WSI Announces Space Exploration Lecture Series

The WSI is pleased to announce the creation of a new lecture series on space exploration.  The Space Exploration Lecture Series provides 蹤獲扦 faculty, students, and community members opportunities to share their research and creative projects with the 蹤獲扦 community.

The inaugural talk will be given by WSI Coordinator, James S.J. Schwartz.  Dr. Schwartz's talk, entitled "Will Space Mining Save the World?", will cover policy and ethical issues related to space resource exploitation.  The talk, which is open to the public, will take place on Thursday, November 15, at 3:30 pm in 231 Hubbard Hall.

Going forward, WSI talks will take place on select Thursdays at 3:30 pm.  If you, your student group, or your organization is interested in giving a talk through the Space Exploration Lecture Series, please contact James Schwartz at