Tool for Supervision and Feedback. Invited Breakout Session, National Field Experience Conference, Ruston, LA.
Wood, A.J., Allen, D. S., Sponberg, E., Merritt, E. and Jones, J. (April 2017). Kansas State University: Partnering with Tech Startups to Create a Model for Digitally Mediated Supervision. Invited Keynote Presentation, National Field Experience Conference, Ruston, LA.
Wood, A.J. and Allen, D. S., (March 2017). Destination in Sight: The Continual Journey
Towards an Effective Technology-Mediated Supervision Model. National Association of
Professional Development Schools, Washington, D.C.
State Presentations
Wood, A.J., and Allen, D.S. (November 2017). Video as a Vehicle: Supporting and Retaining Early Career Teachers. Invited Presentation for the Kansas State Department of Education Retention Summit, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
Wood, A.J. (February 2016). 7 Ways to Integrate Literacy and Social Studies. Social Studies Symposium, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
Book Chapters
Allen, D. S., Wood, A. Jill, Sponberg, Erica, & Arnold, Tana (2018). Digitally Mediated Supervision: Redefining Feedback Systems in Field-Based Courses. In T. Hodges, & A. Baum (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Field-Based Teacher Education (pp. 542-564). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-6249-8.ch023
蹤獲扦 University, Wichita, KS
2019 Present Coordinator/Program Chair, Teacher Apprentice Program
College of Applied Studies, School of Education
provided online support to success coaches and instructors
created course schedule and assigned instructors for courses in the TAP program
wrote program report by using data from the first 2 years of the TAP program
held monthly success coach meetings to provide a discussion forum and disseminate
held bi-weekly meetings with TAP Leadership team
regular proactive communication with success coaches and instructors
dealt with concerns and issues of 600+ students
held online trainings for adjunct instructors
made presentations to Kansas school districts about the TAP program
2019 Present Instructor/Success Coach, Teacher Apprentice Program College of Applied
Studies, School of Education
taught CI 414 ISAM: Elementary Social Studies Methods
held weekly Zoom sessions to discuss course content with students
mentored 15 students in the online TAP program
had online office hours via Zoom
provided feedback and evaluation of student-submitted videos throughout the semester
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
2017 2019 Teaching Assistant Coordinator, Master of Arts in Teaching Program, Department
of Curriculum and Instruction
managed and trained teaching assistants to grade for all courses in the online program
and mentor students during their practicum and internship
assisted in the general delivery of the MAT program courses by communicating with
all stakeholders (directors, instructors, teaching assistants, cooperating teachers,
school administrators, and students)
2016 2017 Teaching Assistant, Master of Arts in Teaching Program,
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
graded assignments of and mentored students in graduate-level courses
2016 2019 Elementary Education Block C Coordinator, Department of
Curriculum and Instruction
managed all aspects of the Block C methods courses including practicum, course delivery,
and student issues
2015 2019 Instructor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
EDEL 462, Teaching Social Studies: K-6
taught courses of 20+ students effective methods of teaching social studies in an
elementary classroom
created a standards-based curriculum for the course
managed the course using the Canvas learning management system
consistently incorporated research-based strategies into classroom instruction
collaborated with other instructors in the department to create course content
applied for and received a grant to write a textbook for the course
EDSEC 528, Social Studies Colloquium
collaborated with faculty from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences as well
as local secondary social studies teachers to deliver course content
managed the course using the Canvas learning management system
designed relevant course content to help prepare students for the rigors of a secondary
social studies classroom
Ellis USD #388, Ellis, KS
2010-2015 9th-10th Grade English Instructor
designed and implemented lessons based on the Kansas State College and Career Ready
2008-2010 8th Grade Technology Studies Instructor
developed a class curriculum based on student needs and ISTE standards
