Graduation Year:
Grainger, ECC, UPS
Student Mentoring
I chose this school because it gave me the opportunity to be successful in academics while also building a career. It also offers a wide variety of majors to choose from, which was a major attraction for me.
The '25 Under 25' award shines a light on the dedication and hard work that have gone into achieving success. It serves as a recognition of the goals I set when I first came to college and the commitment it took to accomplish them. This award proves that, regardless of age, anything is possible with the right direction and determination.
My advice is to focus on finding happiness within success. When entering college, many prioritize success without considering if it will bring them joy. As you choose a career, remember to balance bothsuccess comes from the effort you invest, and happiness from the actions you take. In the years ahead, define success on your own terms and consider how it aligns with your happiness. The possibilities are endless when you prioritize both.
Having a mentor is essential for success. My mother, my greatest mentor, has always inspired me to be my best self. In addition, I have learned a great deal from workplace leaders whose guidance and willingness to teach have played a significant role in my growth and development.