This review cycle starts on the first day of the semester and ends on one (1) month before the last day of the semester. Some review cycles may vary and function on an annual basis.
Due Dates
The following tasks do not have specific due dates; however, the items should be completed in the order outlined below.
Supervisor Planning and Review Documentation
The supervisor should review divisional student employee competencies for the new review period including any goals theyve worked with their student employee and then communicate the evaluation process. Supervisors should also review translation of job performance metrics to divisional competencies, especially in the case of new tasks or new job roles in their department.
Employee SelfEvaluation
The employee completes a selfevaluation. This allows the student to provide comments and notes on job performance and accomplishments. This step is optional. Supervisors are encouraged to have students complete a self-evaluation before their evaluation meeting.
Evaluation Meeting & ShockerGROW Conversations
The supervisor provides summary comments for competencies and must select ratings for all competencies. The supervisor then meets with the employee to discuss all sections of the evaluation and overall rating at least one month before the last day of the semester the meeting takes place. This is also when you can have a ShockerGROW conversation with your student employee. This is the recommended timeline for each semester if you are having an evaluation. ShockerGROW conversations should happen anytime throughout the semester before the student employee survey is conducted.
Fall | September 1 - November 15 |
Spring | February 1 - April 15 |
Summer | May 15 - July 31 |
Student Employee Survey
The student employee will receive a survey regarding their employment. The survey is voluntary and helps us assess our students understanding of their employment, retention, and other value information. The below date ranges are when student employees will have access to complete the Student Employee Survey for the associated semester.
Fall | December 1 - January 15 |
Spring | April 15 - May 15 |
Summer | August 1 - September 1 |
Supervisor Survey/Feedback
Supervisors will receive a feedback survey regarding the divisional student employee evaluation process to best serve our staff.
The completed evaluation will continue to be accessible to the supervisor in Anthology.
For questions regarding the Anthology software, contact Emily Guthrie in Student Affairs Assessment and Retention.
For more information on Divisional Student Employee evaluations and FAQs, please contact Megan Lewis in Student Affairs Staff Engagement office.
The following competencies are tied directly to the National Association of College Employers and the applied learning outcomes of the Shocker Career Accelerator office. The rating for the Competency section will account for 100% of the overall rating of the evaluation. When completing this section, the supervisor should provide specific examples of work expected that demonstrate how the competency would be rated. Job duties from the employees position description should be tied to the competencies. At the end of the review period, the manager should provide specific examples of how the employees performance did or did not match the desired behaviors.
Clearly and effectively exchange information, ideas, facts, and perspectives with persons inside and outside of an department/organization.
Demonstrate the awareness, attitude, knowledge, and skills required to equitably engage and include people from different local and global cultures.
Understand and leverage technologies ethically to enhance efficiencies, complete tasks, and accomplish goals.
Knowing work environments differ greatly, understand and demonstrate effective work habits, and act in the interest of the larger community and workplace.
Rating Scale
Does Not Meet Minimum Expectations
- Regularly fails to use this competency to achieve results at a level appropriate for the position
- Does not follow through with coaching and/or training to use this competency at a level appropriate for this position
- Routinely misses targeted metrics (e.g. quality, budget, quantity, deadlines) using this competency
- Regularly fails to use this competency to achieve results
Needs Improvement
- Needs to strengthen this competency to achieve results at a level appropriate for the position
- Needs further coaching and/or training to use this competency consistently at a level appropriate for this position
- Misses some targeted metrics (e.g. quality, budget, quantity, deadlines) using this competency
- Needs to strengthen this competency to achieve results using this competency
Meets Expectations
- Demonstrates this competency at a level appropriate for the position
- Is reliably and consistently successful in using this competency
- Consistently achieves targeted metrics (e.g. quality, budget, quantity, deadlines) using this competency
- Meets and sometimes exceeds expectations in how results are achieved using this competency
Exceeds Expectations
- Demonstrates this competency at levels exceeding expectations for the position
- May be viewed as a role model and/or mentor in helping others develop this competency
- Exceeds targeted metrics (e.g. quality, budget, quantity, deadlines) using this competency
- Frequently exceeds expectations in how results are achieved using this competency
- Demonstrates this competency at levels exceeding expectations for the position and is recognized as outstanding within the department, division, and/or university
- Is a clear role model and/or mentor in helping others develop this competency
- Sets targeted metrics high and far exceeds them (e.g. quality, budget, quantity, deadlines) using this competency
- Almost always exceeds expectations in how results are achieved using this competency