
Bachelor of Business Administration

MAJOR: International Business
MINOR: Management and Human Resource Management
HOMETOWN: Rose Hill, Kansas

Breanna graduated from Rose Hill High School and has worked at All Seasons Cooling and Heating for the past four years. She is involved with Professional Edge, International Business Studies Association (IBSA), and does various volunteer activities within the community throughout the year. She has earned the Presidents Volunteer Service award for completing 250 volunteer hours in a year and continues to strive and make a positive impact on the community and those around her. In Breannas spare time, she enjoys reading, hiking, and traveling. She studied abroad in San Sebastian, Spain last semester and looks forward to living abroad again sometime in the future.

The aspect of the Widener Global Leaders Program that most interesting to Breanna is the ability to make new connections and help in defining a career path. She also wants to develop and fine tune leadership and soft skills.

While Breanna is unsure what her dream job is, she knows it will involve traveling and living abroad. She would be interested in working for a nonprofit organization, but ultimately, she wants to enjoy work through her selected career path.