2017 Service Recognition Honorees
Jerry Antes | National Institute for Aviation Research |
Joan Antes | Office of Human Resources |
Deborah Ballard-Reisch | Elliott School of Communication |
Johnnie Barnhart | Rhatigan Student Center |
Jean Brickell | Medical Laboratory Sciences |
Christopher Brooks | English |
Doris Burgert | Counseling, Leadership, Educational & School Psychology |
Gail Burkett | Modern & Classical Languages & Literatures |
Margaret Carter | Physical Plant Director's Office |
Alex Chaparro | Psychology |
Sheryl Chapman | School of Social Work |
Kenneth Ciboski | Political Science |
Jean Collins | Intensive English Language Center |
Becky Corrigan | Student Health Services |
Woodrow Depontier | Physical Plant Director's Office |
Roger Dick | Architectural & Engineering Service |
Connie Dietz | Career Development |
Melissa Dimeo | Education Dean's Office |
Darwin Dorr | Psychology |
Jimmie Elliott | Building Maintenance |
Jane Eshelman | Education Support Services |
Gail Fenno | Building Maintenance |
Mary Sue Foster | Art, Design & Creative Industries |
Gary Goldsmith | Building Maintenance |
Francisco Guerrero | Building Maintenance |
Sherri Heersche | Education Support Services |
Janelle Heier | Office of Human Resources |
Isabel Hendry | Biological Sciences |
Beverly Henline | University Libraries |
Debra Herndon | Marketing |
Mary Herrin | VP for Finance & Administration |
James Herrman | Rhatigan Student Center |
Dana Hess | Office of Human Resources |
Michael Jennings | NIAR - Environmental Test Lab |
Se Kim | Custodial Maintenance |
Marie King | School of Music |
Rodney Kirkland | Landscape & Ground Maintenance |
Mary Koehn | School of Nursing |
Kathleen Kramer | Health Professions Dean's Office |
Phillip Ladwig | Liberal Arts Advising Center |
Martha Lewis | Disability Support Services |
Sandra Lopez | Sponsored Research Accounting |
Lorraine Madway | University Libraries |
Almer J. Mandt | Philosophy |
Gayle Martin | Public Policy and Management Center |
Abu Masud | Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering |
Wyatt McCrea | Art, Design & Creative Industries |
Nancy McKellar | Counseling, Leadership, Educational & School Psychology |
Roberta Norton | Financial Operations |
Valerie Perkins | Career Development |
Mary Robillard | Curriculum & Instruction |
Barbara Sawtelle | Communication Sciences & Disorders |
Gary Scott | Central Energy Plant |
Nancy Sells | Office of Financial Aid |
Jerry Shaw | School of Community Affairs |
David Soles | Philosophy |
Deborah Soles | Philosophy |
Kathy Strattman | Communication Sciences & Disorders |
Kevin Straub | Energy Management Systems |
Patrick Terry | Counseling, Leadership, Educational & School Psychology |
Kim Hau Tran | Custodial Maintenance |
Susan Unruh | Counseling, Leadership, Educational & School Psychology |
Gayle Veltman | Counseling & Testing Center |
Ngau Vo | Custodial Maintenance |
Elnora Walker | National Institute for Aviation Research |
Jane Washburn | School of Nursing |
David Wasinger | Information Technology Services |
Gwendolyn Werle | International Education |
Camilla Wilson | Physical Therapy |
Michel Winters | VP for Finance & Administration |
50 Years of Service
Stephen Brady | Mathematics, Statistics & Physics |
Dharam Chopra | Mathematics, Statistics & Physics |
Gerald Graham | Management |
40 Years of Service
Anthony Parsons | Energy Management System |
Robert Ross | Marketing |
35 Years of Service
Buma Fridman | Mathematics, Statistics & Physics |
Ruth Matz | Athletic Director |
Michael Papadakis | Aerospace Engineering |
Brigitte Roussel | Modern & Classical Languages & Literatures |
David Thomas | Custodial Maintenance |
30 Years of Service
Denecia Angleton | Graduate School Dean's Office |
Richard Armstrong | Elliott School of Communication |
Judith Barnes | Psychology |
