Dinorah Azpuru received her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. She also received an MA in Political Science from the same university, and has an MA in Teaching and Research from Guatemalas Catholic university, Rafael Landivar. She did additional graduate work in Switzerland and Sweden.
Her expertise is on survey research on Latin America, democracy and democratization, U.S.-Latin America relations and peace processes in Central America. More specifically, through the analysis of survey data, she studies public opinion about democracy, democratic values and behavior (for example, voting behavior).
She has published extensively in diverse academic journals in the United States, Europe and Latin America, and applied policy venues. She is also engaged in sharing her research findings through public scholarship in sites such as The Washington Post and El Pa穩s. She is author of the book Explaining Support for Populism in Contemporary Latin America, and co-author of the book Building Democracy in Post-Conflict Societies, Guatemala and El Salvador in Comparative Perspective.
She teaches courses on democracy, comparative politics, Latin American politics, and political data analysis. Before coming to 蹤獲扦 she was visiting professor and research coordinator of the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) at Vanderbilt University. She continues her involvement with the LAPOP project as expert advisor of the Guatemala Program.
Public opinion in Latin America, democracy and democratization, peace processes in Central America, U.S-Latin America relations
Survey research in Latin America, political culture, citizens support for non-democratic governance, populism
Courses Taught at 蹤獲扦
- Democracy and Authoritarianism
- Developing World
- Latin American Politics
- Comparative Politics
- Latin American International Relations
- Comparative Foreign Policy
- Political Data Analysis
- Senior Thesis (capstone course for Political Science majors)
- Explaining Support for Populism in Contemporary Latin America. Routlege, 2024.
- Construyendo la democracia en sociedades posconflicto: Guatemala y El Salvador, un enfoque comparado. (Building Democracy in Post-Conflict Societies). Guatemala and Ottawa: F&G Editores and International Development Research Center, IDRC. 2007. Principal Investigator: Dinorah Azpuru. With L. Blanco, R. C籀rdova, N. Loya, C. Ramos, and A. Zapata.
For updated information on publications below, see Curriculum Vitae
Journal Articles
- Parenting Attitudes and Public Support for Political Authoritarianism in Latin America, in International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Volume 31, Issue 3. Autumn 2019. With Mary Fran Malone.
- Democratization in Latin America: Insights for the Arab States, in International Journal on World Peace, June, Vol. XXXIV No. 2, (2017): 47-76. With Michael Hall.
- Is US Influence Dwindling in Latin America? Citizens Perspectives, in The Latin Americanist, December, Vol. 60, Issue 4 (2016): 447-472.
- Individual-Level Determinants of Anti-Americanism in Contemporary Latin America, in Latin America Research Review, Vol. 50, No. 3 (2015): 111-134. With Dexter Boniface.
- Migration in Central America: Magnitude, Causes and Proposed Solutions, in KAS International Reports, February. (2015): 72-95. With Violeta Hern獺ndez.
- The Salience of Ideology: Fifteen Years of Presidential Elections in El Salvador, in Latin American Politics and Society. Vol. 52, Issue 2 (2010): 103-138.
- The United States and the Promotion of Democracy in Latin America: Then, Now and Tomorrow, in Orbis (A Journal of World Affairs), Vol. 54, No. 2 (2010): 252-267. With Carolyn Shaw.
- Perceptions of Democracy in Guatemala: An Ethnic Divide? in Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Vol. 34, Issue 67 (2009): 105-130.
- Trends in Democracy Assistance. What has the US Been Doing? in Journal of Democracy, Volume 19, No. 2 (2008): 151-159. With Steve Finkel, An穩bal P矇rez-Li簽獺n and Mitchell A. Seligson.
- 聶Qu矇 ha estado haciendo Estados Unidos? in Journal of Democracy en espa簽ol, Vol. 1, July (2009): 191-202.
- 2007: Un a簽o de contrastes para la democracia en Guatemala, in Revista de Ciencia Pol穩tica, Instituto de Ciencia Pol穩tica, Universidad Cat籀lica de Chile. Vol. 28, No. 1 (2008): 217-244. With Ligia Blanco.
- The 2007 Presidential and Legislative Elections in Guatemala, in Electoral Studies, Vol. 27, Issue 3 (2008): 562-566.
- Guatemala 2006: El aniversario de la paz y la democracia, in Revista de Ciencia Pol穩tica, Instituto de Ciencia Pol穩tica, Universidad Cat籀lica de Chile, Vol. 27, Esp. (2007): 149-163. With Ligia Blanco.
