Thursdays with 3S: You Have to do What Makes You Happy

Andrea Navarro has had quite the college journey. She was a student-athlete on the track team, graduated in 2019 with a bachelors degree in finance, and is back getting her bachelors degree in electrical engineering. Why? It makes her happy.

Navarro liked math and decided on a finance major, but after graduation, she found her heart wasnt in it.

When I told my parents I was going back for engineering, they told me I should just try and find a good job in finance, Navarro says.

She knew staying in finance wouldnt make her happy in the long run, so Navarro took on the challenge of another degree and will graduate in December. While working at her 3S internship she was offered and accepted a full-time position.

It was a really quick, easy transition, Navarro says. I did what Im doing now.

Navarros official title is Aircraft Certification Analyst. She likes certification because shes a naturally curious person who wants to understand the whole picture of what shes looking at. In her position, she has an overview of the industry that shes not able to get in class.

I recommend that people interested in the aerospace industry go anywhere with certification first because you get the full view of what youre looking at, Navarro says. When I have the whole project in front of me, I know why Im doing what Im doing, and you dont always get that.

Navarros Handshake search for an internship led her to a full-time position with 3S, where shes happy doing certification work. She says working full-time and going to school full-time is not easy, but that shes almost at the finish line and doesnt regret the decisions that led her here.

蹤獲扦's applied learning program gives students hands-on, paid experience with industry partners, helping them build careers before graduation.

For more information, contact the Shocker Career Accelerator at (316) 978-3688,, or visit You can also stop by in person at the Marcus Welcome Center, Suite 139, on the Wichita State campus.