Connie Basquez | University Libraries |
Francis Bias | Custodial Maintenance |
Catherine Childs | Custodial Maintenance |
Diana Cochran-Black | Medical Laboratory Sciences |
Dorothy Harpool | Marketing |
Ward Jewell | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Joseph Kleinsasser | Strategic Communications |
Kenneth Pitetti | Physical Therapy |
Jill Pletcher | Career Development |
Kerry Rosenboom | Strength and Conditioning |
Sonja Schroeder | Custodial Maintenance |
Madeline Sparling | University Libraries |
Kenneth Tedder | Mechanical Engineering |
Thomas Wallis | Mathematics, Statistics & Physics |
Brenda Woodward | Modern & Classical Languages & Literatures |
25 Years of Service
Heather Ballard | 蹤獲扦 Police Department |
Betty Campbell | School of Nursing |
Jama Challans | Registrar's Office |
Amy Schafer | Strategic Communications |
20 Years of Service
Vladimir Butnev | Biological Sciences |
Kenneth Butt | Energy Management Systems |
Lafayette "L.C." Childs | Landscape & Ground Maintenance |
William Cooper | Plumbing Shop |
Terence Decker | Economics |
Melissa Donham | Center for Management Development |
Patricia Dooley | Elliott School of Communication |
Kelly Eck | Financial Operations |
Judith Gariepy | Student Health Services |
Greg Gates | Paint Shop |
Jeannie Hernandez | Philosophy |
C. Nicholas Johnson | School of Performing Arts |
Rhonda K. Lewis | Psychology |
Darchel Loggins | Career Development |
Adriana Mau | Physical Plant Director's Office |
Carolyn McCoy | Custodial Maintenance |
Patricia Morriss | MRC - Instructional Design & Technology |
Sue Nyberg | Physician Assistant Program |
Michael Purdue | Landscape & Ground Maintenance |
Sherryl Purdue | Information Technology Services |
Daniel Reikofski | Postal Services |
Thomas Retz | Auto Service |
Myron Richard | Talent Search/Project Discovery |
Michael Sperlazza | Postal Services |
Lula Stephens | KMUW |
Patricia Temple | Undergraduate Admissions |
Korey Torgerson | Student Services |
Muhammad Usmani | University Libraries |
Jimmy Walker | HVAC Shop |
Sander Williams | Landscape & Ground Maintenance |
Chihdar Yang | Aerospace Engineering |
15 Years of Service
Ikramuddin Ahmed | Mechanical Engineering |
John Bardo | Office of the President |
Alan Beisel | Custotial Maintenance |
Garret Bergkamp | Information Technology Services |
Kristie Bixby | Office of Academic Affairs |
Brian Brown | NIAR - Robotics and Automation Lab |
Robert Bubp | Art, Design & Creative Industries |
Krysti Carlson-Goering | Information Technology Services |
Wendy Ciarleglio | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Mary Darnell d | Office of Financial Aid |
Cathy Doughty | Women's Studies & Religion |
Mary Evans | Parking System Revenue Fund |
Yumi Foster | Modern & Classical Languages & Literatures |
Daryl Gobin | Housing and Residence Life |
Jody Hall | University Conferences & Non-Credit Programs |
Steven Helm | Finance Real Estate & Decision Sciences |
LaDawna Hobkirk | Sociology |
Jillian Hoefer | Child Development Center |
Larry Ingram | Custodial Maintenance |
Sarah Jolley | Community Engagement Institute |
Suresh Keshavanarayana | Aerospace Engineering |
Nancy Loosle | Student Involvement |
Susan Matveyeva | University Libraries |
Walter Mayne | Housing and Residence Life |
Carrye McGrath | University Libraries |
Brian Moore | Landscape & Ground Maintenance |
Larry Morton | NIAR - Aircraft Structural Test/Evaluation Center |
Achita Muthitacharoen | Finance Real Estate & Decision Sciences |
Keith Neufeld | Information Technology Services |
Karen Newton | Registrar's Office |
Thom Nguyen | Custodial Maintenance |
Penny Post | Financial Operations |
Travis Richardson | Physical Plant Warehouse |
David Smith | Office of Planning and Analysis |
Martha Smith | School of Community Affairs |
Robin Stevens | National Institute for Aviation Research |