- La Ciencia Pol穩tica en Guatemala: el reto de la consolidaci籀n como disciplina independiente, in Revista de Ciencia Pol穩tica, Instituto de Ciencia Pol穩tica, Universidad Cat籀lica de Chile. Special Issue. Vol. 25, No. 1 (2005): 171-181.
- The General Elections in Guatemala, November-December 2003, in Electoral Studies, Vol. 24, Issue No. 1 (2005): 143-149.2.
Book Chapters
- Political Participation in the Northern Triangle in Central America in La evoluci籀n de la cultura pol穩tica en el Tri獺ngulo Norte en Centroam矇rica (The Evolution of Political Culture in the Northern Triangle in Central America). Edited by Ricardo C籀rdova Mac穩as. Fundaungo (El Salvador). 2020.
- Political Culture in Central America in Encrucijadas de la democracia en Honduras y Am矇rica Central (Crossroads for Democracy in Honduras and Central America). Edited by Julieta Castellanos and Salvador Romero Ballivi獺n. National Democratic Institute and Honduras National University. 2019.
- El Salvador Twenty Years Later: Successful Democratization but Questionable Peace in Understanding Quality Peace. Peacebuilding After Civil War. Edited by Peter Wallensteen and Madhav Joshi. Routledge, 2018.
- Does Gender Make a Difference? The Gender Gap in Latin American Politics in Women, Politics and Democracy in Latin America. Edited by T. Dosek, F. Friedenberg, M. Caminotti and B. Mu簽oz-Pogossian. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
- Political Science: More than Practical Politics in Political Science for the Curious: Why Study Political Science. Edited by Kishor Vaidya.The Curious Academic Publishing, 2015.
- Democracy and Governance in Conflict and Post-War Latin America: A Quantitative Assessment in In the Wake of War: Democratization and Internal Armed Conflict in Latin America. Edited by Cynthia Arnson. Stanford University Press/Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2012.
- The Promotion of Democracy: Actors and Methods in Achieving Democracy: Democratization in Theory and Practice. Edited by Mary Fran Malone. Continuum International Publishing Group. 2011.
- Carta a los estudiantes de Ciencia Pol穩tica in Cartas a los estudiantes de Ciencia Pol穩tica, Volumen 1. Edited by Jorge Cort矇s and Jos矇 Ram籀n L籀pez Rub穩. Mexico: Miguel ngel Porr繳a-BUAP. 2010.
- Democratizaci籀n en Guatemala y El Salvador: un desarrollo desigual in Perspectivas para la democracia en Am矇rica Latina (Prospects for Democracy in Latin America). Edited by Leticia Heras and John Booth. University of North Texas and Universidad Aut籀noma del Estado de M矇xico. 2009.
- From Peace to Democratization: Lessons from Central America in Contemporary Peacemaking, Conflict, Peace Processes and Post-war Reconstruction. Edited by John Darby and Roger McGinty, Second Edition. Palgrave McMillan. 2008. With Cynthia Arnson.
- From Peace to Democratization: Lessons from Central America in Contemporary Peacemaking. Edited by John Darby and Roger McGinty. Palgrave McMillan. 2003.
- Strengthening Human Rights Institutions in Guatemala in Promoting Democracy in Post-Conflict Societies: Views and Lessons from Africa, Asia and Central America. Edited by Jeroen De Zeeuw and Krishna Kumar. Lynne Rienner Publishers. 2006.
- Los J籀venes y la Democracia en Guatemala in Con la herencia de la paz: cultura pol穩tica de la juventud centroamericana. Edited by Florisabel Rodr穩guez, Silvia Castro and Johnny Madrigal. Costa Rica: EFUNA. 2003.
- El liderazgo pol穩tico en Guatemala: Un Proceso de Reconstrucci籀n y Redefinici籀n in El Liderazgo Pol穩tico en Am矇rica Latina. Edited by Wilhelm Hofemeister. Konrad Adenauer Foundation. 2002.
- Las dimensiones y el impacto pol穩tico de la delincuencia en Guatemala in Poblaci籀n del Istmo 2000: familia, migraci籀n, violencia y medio ambiente. Edited by Luis Rosero. University of Costa Rica. 2000. With Mitchell A. Seligson.
- Peace and Democratization in Guatemala: Two Parallel Processes in Comparative Peace Processes in Latin America. Edited by Cynthia J. Arnson. Stanford University Press and Wilson Center.
Selected Recent Public Scholarship (Research-based articles)
- The Risk of Democratic Backsliding During the Pandemic in Latin America. Albert Hirschman Center on Democracy, Switzerland. May 14, 2020.
Also published in Spanish: El riesgo de retroceso democr獺tico durante la pandemia en Am矇rica Latina), Agenda P繳blica de El Pa穩s (main newspaper in Spain). May 3, 2020.
