
Lab: Behavioral Economics and Cooperation Team

University of Southern Mississippi, Ph.D., 2011

Current Instructor: Introduction to Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Academic Interests and Expertise

My research focuses on cooperation, trust, and fairness. I am interested in measuring these aspects of social behavior through behavioral economic assessments with the goals of determining which patterns are more successful in different environments and learning how these social behaviors differ in those with mental illnesses. The majority of my work has been done with individuals in the criminal justice system; however, I have recently begun working with Major Depressive Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Anxiety Disorders.

Areas of Research Interest

Research Interests: Cooperation, Behavioral Economics, Personality Disorders, and Criminal Justice


Recent Publications:

  1. Cropsey, K.L., Clark, C.B., & Hendricks, P. S. (In Press). Letter to the Editor: Effect of Varenicline on smoking Cessation through Smoking Reduction: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of the American Medical Association.
  2. Cropsey, K.L., Nair, P., Clark, C.B., Trent, L.R., Stevens, E.N., Binswanger, I.A. (In Press). Factors associated with opioid relapse following release from jail. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
  3. Cropsey, K.L., Clark, C.B., Lahti, S., Stevens, E.N., & Hendricks, P. S. (In Press). Race and Medication Adherence Moderate Cessation Outcomes in Criminal Justice Smokers. American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
  4. Clark, C. B., Thorn, C., Hendricks, P. S., Sharp, C. Clark, S. K., Hardy, S., & Cropsey, K. L. (In Press). Economic games demonstrate deficits in cooperation in a criminal justice sample. Criminal Behavior and Mental Health.
  5. Bardeen, J.R., Stevens, E.N., Clark, C.B., Lahti, A.C., Cropsey, K.L. (In Press). Cognitive risk profiles for anxiety disorders in a high-risk population. Psychiatry Research.
  6. Savage, R., Clark. C. B., Durant, N., Cropsey, K., (In Press). The adverse effects of motherhood on substance use treatment program outcomes among adolescent women. Journal of Addiction Medicine.
  7. Clark, C. B., Leventhal, A. M., Ahluwalia, J. S., & Cropsey, K. L. (In Press). The minority are the majority: Todays smoker. Journal of Allied Health.
  8. Waesche, M. C., Clark, C. B., & Cropsey, K. L. (In Press) Only the lonely: The connection between thwarted belongingness, alcohol consumption, suicidal and homicidal ideation in a criminal justice population. Journal of Addiction Medicine.
  9. Peters, E. N., Hendricks, P. S., Clark, C. B., Vocci, F. J., & Cropsey, K. L. (in press). Adult African American marijuana users derive less benefit from community- based substance abuse treatment. Journal of Addiction Medicine.
  10. Hendricks, P. S., Thorne, C. B., Clark, C. B., Coombs, D. W., Johnson, M. W. (2015). Classic psychedelic use is associated with reduced psychological distress and suicidality in the United States adult population. Journal of Psychopharmacology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0269881114565653
  11. McCullumsmith, C., Clark, C. B., Blair, C., Cropsey, K., & Shelton, R. (2015). Rapid follow-up for patients after psychiatric crisis. Community Mental Health Journal, 51(2), 139-144.
  12. Cropsey, K. L., Clark, C. B., Jardin, B., M., Raper, J. L., Saag, M., & Burkholder. (2015). An algorithm approach to determining smoking cessation treatment for persons living with HIV/AIDS: Results of a pilot trial. Journal of AIDS. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000000579
  13. Clark, C. B., Thorn, C., Vann, J., & Cropsey, K. L. (2014). Five-factor personality and cooperative behavior. North American Journal of Psychology, 16(3), 481-493.
  14. Petrov, M. E., Clark, C. B., Molzof, H. E., Johnson Jr. R. L., Cropsey, K. L., Gamble, K. L. (2014). Sleep strategies of night-shift nurses on days off: which ones are most adaptive? Frontiers In Neurology, 5,1-8.
  15. Clark, C. B., Hendricks, P. S., Lane, P. S., Trent, L., & Cropsey, K. L. (2014). Methadone maintenance treatment may improve completion rates and delay opioid relapse for opioid dependent individuals under community corrections supervision. Addictive Behaviors, 39(12), 1736-1740.
  16. Cropsey, K. L., Trent, L. R., Clark, C. B., Stevens, E. N., Lahti, A. C., & Hendricks, P. S. (2014). How low should you go? Determining the optimal cutoff for exhaled carbon monoxide to confirm smoking abstinence when using cotinine as reference. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 16(10), 1348-1355.