Huong Tran | Custodial Maintenance |
Sabrina Vasquez | School of Performing Arts |
Michelle White | Financial Operations |
Mehmet Yildirim | Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering |
Angela Zeorlin | Office of Financial Aid |
10 Years of Service
Thomas Aldag | National Institute for Aviation Research |
Nancy Allinger | Graduate School Dean's Office |
Jennifer Anozie | Health Professions Dean's Office |
Dianna Beat | Financial Operations |
Amy Belden | Information Technology Services |
Daniel Bergman | Curriculum & Instruction |
Fred Besthorn | School of Social Work |
Jacqueline Boyles | Student Conduct and Community Standards |
Misty Bruckner | Public Policy and Management Center |
Ngoyi Bukonda | Public Health Sciences |
Gaylen Chandler | Management |
Christina Clarkson | 蹤獲扦 Police Department |
Melissa Conley | Registrar's Office |
Theresa Cooper | School of Nursing |
Linda Cory | Aerospace Engineering |
Jonathan Cyphers | KMUW |
Jean Dandurand | Student Health Services |
Reitha Deiter | Medical Laboratory Sciences |
Amy DeVault | Elliott School of Communication |
Angela Dudley | 蹤獲扦 Foundation |
Craig Elliott | Counseling, Leadership, Educational & School Psychology |
Kimberly Engber | English |
Marche Fleming-Randle | Diversity & Community Engagement |
Johanna Fonkert | Strategic Communications |
Debra Franklin | 蹤獲扦 Ventures |
Jean Griffith | English |
David Haynes | Custodial Maintenance |
Christine Heim | KMUW |
Patrice Hein | Education Dean's Office |
Amy Houpt | 蹤獲扦 Foundation |
Gregory Houseman | Biological Sciences |
Michelle Jarboe | Child Development Center |
Jens Kreinath | Anthropology |
Preethika Kumar | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Kyoung Lee | School of Social Work |
Randi Lindquist | Office of Human Resources |
Karen Loyd | Small Business Development Center |
Michael Marshall | Men's Basketball |
Pamela Martin | School of Nursing |
Stephanie Nicks | School of Nursing |
Steven Oare | School of Music |
Rebecca Off | University Event Services |
Dominic Okon | Men's Basketball |
Matthew Opliger | NIAR - Composites & Structures |
Sandra Peer | Mathematics, Statistics & Physics |
John Perry | Management |
Debra Purdy | Physician Assistant Program |
Atul Rai | School of Accountancy |
Nicole Rogers (August 25, 2013) | Public Health Sciences |
Gerald Scholl | School of Music |
Julie Scott | Office of Financial Aid |
Derek Smith | Electrical Shop |
Joshua Smith | 蹤獲扦 Police Department |
Nick Solomey | Mathematics, Statistics & Physics |
M. Danna Sprankle | School of Accountancy |
Heather Stafford | Student Health Services |
Steven Stickley | Energy Management Systems |
Erin Stieben | Alumni Association |
Teresa Strausz | Community Engagement Institute |
Levente Sulyok | Art, Design & Creative Industries |
Felicia Torres | Financial Operations |
Angeline Tucker | Central Services |
Sook Turner | Custodial Maintenance |
Deborah Willis | Office of Disability Services |
John Wise | Women's Track |
Michael Yeung | 蹤獲扦 South |
5 Years of Service
Laurie Alloway | Medical Laboratory Sciences |
Sonja Armbruster | Public Health Sciences |
Kristin Arnold | Engineering Dean's Office |
Brian Austin | Career Development |
Katie Austin | Housing and Residence Life |
Sheri Barnes | Education Support Services |
Patricia Beamer | School of Nursing |
Jedd Beaudoin | KMUW |
Lori Blizzard | Financial Operations |
Cynthia Bonus | Custodial Maintenance |
Susan Bray | Counseling, Leadership, Educational & School Psychology |
Johnetta Buchanan-Spachek | Student Government Association |
Jessica Carter | Kansas Kids @ GEAR UP |
Susan Castro | Philosophy |
Camille Childers | Student Health Services |
Cheyla Clawson | School of Performing Arts |
Francis Connor | English |
Carolyn Copple | Ulrich Museum of Art |
Sarah Crespo | KMUW |
Cathy Crist | Kansas Kids @ GEAR UP |
