
Dr. Sam J. Yeager specializes in organizational behavior, ethics, personnel administration, methodology, statistics, and computer applications. He is the author of more than 50 publications and is an active consultant to private industry, state and local governments.


Areas of Research Interest

Principal Investigator: Candidate Attractiveness and Assessment Center Scores Based on data gathered from 3 public assessment center sites.

Principal Investigator: Mentoring Impacts on Careers: Gender Differences Based on a national survey.

Areas of Teaching Interest

Organization Theory and Behavior


Computer Applications


Yeager, Samuel J. Where Do Research Questions Come From and How Are They Formulated? In Miller and Yang (Eds.) Handbook of Research Methods in Public Administration. 2d edition. Miami: Taylor & Francis, 2008.

Yeager, Samuel J.; Hildreth, W. Bartley; Miller, Gerald, and Rabin, Jack. What Difference Does Having an MPA Make? Journal of Public Administration Education, 13, 2, 2007, 147-167.

Yeager, Samuel J.; Hildreth, W. Bartley; Miller, Gerald, and Rabin, Jack. Relative Effects of Supervisory Emphasis on Ethical Behavior Versus Political Responsiveness. Public Integrity, 9, 2, Summer 2007, 265-283.

Yeager, Samuel J., Classic Methods In Public Administration Research." In Rabin, Miller, and Hildreth (Eds.), Handbook of Public Administration. 3d edition. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2007.

Glaser, Mark; Yeager, Samuel J., and Parker, Lee. Engaging Citizens: Neighborhood-based Organizations vs. Citizen Participation Organizations. Public Administration Quarterly, 30, 2, Summer 2006, 177-217.

Miller, Gerald; Yeager, Samuel J.; Hildreth, W. Bartley, and Rabin, Jack. How Financial Managers Deal with Ethical Stress. Public Administration Review 65, 3, May/June, 2005, 301-312.

Yeager, Hildreth, Miller, and Rabin. Successful Career Paths of Local Government Finance Professionals. Paper presented at the Southeastern Conference for Public Administration. Athens, Georgia. September, 2006. Presented by Hildreth.

Yeager, Hildreth, Miller, and Rabin. What Difference Does Having an MPA Make Paper presented at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Public Administration in Indianapolis, IN, March, 2005.

Hildreth, Yeager, Miller, and Rabin. Lusting After Other Peoples Money While Saving Ones Own Presented at Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Chicago, October, 2004. Presented by Hildreth.

Yeager, Hildreth, Miller, and Rabin. Ethical Supervisors Make A Difference: Does Gender Matter Paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Public Administration in Portland, OR, March, 2004.

Professional Experience

Professor, 蹤獲扦 University, 1988-present

Graduate Coordinator, 蹤獲扦 University, 1997-present

Associate Professor, 蹤獲扦 University, 1982-1988

Assistant Professor, 蹤獲扦 University, 1980-1982 (Public Administration)

Assistant Professor, 蹤獲扦 University, 1976-1980 (Political Science)

M.P.A. Advisor, University of Georgia, 1974-1975

Research and Teaching Assistant, University of Georgia, 1973-1976

Research Staff, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, 1972-1979

USAF Special Operations Force, Eglin Air Force Base, 1968-1969

Areas of Service

Faculty Senate 1983-present

Faculty Support Committee 1986-2006

Senate Library Committee 1990-2002

Search Committee to Hire Library Dean

University Ethics Review Committee 1995-2000

Ad Hoc Regents Awards Committee 2003, chair

Faculty Senate Budget Committee member 1 term

Ad Hoc Committee to Revise the Universitys Computer and Internet Use Policies 2002-2003

Committee to Create the Universitys Patent Policy, Chair

Graduate Council 1992-2002

Graduate Council Subcommittee to Evaluate Five Graduate Programs 2003, Chair

Graduate School Awards Committee 1995-2006, chair for 5 years

Liberal Arts and Sciences College Council 2005-present

Liberal Arts and Sciences Awards Committee 2004-2006

Liberal Arts and Sciences Tenure and Promotion Committee 2 non-consecutive 3 year terms

Graduate Coordinator for the MPA Program 1997-present

Service as an editorial board member for 8 professional journals including Public Administration Quarterly; International Journal of Public Administration; Journal of Health and Human Service Administration; Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management; JPAE: Journal of Public Administration Education; Administration and Management; Public Administration and Management; and the International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior. Most of this service began with the inception of the journal and continues today.

In addition I have reviewed manuscripts for the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Group and Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management, Presidential Studies Quarterly, Public Administration Review, Research in Nursing and Public Health, Social Science Microcomputing Review, State Government, and State and Local Government Review.

Additional Information

Ph.D., Public Administration, University of Georgia, 1976

M.P.A., Auburn University, 1972

M.S., Education, Troy State University, 1971

M.L.S., Library & Information Science, George Peabody College, 1968

B.A., History and Political Science, University of Massachusetts, 1967