Decorative Blue Wheat

Deploying a Blackboard Test

Now that you have a test created, you will need to place it in the course for students to access. A test created in the Test tool--or Test Canvas--will not be available to students until you deploy/move it to the courses content area.

Step 1- To deploy the test to content area:

Login to the course and navigate to the content area where the test should appear, such as inside a module/unit folder.

Select the Assessment button in the ribbon at the top of the content page. A dropdown menu will appear with options.

Select the Test option from the dropdown list. The Assessments button dropdown menu is open and a box surrounds the option for Test

Select the test that was created from the Add an Existing Test selection box and click Submit.

A test name is highlighted indicating the test is selected to be deployedThe Test Options page will open where you can adjust and select test settings; such as test timers, exceptions, display dates, feedback, and more.