students learned Cyber Citizenship, Internet research skills, the basics of web
design, principles of good PowerPoint design, and beginning filmmaking skills
2007-2015 Yearbook Advisor
instructed students in basic and advanced yearbook skills such as yearbook design
and theme development, using InDesign, Photoshop, and Fireworks software, writing
body copy, captions, lead-ins, and headlines, and the fundamentals of media law and
ethics in high school journalism
2006-2015 Staff Development Facilitator
member of team who facilitated the implementation of the Kansas College and Career
Readiness standards in the district
surveyed district teachers about staff development needs, worked with district administration
to define district staff development goals, secured presenters for inservices, organized
all district inservices, conducted evaluations of inservices
facilitated new teacher orientation for the district
2006-2010 At-Risk Coordinator/Instructor
taught study skills, testing strategies, state assessment prep, core content, and
life skills to at-risk students in grades 7-12
Valley Heights USD #498, Blue Rapids, KS
2002-2006 Junior High Language Arts Teacher
designed and implemented lessons based on the Kansas State Language Arts Standards
collaborated with grade-level teachers to implement and create cross-curricular
trained in Marzanos 9 instructional strategies, 6-trait reading and writing, remedial
reading and math programs such as Reading and Math Academy
trained all staff 7-12 in Marzanos 9 instructional strategies and coordinated implementation
of these strategies building-wide
member of the building Breaking Ranks II team
assisted in the development and implementation of the Academic Skills Enhancement
(ASE) at-risk program for students
building Virtual Prescriptive Learning (VPL) coordinator
1999-2002 6th Grade Teacher
designed and implemented lessons for all subject areas based on the Kansas State
Standards for 6th grade
member of core subject area committees that wrote district curriculum based on the
Kansas State Standards
collaborated on the creation and production of an annual leadership camp for 6th
graders of the district
1997-1999 1st Grade Math and Science Teacher
designed and implemented lessons based on the Kansas State Standards for 1st grade
students were active weather trackers for KSNT-27 in Topeka
member of core subject area committees that wrote district curriculum based on the
Kansas State Standards
1997-1999 Title I Reading Teacher
used Guided Reading and Reading Recovery strategies to assist students K-6 in reading
Yearbook received KSPA All-Kansas honors, 2013 and 2015
Professional Development Committee Chairperson, 2006-2015
Curriculum Coordinating Committee Co-Chair, 2006-2015
K-12 liaison to the Fort Hays State University Transition to Teach program, 2011-2015
Intel Teach to the Future Master Trainer, 2006-2009
member of ASCD, 2006-2009
Valley Heights Junior-Senior High leadership team, 2003-2006
nominated for Disneys American Teacher Award, 2001 and 2002
member of the Emporia St. University Womens Basketball team, 1993-1995
violinist in the ESU Symphony Orchestra, 1996
Departmental Level, School of Education
Assistant Professor Search Committee, Chair, 2020
College Service
蹤獲扦Curriculum Design Committee for Re-Integration, 2020-present
Departmental Level, Curriculum and Instruction
Co-Author, Bachelor of Science and Educational Studies degree, 2016-17
Mathematics Search Committee, Member, 2017, 2018
Elementary Literacy Search Committee, 2016
Secondary Literacy Search Committee, 2016
MAT Teaching Assistant Search Committee, 2017, 2018
College Service
Kappa Delta Pi (KSU Chapter) co-chair, 2016-2019
National Service
Visibly Better Advisory Board, Harvard University Center for Educational Policy Research
at Harvard University, 2017-present
University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX. January 2019-present
Using the Swivl robot technology to effectively supervise students in field experiences
in a cloud-based environment.
Hibernia College, Dublin, Ireland. August 2018-present
Practical and effective use of the Swivl video technology to give feedback to pre-service
teachers in rural Ireland.
Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA. July 2018-present
Successful implementation of video to supervise student teachers at a distance in
an online environment.
Association of Teacher Educators 2016-Present
National Association of Professional Development Schools, 2016-Present
Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education, 2018-2019
Kappa Delta Pi, 2017 2019