Randall Daniel | Electrical Shop |
Deah Davis | School of Social Work |
Duane Davis | Computational Mechanics |
Tinka Davis | Mathematics, Statistics & Physics |
Geoffrey Deibel | School of Music |
Jolynn Dowling | School of Nursing |
Paula Downs | Public Policy & Management Center |
Cathy Durano | Curriculum & Instruction |
Patricia Dwyer | School of Nursing |
Ricki Ellison | Undergraduate Admissions |
Jaya Escobar-Bhattacharjee | Upward Bound Wichita Prep |
Jeffrey Fisher | NIAR - Virtual Reality Lab |
Shareika Fisher | Office of Student Success |
Kewa Foster | Women's Tennis |
Katherine Franks | Advanced Education in General Dentistry |
Lisa Garcia | Physical Therapy |
Katie Gee | NIAR - Communications |
Maojun Gong | Chemistry |
Joe Gonzales | Kansas Kids @ GEAR UP |
Stacy Grove | Undergraduate Admissions |
Nils Hakansson | Biomedical Engineering |
John Hammond | Mathematics, Statistics & Physics |
Michael Hanawalt | School of Music |
Barry Harris | Custodial Maintenance |
Riccardo Harris | North Wichita GEAR UP |
Carole Higgins | Information Technology Services |
Maxwell Hinman | Biomedical Engineering |
Jarrod Hipps | Information Technology Services |
Moniqueka Holloway | National Institute for Aviation Research |
Lauren Hoppock | Liberal Arts Advising Center |
J. David Hunsicker | School of Music |
Lavell Jackson | North Wichita GEAR UP |
Murtuza Jadliwala | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Addie James | One Stop Student Services |
Amy Kim | Campus Credit Union Payroll Fund |
Wonyoung Kim | Sport Management |
Tami Koester | nformation Technology Services |
Bryan Lehecka | Physical Therapy |
Lori Linenberger | 蹤獲扦 Foundation |
Ryan Longwell | Applied Learning Program |
Stacey Mann | School of Social Work |
Emily Martin | VP for Finance & Administration |
Maricela Martinez | Custodial Maintenance |
Christina Marvin | Psychology |
Emmanuel Massawe | NIAR - Composites & Structures |
Thomas McGuire | Engineering Dean's Office |
Stephen Miller | NIAR-Emerging Technology & Composites Lab |
Andrew Moses | Student Services |
Rebekah Murphy | Physical Therapy |
Andrew Myers | Education Support Services |
Jessica Newman | Undergraduate Admissions |
James Owens | Carpentry Shop |
Diep Pham | Custodial Maintenance |
Sheryl Propst | Office of Human Resources |
Ashley Purdum | Communication Sciences & Disorders |
Tahmina Rahman | Talent Search/Project Discovery |
Veronica Ramos Blanford | School of Nursing |
Jennifer Rodgers | School of Nursing |
Karen Rogers | South Wichita GEAR UP |
Michael Rogers | Physical Therapy |
William Rose | Paint Shop |
Grant Rudd | NIAR - Aircraft Structural Test/Evaluation Center |
Brandon Saathoff | NIAR - Composites & Structures |
Caleb Saathoff | NIAR - Composites & Structures |
Amanda Schmits | Rhatigan Student Center |
Sarah Sell | Office of Student Success |
Stacy Shanahan | Alumni Association |
Karla Sharp | Dental Hygiene |
Anna Sharpe | NIAR - Aircraft Structural Test/Evaluation Center |
Harlan Sharpe | NIAR - Environmental Test Lab |
Demario Smith | 蹤獲扦 Police Department |
Terry Smith | Landscape & Ground Maintenance |
Kimberly Sowell, | Office of Purchasing |
Chad Steinkamp | Undergraduate Admissions |
Andrea Stipp | Rhatigan Student Center |
Hiu Fai Tai | International Education |
Perlekar Tamtam | Engineering Dean's Office |
Micah Thompson | Office of Human Resources |
Hue Tran | Custodial Maintenance |
Steven Tyler | Central Energy Plant |
Silas Unruh | Paint Shop |
Jeanne Vance, | School of Music |
Michelle Wallace | Physician Assistant Program |
Nalinda Warnakulasooriya Waas | NIAR - Composites & Structures |
Kevin Wedan | Fine Arts Dean's Office |
Connor Whitney | NIAR - Aircraft Structural Test/Evaluation Center |
Nicole Keene Woods (May 16, 2015) | Public Health Sciences |
Sz De Yu | School of Community Affairs |