Job Offer and Offer Letter Non Teaching Positions
After you have completed reference checks, you are ready to begin the offer process.
- The search chair requests that a contingent offer be extended to a selected candidate
using PeopleAdmin.
- In PeopleAdmin, open posting and go to Applicants tab.
- Click the check box beside the desired candidate.
- Click the Actions button and then Move in Workflow.
- Select Extend Contingent Offer.
- Search chair receives an email with the link to the Candidate Offer Worksheet.
- Search chair completes Worksheet and sends it to HR by using the Send button.
- HR is notified of the offer request through PeopleAdmin.
- NOTE: Candidate must start work in position at the beginning of a payperiod.
- HR prepares the offer for the candidate based on the completed Candidate Offer Worksheet.
It also includes a review of the following:
- Verification of the candidate meeting minimum experience and education.
- Check rehire status if applicable.
- Check prior state service if applicable.
- Verification that offer is within the salary structure for the position.
- Verification that start date is valid NEO date.
- Verification of need for background check.
- Verification of need for Drivers License check based on PD.
- HR contacts search chair to review the offer details.
- Search chair emails signed background check release form to HR.
- HR extends contingent offer to candidate.
- If candidate declines, HR contacts search chair.
- If candidate accepts, HR notifies search chair via PeopleAdmin of acceptance.
- HR sends background check link to candidate (if needed) and starts hiring proposal (HP), including the data entry. The HP will be routed to the budget officer or ORTT Payroll, depending on funding status.
- HR disqualifies all remaining candidates once the background check is clear. If no background check is required, HR disqualifies all remaining candidates upon offer acceptance. This process will send an email to candidates not selected about the status of the position.
- When all hiring activities are complete (background check, hiring proposal, etc.), search chair receives an email from HR indicating that the new hire is clear to begin work.
NOTE: The candidate cannot begin work in the new position until the email referenced in Step 9 is received indicating that the hiring process is complete.
Background Check
Please review the Background Check page for further information.
These instructions apply to USS and UP searches. For information on Faculty searches, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs. |
Revised: 12/12/2019 MI