- Latin American democracy may be in trouble. The protests are a symptom of increasing mistrust. The Monkey Cage, The Washington Post, December 9, 2019.
- Afronta America Latina un problema de legitimidad? (Does Latin America Face a Legitimacy Problem?) Agenda P繳blica de El Pa穩s (main newspaper in Spain). October 31, 2019.
- Yes, our flawed democracy just got downgraded. Heres why in The Monkey Cage, The Washington Post, February 23, 2017. With Michael Hall.
Selected Recent Monographs
- Cultura pol穩tica de la democracia en Guatemala y en las Am矇ricas, 2017: Un estudio comparado sobre democracia y gobernabilidad (Vanderbilt University, USAID, ASIES. 2018).
English version (2019): The Political Culture of Democracy in Guatemala and the Americas, 2017: A Comparative Study on Democracy and Governability.
- Cultura pol穩tica de la democracia en Guatemala y en las Am矇ricas, 2014: Gobernabilidad democr獺tica a trav矇s de 10 a簽os del Bar籀metro de las Am矇ricas (Vanderbilt University, USAID and University Rafael Land穩var. 2015).
English version: The Political Culture of Democracy in Guatemala and the Americas, 2014: Democratic Governance across 10 Years of the AmericasBarometer.
蹤獲扦 University, Department of Political Science
Full Professor (2018-present)
Associate Professor (2012-2018)
Assistant Professor (2005- 2011)
Visiting Professor
- Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, short course, Instituto de Iberoam矇rica (2014)
- Vanderbilt University, United States (2004-2005)
- University of San Carlos, Guatemala, short course (2002-2003)
- University of Guelph/University of Saskatchewan, short course, Canada (2001-2003)
- University Rafael Land穩var, Guatemala, Invited Professor (2024) and as Adjunct Professor (1987-1996)
Other Academic Appointments
- 蹤獲扦 University: Undergraduate Advisor of the Department of Political Science (2018-2019),
- Interim Chair of the Political Science Department (2011), Graduate Faculty Member (2007-present)
- Vanderbilt University: Research Coordinator for the Latin American Public Opinion Project, LAPOP (2004-2005)
- Association for Social Research (Asociaci籀n de Investigaci籀n y Estudios Sociales - ASIES), Guatemala: Senior Researcher in the Political Research Department (2000-2004), Coordinator of the Political Research Department (1992-1997)
- University Rafael Land穩var, Guatemala: Associate Dean of the School of Political and Social Sciences (1989-1991), Chair of the Political Science Department (1990-1991)
Other Professional Employment
- Supreme Electoral Tribunal of Guatemala and Organization of American States (OAS): Executive Secretary of the Commission for Electoral Reform derived from the Peace Accords (1997).
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala: Deputy Director of the Department for North America (1988-1991).
- Ministry of Urban and Rural Development of Guatemala: Program Officer in the Department for International Cooperation (1986-1987).
- Save the Children Alliance Guatemala (Alliance of European and American Save the Children organizations): Assistant to the Director (1981-1985).
- Consultant in short-term projects with different organizations (1997-2016), including: International IDEA (Sweden), Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars (USA), Development Associates, Inc. (USA), Organization of American States, OAS (Guatemala Mission), Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Pol穩ticos, INCEP (Guatemala), PROCESOS (Costa Rica), Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, IIDH (Costa Rica).
Academic Awards
- Fulbright/LASPAU Fellowship for graduate study in the United States. To pursue a PhD program in Political Science. Fall 1997-spring 2000.
- Latin American Social and Public Policy Fellowship, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh. To pursue PhD program in Political Science. Fall 1997-spring 2000.
- Scholarship from the Institute for International Education (IIE), Regional Program of Graduate Fellowships in the Social Sciences. To pursue PhD in Political Science in the United States. Fall 1997-spring 1999.
- Fellowship from the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. Fall 1997-spring 2000.
- Scholarship from the government of Switzerland, to pursue graduate Certificate in Development Studies at The Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland. Academic year 1985-96.
- Scholarship from the government of Sweden, to participate in the Graduate Program in Conflict Resolution at Uppsala University. Spring-summer 1990.
- Selected for participation in the student exchange program American Field Service (AFS), for a year of High School in the United States, 1977-1978.
See CV for Grants and Research Projects
Selected Invited Presentations
See CV for updated list
- Invited Panelist. Political Culture in Guatemala. Seminar The Public and Democracy in the Americas. University of Los Andes and Vanderbilt University. Bogota, Colombia, October 2019.
- Invited Panelist. Political Culture in Central America. International Seminar on Democracy in Latin America and Honduras. National Democratic Institute and Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras. Tegucigalpa, Honduras, December 2018.