  17. Clark, C. B., Reiland, S., Thorne, C., Cropsey, K. L. (2014). Relationship of trauma exposure and substance abuse to self-reported violence among men and women in substance abuse treatment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 29(8), 1514-30.
  18. Cropsey, K. L., Leventhal, A. M., Stevens, E. N., Trent, L. R., Clark, C. B., Lahti, A. C., Hendricks, P. S. (2014). Expectancies for the effectiveness of different tobacco interventions account for racial and gender differences in motivation to quit and abstinence self-efficacy. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 16(9), 1174-1182.
  19. Hendricks, P. S., Clark, C. B., Johnson, M. W., Fontaine, K. R., & Cropsey, K. L. (2014). Hallucinogen use predicts reduced recidivism among substance-involved offenders under community corrections supervision. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 28(1), 62-66.
  20. Clark, C. B., Hendricks, P. S., Brown, A., & Cropsey, K. L. (2014). Anxiety and suicidal ideation predict successful completion of substance abuse treatment in a criminal justice population. Substance Use and Misuse, 49(7), 836-841.
  21. Cropsey, K. L., Martin, S., Clark, C. B., McCullumsmith, C., Lane, P., Hardy, S., Hendricks, P. S., Redmond, N. (2013). Characterization of opioid overdose and response in a high-risk community corrections sample: A preliminary study. Journal of Opioid Management, 9(6), 393-400.
  22. Clark, C. B., Thorne, C. B., Hardy, S., & Cropsey, K. L. (2013). Cooperation and depressive symptoms. Journal of affective disorders, 150(3), 1184-1187.
  23. Clark, C. B., McCullumsmith, C. B., Redmond, N., C. B., Hardy, S., Waesche, M. C., Osula, G., & Cropsey, K. L. (2013). Factors associated with rapid failure in a treatment alternatives for safer communities (TASC) program. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 45(4), 376-380.
  24. Cropsey, K. L., Hendricks, P. S., Jardin, B., Clark, C. B., Katiyar, N., Willig, J., Mugavero, M., Raper, J. L., Saag, M., & Carpenter, M. J. (2013). A pilot study of screening, brief intervention, and referral for treatment (SBIRT) in non-treatment seeking smokers with HIV. Addictive Behaviors, 38(10), 2541-2546.
  25. Clark, C. B., Waesche, M. C., Hendricks, P. S., McCullumsmith, C. B., Redmond, N., Katiyar, N., Lawler, R. M., & Cropsey, K. L. (2013). The relationship between prior suicidal behavior and mortality among individuals in community corrections. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 34(6), 428-433.
  26. Cropsey, K. L., Lane, P. S., Perkins, A. C., Clark, C. B., Hardy, S., McCullumsmith, C., & Stitzer, M. L. (2013). Buprenorphine and medication management in a community corrections population: A pilot study. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 7(3), 210-215.
  27. Clark, C. B., McCullumsmith, C. B., Waesche, M. C., Perkins, A., Islam, A. M., Francis, R., & Cropsey, K. L. (2013). HIV-risk characteristics in community corrections. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 7(1), 45-51.
  28. McCullumsmith, C. B., Clark, C. B., Perkins, A., Fife, J., & Cropsey, K. L. (2013). Gender and racial differences for suicide attempters and ideators in a high risk community corrections population. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 34(1), 50-62.
  29. Durga, R., Clark, C. B., & Treisman, G. (in press). Psychiatric comorbidities among individuals with HIV and chronic pain. The Treatment of Chronic Pain in Individuals Living with HIV.
  30. Dehon, E., Clark, C. B., & Cropsey, K. L. (in press). HIV in the African American population. Encyclopedia of AIDS.
  31. Peters, E. N., Hendricks, P. S., Clark, C. B., Cropsey, K. L., & Vocci, F. (2014). Impact of race and age on treatment completion among adult marijuana users. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 140, e175.
  32. Cropsey, K. L., Eldridge, G. D., & Clark, C. B. (2014). Tobacco abuse in correctional settings. Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 5233-5239.
  33. Savage, R.J., Durant, N., Clark, C. B., & Cropsey, K. (2014). Adolescent mothers: The effect of children on substance use treatment outcomes. Journal of Adolescent Health,54 (2), S90
  34. Knezevic, B., Clark, C. B., Hendricks, P. S., Thorne, C. B., Cropsey, K.L. (2013). The multifactorial nature of impulsivity: Integration of cognitive, behavioral, and personality facets of impulsivity within the criminal justice population. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 27 (4), 570-571.