Annual Financial Report
The University's most recent Annual Financial Report (AFR) is available at the link below:
The AFR contains the consolidated financial statements for 蹤獲扦 University and its component units. the 蹤獲扦 Innovation Alliance, Inc. (WSIA) has been included in the basic financial statements as a blended component unit. In addition, the following organizations are reported as discretely presented component units:
- 蹤獲扦Foundation and Alumni Engagement (Foundation)
- 蹤獲扦Intercollegiate Athletic Association (ICAA)
- 蹤獲扦Union Corporation (Union Corp)
- 蹤獲扦Board of Trustees (Board of Trustees)
- 蹤獲扦Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology (蹤獲扦 Tech)
The AFR includes the following information:
- Introductory section: the introductory section includes general information about the University, including a list of principal officials, the Universitys current organizational chart and a letter of transmittal. The letter of transmittal includes forward-looking information about the Universitys projects and strategic initiatives.
- Financial section:
- Managements Discussion & Analysis (MD&A) provides an objective analysis of the Universitys financial activities, with a focus on a comparison of the current fiscal year to the previous fiscal year.
- Basic Financial Statements includes comparative statements for the University and its discretely presented
component units:
- Statement of Net Position presents the assets, deferred outflows of resources, liabilities, deferred inflows of resources and net position of the University at a point in time (at the end of the fiscal year). Its purpose is to present a financial snapshot of the University.
- Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Net Position presents the activity that occurred during the fiscal year. Revenues earned and expenses incurred during the fiscal year on an accrual basis are classified as either operating or nonoperating.
- Statement of Cash Flows presented for the University only, this statement presents sources of changes in cash and cash equivalents.
- Notes to the Financial Statements provides additional information about the reporting entity, significant accounting policies and significant classes of transactions.
- Required Supplementary Information includes information about the Universitys pension and other post-employment benefit plans, which is required for GAAP reporting purposes.
- Supplementary Information combining schedules for the Universitys discretely presented component units are presented as supplementary information.
The University is governed by the Kansas Board of Regents and is an agency of the State of Kansas. As such, the Universitys financial statements are consolidated into the State University System and included as a discretely presented component unit in the annual comprehensive financial report (ACFR) of the State of Kansas.
Although the Universitys stand-alone financial statements do not include an auditors opinion, the Universitys financial information, which is incorporated into the States financial report, is subjected to audit procedures as part of the States other discretely presented component units opinion unit.
For additional information about the results of the State of Kansas audit, please refer to the separately issued ACFR for the State of Kansas available at: .
Similar to the Universitys financial statement audit, which is completed as part of the State University System, the Universitys Single Audit is also completed as part of the State as a whole. Information about the results of the Statewide Single Audit report is available at: .
For the most recent Single Audit completed for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023:
- The audit opinions for programs administered by 蹤獲扦 were unmodified
- There were no material weaknesses in internal control over major programs related to programs administered by 蹤獲扦 reported in the Auditors reports
- There were no significant deficiencies in internal control over major programs related to programs administered by 蹤獲扦 reported in the Auditors reports
- There were no findings disclosed that are required to be reported in accordance with 2 CFR 200.516(a) related to programs administered by 蹤獲扦 reported in the Auditors reports
FY23 Annual Financial Report
FY22 Annual Financial Report
FY21 Annual Financial Report
FY20 Annual Financial Report
FY19 Annual Financial Report
FY18 Annual Financial Report
FY17 Annual Financial Report
FY16 Annual Financial Report
FY15 Annual Financial Report
FY14 Annual Financial Report
FY13 Annual Financial Report
FY12 Annual Financial Report
FY11 Annual Financial Report
FY10 Annual Financial Report
FY09 Annual Financial Report
FY08 Annual Financial Report
FY07 Annual Financial Report
FY06 Annual Financial Report
FY05 Annual Financial Report