- Invited Speaker. The Causes of Migration from the Northern Triangle. Migration in the Americas, International Conference. Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Mexico City, December 2017.
- Invited Panelist. Presentation in panel Participaci籀n ciudadana y fortalecimiento democr獺tico (Citizens Participation and Democratic Strengthening). VII Foro de la democracia latinoamericana. Educaci籀n c穩vica, cultura pol穩tica y 矇tica ciudadana: desaf穩os para el fortalecimiento democr獺tico. Organized by the Mexican Instituto Nacional Electoral and the Organization of American States (OAS). Mexico City, October 2016.
- Invited Keynote Speaker. Presentation: La legitimidad de la democracia en Am矇rica Latina a la luz de su desempe簽o: Una evaluaci籀n de las preferencias ciudadanas, 2004-2015 (The Legitimacy of Democracy in Latin America and Its Performance: An Assessment of Citizens Preferences). International Seminar Los dilemas de la democracia en Am矇rica Latina: a cuatro d矇cadas de la transici籀n (The Dilemmas of Democracy in Latin America: Four Decades After the Transition). Organized by the Universidad Aut籀noma de M矇xico (UNAM) and FLACSO-Mexico. Mexico City, October 2015.
- Invited Speaker. Presentation: International Experiences-Lessons from the Peace Process in Guatemala. Seminar Lecciones y desaf穩os para la transici籀n hacia la paz en Colombia (Lessons and Challenges for the Transition to Peace in Colombia). Organized by Universidad EAFIT. Medell穩n, Colombia, 2015.
- Invited Keynote Speaker. Presentation: Anti-Americanism in Latin America. University of Deusto. College of Social Sciences. Bilbao, Spain, October 2014.
- Invited Panelist. Presentation: Channeling Distrust and Contestation. Conference Ethics in Democracy II, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada, the Centre dtique de lUniversit矇 de Montr矇al and the Centre for Ethics at the University of Toronto, FUSADES and FUNDE. San Salvador, El Salvador, November 2009.
- Invited Panelist. Presentation: The Impact of Crime on Democratization in Central America (in Spanish). Seminar Democracia en America Latina: Repensando sus Desaf穩os (Democracy in Latin America, Rethinking the Challenges), organized by the Catholic University of Chile and the United Nations Development Program. Santiago, Chile, August 2008.
United States
- Invited Presenter at the Meeting on Regional Integration in a Post-Ch獺vez Era, organized by the Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum at the Social Science Research Council, New York, 2013.
- Invited Speaker. Presentation: Citizens Attitudes Toward Global Powers: The U.S. and China Compared. Seminar Latin America and China: Public Perceptions and Policy Implications, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Latin American Program. Washington, D.C., March 2013.
- Invited Panelist. Presentation: El Salvador, Successful Democratization but Questionable Peace. Conference Quality Peace: The Role of Third Parties and the Search for Indicators, organized by the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame. May 2012.
- Invited Panelist. Presentation: The Geopolitical Origins and Evolution of Guatemalas Strategic Culture. Workshop Strategic Culture Study of Guatemala, Florida International Universitys Applied Research Center (FIU ARC), in collaboration with the United States Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) and FIUs Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC). Florida International University. Miami, May 2010.
- Invited Keynote Speaker. Lecture: Financing Democratic Change. Saul OSidore Memorial Lecture Series 2007-2008, Exploring Democracy at Home and Abroad, organized by the University of New Hampshire. Durham, February 2008.
- Invited Presenter at the Roundtable Meeting UN and Democracy Assistance: A New Strategy? Organized by the United Nations Development Program and the International Peace Academy. New York, September 2007.
- Invited Panelist. Presentation: Negotiations and Political Reintegration of Armed Opposition Groups in Guatemala and El Salvador. Seminar Negotiations with Armed Oppositions to the State, organized by the Naval Postgraduate School. Monterey, California, August 2007.
- Invited Panelist. Presentation: Democracy in Guatemala and El Salvador: An Uneven Performance. Symposium Prospects for Democracy in Latin America, organized by the University of North Texas. Denton, April 2007.
- Invited Panelist. Presentation: The State of Democracy in Conflict and Post-Conflict Latin America. Conference Democracy and Peace Processes in Latin America organized by the Latin American Program at the Woodrow Wilson Center. Washington, D.C, April 2006.
- Invited Speaker. Presentation: Democracy in Guatemala at the Crossroads: Citizens Support for Undemocratic Options. American University. Sponsored by the Council on Comparative Studies at AU and the Department of Government. Washington, D.C., August 2003.